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This study was designed to evaluate the haemolymph immunological and antioxidant parameters in Penaeus vannamei fed on Sargassum ilicifolium hot-water extract (SHWE) supplemented diets. Three experimental groups including 0. 25, 0. 5, and 1% SHWE, and one control (without SHWE inclusion), each with three replicates, were applied. A totsl of 120 shrimps (4. 67± 0. 08 g) were randomly distributed into 12 experimental tanks. At the end of a 66-day feeding trial, haemolymph immunological and antioxidant parameters were measured. The results indicated that alkaline phosphatase increased significantly in 0. 25% SHWE fed treatment (P<0. 05). Glutathione peroxidase significantly increased in all the treatments fed the SHWE supplemented diets (P<0. 05). However, the levels of glutathione significantly increased in the groups fed by 0. 25 and 0. 5% SHWE supplemented diets (P<0. 05). The levels of glutathione s-transferase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase significantly increased in the treatment fed 0. 5% SHWE supplemented diet (P<0. 05), whereas the total antioxidant capacity levels remained unchanged among the treatments (P>0. 05). Both acid phosphatase and phenoloxidase did not influenced by dietary treatments (P>0. 05). The levels of lysozyme were significantly lower in the treatment fed 0. 25% SHWE supplementary (P<0. 05), whereas this experimental group did not show any difference with the others (P>0. 05). The numbers of THC, GC, SGC, and HC significantly increased in the treatment fed 0. 5% SHWE supplemented diet (P<0. 05). However, the fish fed 0. 25% SHWE supplemented diet exhibited significantly higher THC and SGC levels, compared to the control group (P>0. 05). The present results indicate that SHWE can be applied practically via a dietary route to boost the haemolymph antioxidant status as well as the cellular immunity of Pacific white shrimp.

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In this study, 17 females (90. 1± 4. 4 g) and 14 males (74. 8± 2. 1 g) broodstock of Razi Siah Mahi (Capoeta razii) were captured by cast net from Shalmanroud River in Guilan Province during the reproduction season and kept in controlled condition. After the adaptation to hatchery condition, 0. 5 mg Ovaprim (20 μ g sGnRH analogue and 10 mg domperidone per ml) per kg body weight (BW) was injected in the basal pectoral fin region to 10 females and 7 males at one stage. Moreover, other 7 females and 7 males were not injected (as control). All fish were checked 6 h interval and female fish showed positive response to hormone induction 25. 9± 0. 8 h following the injection; while no spawning was observed in control group. All males showed positive response to hormone-therapy and spermiation was observed after 24. 8± 0. 7 h, while no spermiation was observed in control group. After spawning and spermiation, spermatological parameters and reproductive performance were evaluated. The average of obtained oocyte weight and the number of oocytes were determined as 4. 2± 0. 2 g and 445. 0± 23. 7 oocyte g-1, respectively. Absolute and relative fecundities were calculated as 1869. 7± 183. 7 and 22. 4± 3. 9 oocyte per g BW, respectively. The examination of spermatological parameters showed motility time 72. 0± 12. 0 s, motility rate 80. 7± 3. 2%, sperm density 91. 4± 1. 4% and spermatocrit 26. 3± 5. 30%. After insemination, fertilization rate, hatching rate and the number of larvae per spawner were recorded as 86. 5± 1. 8%, 88. 5± 1. 8%, and 1662. 8± 173. 6 larva, respectively. The results of this study showed that Ovaprim successfully induced maturation in female and male Capoeta razii at a single dose in captivity and it can be used in hatcheries for stock rehabilitation and mass production of fry.

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Various herbal essences have been used in transportation of fish with conflicting results based on their sedative and anti-stress potency. Thymol, a phenolic compound with sedative effects, was used during transportation of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) juveniles in this study. Fish were divided to four groups and 0, 2. 5, 5 and 10 mg/l Thymol was added to transportation plastic bags of each group, respectively. The plastic bags were transported for 3 hours. Then, 2 fish were chosen randomly from each bag and blood samples were taken from the caudal vein. WBC and RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC were measured and percentages of HCT, Neutrophil, Monocyte and Eosinophil were determined. Furthermore, activity of complement, lysozyme and total immunoglobulin were assessed. The results showed that there was no significant difference among the groups contained Thymol and the control group regarding RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Monocytes and Eosinophils after transportation. The lowest Hb and HTC were observed in 5 mg/l thymol group. WBCs, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, lysozymes and complement showed no significant difference in 5 mg/l group, compared to the control group. However, WBCs, Neutrophils, Lysozymes and complement were higher in the 10 mg/l thymol group than the control. Besides, Lymphocytes were lower in 10 mg/l thymol group than the control. It is concluded that adding 5 and 10 mg/l Thymol to the water can, respectively, reduce and increase the transportation stress in common carp.

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The existence of a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) of some imported trout species and the reduction of the feeding costs of such trout, compared to Iranian egg has made it attractive to the use of foreign input. On the other, the imported eggs are significantly more expensive and cannot be supplied permanently, because of sanctions in Iran. It can also transfer disease to the Iranian trout farms. Therefore, this import problem is a threat to food security and farms' production. Hence, the use of imported egg versus domestic ones, on the one hand, is less welcomed in Iran, due to the possibility of instability and disruption in domestic production has been a major challenge in trout farming in this country. So that, the use of imported trout eggs has been questioned. Hence, the present study sought to find a solution to this problem. For this purpose, the concept of economic efficiency in the DEA model is employed in propagation and hatchery farms of Mazandaran Province. The findings revealed that the identified farms almost made the appropriate use of their inputs; So that the average technical efficiency among them is 87%. However, allocative efficiency was the main distractive factor in the farms; Thus, the average economic efficiency of them (propagation and hatchery farms) is lower and about 43%. Also, the average economic efficiency in propagation farms with domestic eggs (41%) is more than in farms with the use of just imported eggs (38%). Therefore, Changing the production structure in total dependant farms of Mazandaran (on imported eggs) to propagate domestic eggs can be advisable. Moreover, the reduction of feed prices and the use of capital-intensive technology instead of labor-intensive technology is another solution to ensure economic efficiency and sustainable food security in this province.

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In some cases, sexual maturation and reproduction show significant adverse effects on production trend so, monosex production has a key role in fish aquaculture. Respecting economic importance of sexual dimorphisms in growth rate, focusing on the sex with greater size and higher growth rate is necessary. Sexual separation, interspecific hybridization, thermal or electrical treatments, hormonal manipulation using synthetic steroids or using medicinal or humic compounds are within the main methods for monosex fish production. Among them, hormonal sex changes is one of the most efficient biotechnological methods, which cause some changes in normal hormonal sex differentiation in fish. Using synthetic sex steroids at higher than recommended dose or longer duration can cause significant adverse effects on fish such as sterility, negative feedback on immune and some endocrine gland and liver functions. In this manuscript, the benefits and production methods of monosex fish followed by sex determination mechanisms and systems in fish are summarized. Then some new environmental friendly methods such as using safer sex steroids, electrical shocks and/or medicinal plant compounds for fish sex changes are fully described. Finally the limitation of current knowledge regarding production of monosex fish are mentioned.

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Wastewater has been the biggest problem for the surimi industry. Thus, it is essential to have long-term strategies for surimi wastewater treatment, including recovery / reduction of the proteinous compounds, as well as the costs of such an operation. In the meantime, the recovery of myofibrillar proteins from surimi wastewater that is then put back into primary products has been an economic gain for the industry. There has also been a gradual shift in the strategies to incorporate other proteins such as sarcoplasmic proteins and bioactive compounds into the surimi product. However, the recovery of these compounds from wastewater is not profitable yet. It is necessary to clearly define goals for by-product recovery, as they directly determine the technology to be employed and the costs for operation and maintenance. A technology that is adopted to recover solids for human consumption will be more expensive than the one developed for producing animal feeds or landfills. One strategy may include a combination of different technologies for achieving different goals in order to develop the most cost-effective and profitable surimi byproduct utilization operations as well as reducing the amount of various organic compounds.

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The growth parameters and population traits of the Caspian Vimba were studied in order to investigate the changes in the population structure of this species based on 227 samples which was taken from Kiashahr port, on the southwestern coasts of the Caspian Sea from February 2019 to April 2020. In females, fork length ranged from 13. 5 to 20 cm and in males it ranged from 12. 5 to 20 cm. The highest frequency in age groups was belonged to 3+ years for both sexes and the sex ratio of male to female was 1: 1. 4. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated as k=0. 73, L∞ =17. 44 cm and t0=-1. 4 for females and k= 0. 6, L∞ =16. 97 cm and t0=-1. 5 for males. The length-weight relationship showed negative allometric growth patterns for both sexes, and the mean values of condition factor were calculated 1. 38± 0. 01 and 1. 35± 0. 01 for females and males, respectively. The size at the first maturity was estimated 12. 5 cm for females and 13. 2 cm for males. In conclusion, by comparing the obtained population traits of the Caspian vimba in the present study with the other studies in recent years, indicated a decrease in length range and following that it can be said that this species is under pressure and emphasize the need to reconsideration of fishing management in order to preserve the valuable Caspian vimba stocks.

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This survey was done to study the effect of the powder of Malva neglecta as a natural immune stimulant on growth factors and heamatological in Cyprinus carpio in summer 2016 during 60 days rearing period in aquaculture center of Islamic azad university, Ahvaz Branch. After adaptation, a totalof 360 fish were placed in 12 300-liters tanks, that 30 of fish (initial weight, 18. 10± 0. 18 gr) were in every tank. The treatments were included control (0 gr/Kg), treatment 1 (2%), treatment 2 (4 %) and treatment 3 (6%) of Malva neglecta powder. The results of defence cells in Cyprinus carpio were showed that Monocyts and Basiphyls observed just in treatment 1 and 2. The highest Lymphocyts and Noutrophilsw were counted respectively 95. 5% (treatment 3) 48. 16% (treatment 2). The Eosinophyls were not present in any of treatments. MCH (1. 12 μ m310-1) was showed in treatment three. The highest of complement factor and killing bacterial serum power were caculated in treatment 2 comparison to control (P<0. 05) but the highest of Lysosim observed in treatment 3 (55. 54 g/dI) (P<0. 05). The highest MCV, MCHC, WBC, RBC, Hg and HCT in treatment 3 were calculated respectively 1. 12 (μ m3)10-1, 5. 59 (μ m3)10-1, 3. 37 (μ m3)10-1, 173. 33 (103cell. mm-3), 1. 36 (106 cell. mm-3) 8. 3 (g/dI) and 40. 66%. The Malva neglecta powder were showed no significant difference in growth factor and survival in Cyprinus carpio (P>0. 05) but were observed 100% survival in fish in treatment 1, 2 and 3. The Value of 4% of powder Malva neglecta in diet caused improvement heamatological factors in Cyprinus carpio. Also 2 percent of powder in diet were cause of increasing complement factor and killing bacterial serum in this fish.

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Alginates are polysaccharides found in brown algae having the most content in marine biopolymers. The present study investigates to extract the alginate using acidic method at PH=2 and comparing antioxidants activity of the extracted alginate at different concentrations from the brown macroalgae of S. vulgare and P. pavonica. According to results of the antioxidant measurement of total phenol content, free hydroxyl radical content, free, total antioxidant activity in three concentrations (20, 100, 200 mg/ml), free superoxide radicals in two concentrations (4. 26, 41. 45 μ g/ml), chelating power in three concentrations (0. 1, 0. 5 and1 mg/ml), S. vulgare algae alginate was higher than P. pavonica algae alginate (P<0. 05). Also, percentage of the free radical scavenging of DPPH was observed at a concentration of (150 μ g/ml) by S. vulgare alginate and a concentration of (20 μ g/ml) by algae alginate P. pavonica (P<0. 05). No significant difference was found between the algae alginates in the reduction test in any of the concentration intervals (P>0. 05). Due to the high antioxidants capacity of the studied alginates in this study, alginate can be introduced as a potential source of natural antioxidant compounds in the food, medical, cosmetic and health industries.

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Mosallanejad Hadi

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Antiparasitic pesticides are important and valuable tools in fish health that with the expansion of aquaculture industry, their intensity and frequency use is definitely increasing. Resistance development in target organisms, is one of the serious threats to the effectiveness and efficiency of these chemicals. In this review we focused on two important sea-louse species, Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus which are more significance in Northern and Sothern Hemisphere, respectively. These ectoparasite which belong to subphylum Crustacea, represent the greatest concern for the salmon industry on a global level. Our results showed that development of resistance against different insecticide groups widely exist in these two ectoparasite which is considered as serious threats in the aquaculture industry with their global cost of million dollars. Moreover, fish resistance to piscicides was also reviewed. Collectively, complete and sufficient knowledge of various aspects of resistance can improve the productivity in aquaculture industry. Additionally, attention to preventive strategies can have a significant effect on delaying and slowing down the resistance development.

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In the present study, the effect of different carbon sources on water quality and growth performance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerlings by adding synbiotic into biofloc system (BFT) were investigated for 45 days. Three experimental treatments (B, C and D) containing corn, wheat and barley flours together with a control group (A) were prepared. The used synbiotic was a mixture of Bacillus circulans and B. lichiformis along with a Celmanax liquid commercial prebiotic at a final concentration of 1. 5×108 CFU/ml to each treatment. Fish fingerling (15. 98± 1. 93 g) was distributed randomly into 12 tanks (4 treatments × 3 riplicated) with 30 liters of capacity. At the end of the experiment, the nitrate, total hardness and total suspended solidsin in all treatments significantly increased compared with the control (P<0. 05). While, the dissolved oxygen in all treatments was lower than the control (P<0. 05). NO3 was measured higher than the control only in corn and barley treatments (P<0. 05). The highest final weight (40. 31± 11. 20 g), SGR (1. 59± 0. 27%), TGC (0. 98± 0. 09%), condition factor (2. 21± 0. 17), FCE (106. 09± 29. 47%), PER (4. 71± 1. 31), PEL (18. 22± 5. 04) and PEE (0. 13± 0. 04) were recorded in corn flour treatment. However, the lowest feed conversion ratio (1. 01± 0. 25) and relative feed intake (11. 94± 3. 79%) were observed in corn flour treatment (P<0. 05). The highest excretion rates of ammonia (1011. 45± 14. 27 mg. kg-1BW. day-1), urea (25. 30± 3. 57 mg. kg-1BW. day-1) and energy wast by excretion rates of ammonia (25. 36± 3. 50 mg. kg-1BW. day-1) and urea (6. 21± 0. 78 mg. kg-1BW. day-1) were recorded in barley flour (P<0. 05). In conclusion, the results demonstrat that the use of corn flour with synbiotic in the BFT system, compared to other carbon sources was more effective to improve the water quality and promoting of growth preformance of common carp fingerlings.

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Organisms living in frigid environments have evolved different mechanisms to deal with cold air. The emergence of the antifreeze protein gene is one of the most important mechanisms. Antifreeze proteins have critical functional properties for organisms to survive in cold environments. These proteins prevent freezing damage in living organisms such as fish by binding to ice crystals. The variety of species that contain this type of protein and the diversity of the proteins has resulted in the development of a wide range of antifreeze proteins of varying sizes and functions, which has piqued the interest of a variety of companies. Although the development of antifreeze proteins technology is in its infancy, it could have great potential for future performance. Meanwhile, marine resources provide humanity with a unique potential to create such valuable molecules due to their breadth and climatic variability. With this approach, the present study aims to study and introduce antifreeze proteins derived from fish to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the types of antifreeze proteins in them and their potential applications.

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Fish meal due to its protein richness is main source of food for animal husbandry and fish farming. Since our country has several fish meal factories in different coastal and non-coastal areas with specific management methods, therefore the present study aims to evaluate the quality of the product and their management methods in 17 fishmeal processing and production companies from 9 selected provinces consisting of 190 people (personnel, senior staff and management) usinf analytical-survey method. The results showed that the management capacity of fish meal factories in the country based on the opinions of employees is below the average and does not have proper conditions. However, the level of eight management skills varies in various province factories. The factories in the provinces of Guilan, Tehran, Sistan and Baluchestan and Isfahan have managers with high decision-making power. Taking into account the evaluation criteria of managers, the results showed that the factories of Hormozgan Province have the most suitable condition and Alborz Province had the weakest quality. The results of TVN survey showed that the provinces have a significant difference and the strongest are those factories of Semnan and Sistan and Baluchestan provinces and the weakest are those of Khuzestan and Guilan provinces.

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Fish shape is influenced by variable environmental parameters and in morphological studies, the relationship between the morphological features and environmental parameters are barely investigated. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the body shape of Namak Whitefish (Squalius namak) being influenced from environmental factors of the Jajrood River and also evaluate the contribution of each factor in shape variation. 103 specimens were collected from the Jajrood River. The environmental factors, i. e. water velocity, depth, temperature, pH, oxygen, the diameter of substrate stones, EC and TDS were record in the sapling points. The specimens were photographed and 13 landmarks for the geometric morphometric methods using TPSDig2 and 17 distance features for traditional morphometrics were measured. The geometric morphometric data were analysed using the package Geomorph in R software. The relationship between distance features in the traditional morphometric and the environmental factors were examined using two-block partial square regression. That was a positive significant correlation between the variables of traditional morphometrics and the environmental factors. The diameter of stone had the greatest positive significant relationship with the morphological features including pre-dorsal and pre-pectoral lengths. As to the geometric morphometrics, the greatest positive relationship was found between the depth and the landmarks 4, 9, 5 and 6. The present study indicated that there was polymorphism in Namak Whitefish because of environmental factors.

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In this study, the effects of Nano emulsions of clove oil (NCL), nano emulsions of lemonbeebrush plus clove oil (NLBC) and Tricaine Methanesulfonate (MS222) as anesthetic agents were investigated on blood parameters for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The experiments were accomplished by 120 fish with average weight 50± 12 g. The fish were sorted into 3 treatments each with 3 replicates (consisting of 10 fish in each replicate. The treatments consisted of NBLC with 10 mg/l concentration (T1) and NCL with 10 mg/l concentration (T2) and MS with 10 mg/l (T3). Bath method was used for anesthetic bath treatments. The control group was not exposed to any type of the anesthetic. The anesthetics treatments and control were saturated with oxygen. The time to reach the sedation stage was recorded. Fish were kept in sedation stage for 24h and then the chemical parameters of water were measured. 3 fihses randomly were selected from treatments and blood samples were collected through caudal vein. Blood biochemical (Urea, Na, Cl, K) and immunity parameters including (lactate, glucose, cortisol, lysozyme, SOD, ACH50) were measured. The results showd that NBLC can significantly decrease oxygen consuption and ammonia excretion compared to the control (P<0. 05). The results of nonspecific immune parameters showed that NLBC could significantly improve the glucose, lysozyme and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The result of this experiment clearly indicated that, NBLC induced sedation quicker comparing to other treatments, without any mortality. However, the result of this experiment indicated that, NBLC have the most effect comparing to NCL and MS222.

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Nowadays, one of main environmental problems of the aquaculture wastewaters is the presence of nutrients and heavy metals in these sources. The aim of this study was to investigate the phytoremediation potential of the Common duckweed (Lemna minor) in reducing nitrate, phosphate, cadmium and lead from aquaculture wastewater and determining the inhibitory effect of cadmium and lead on the growth of this species. For this experiment, L. minor were collected from the margins of the wetlands and transferred to the laboratory and were treated by four experimental groups in triplicate. At the end of the 15-day experimental period, the concentrations of heavy metals cadmium, lead, nitrate and phosphate in the treatments were examined. Increasing L. minor surface coverage decreased cadmium, lead, nitrate and phosphate concentration in the treatments. The study also showed that both lead and cadmium reduced the growth factors of L. minor. So that increasing the amount of lead by 20 mg /l reduced the growth of L. minor by 84. 11% and also cadmium by 30 mg /l reduced the growth of L. minor by 82. 1%. Finally, according to the results, it can be concluded that the L. minor is a valuable species for phytoremediation purposes.

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With the increasing of rainbow trout processing centers in the country, the optimal use of the wastes produced is necessary. One of the efficient use of waste products is convert them into products with value added products such as biosilage. This product, if it has the desirable characteristics, can be used in the fish, livestock and poultry feed industry. The aim of the present study was to produce biosilage from rainbow trout wastes using autogenous bacteria and to investigate the amino acid and fatty acid profiles of the product. The results showed that the total of essential, non-essential and total amino acids in the produced product are 32. 12, 27. 06 and 59. 18 g/100g, respectively. It was further found that among the essential and non-essential amino acids, arginine and glutamic acid have the highest amounts (5. 82 and 9. 02g per 100g of substrate, respectively) and the product produced does not contain the amino acid tryptophan. In the product, the chemical index was calculated based on the reference proteins for the amino acids histidine, arginine, valine and leucine more than one. Examination of biosilage fatty acids showed that the total of saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in this product are 33. 39, 31. 32 and 35. 27%, respectively. In the following, ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 in biological silage was reported to be 9. 73. According to the findings, biosilage produced from rainbow trout wastes is rich in term of amino acids and fatty acids and can be added to diet formulation in fish, livestock and poultry feed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the present study, the effect of acidic and enzymatic extraction of collagen from fish parrot skin was investigated. The results of extraction efficiency showed that the enzymatic method was three times more effective than acidic method. FTIR and SEM tests were used to further investigate the obtained collagens. The results showed that amides A and B appeared in similar regions for the obtained samples. Also, enzymes extracted by enzymatic method (PSC) had a more regular structure than collagen extracted by acidic method (ASC). The electrophoresis pattern of the extracted collagens revealed that the obtained collagens were type I and consisted of two 1α chains and one 2α chain with a density of 1α greater than 2α . The results of the percentage of neutralization of DPPH free radicals of the obtained collagens showed that among the concentrations of 0. 1, 0. 01 and 0. 001 the highest concentration had the best performance and for ASC sample 34. 35% and in the sample (ASCH) It was 53. 86 % (P<0. 05). Examination of emulsifying properties (EAI) of the obtained samples showed that both samples in acidic conditions showed higher emulsifying activity, the highest value of this index in acidic collagen 67. 48% and enzymatic collagen 32/17%, respectively (P<0. 05). The results of emulsion stability showed that hydrolyzed collagen samples at all pHs showed higher performance than non-hydrolyzed samples (P<0. 05). The solubility of the samples was different at different pHs and the highest solubility of the samples was acidic pH with 2. 38% for acidic collagen and 5. 3% for enzymatic collagen (P<0. 05). The results showed that the enzymatic method can have a better performance in extracting collagen from the skin of Scarus ghobban fish and also the obtained collagen can be used for food and cosmetic applications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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