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Shahbazi Ali Asghar

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The old Persian translations of the noble verses of the Holy Quran are among the valuable treasures of Persian literature. Kashf al-Asrar Meibodi and Rawz al-Jinan Abul Fotouh Razi are among these works, both of which were written in the sixth century A. H. Meibodi in 520 AH, and Abul Fotouh in the middle of this century, i. e. between 510 AH and 556 AH, composed these two works. The translation and literary accuracy of these two valuable works have distinguished them from their previous works, and in the interpretation section, they have left a rich legacy of jurisprudence, mysticism and hadith issues. In this article, focusing on the translation of a number of words from the verses of the Holy Quran in these two works, we deal with the problem of word selection and syntactic selections in these two translations. Study of old translations reveals translators' significant commitment to the source text, and proves their trustworthiness. The result of this study shows that following the style of the Quranic verses and paying attention to the Arabic structure of the verses in the eyes of both translators is clearly noticeable; But this issue is much less important in the eyes of Meibodi than the owner of Rawz al-Jinan; This is why the translation of the verses in the first part of Kashf al-Asrar appears to be much smoother than that of al-Jinan. In word selection, Meibodi prefers the use of Persian-origin and indigenous words, as the explanatory additions and mention of synonyms play a prominent role in the flow of his translated prose, and his phrasing and syntactic features have made it closer to the Persian structure.

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Barbari Shahira | Tawil So'ad

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Intertextuality with its different types and levels is one of the important artistic phenomena in formation of the contemporary literary text; therefore it has received significant attention from critics. This paper focusing on the threshold of the title, the main one and the sub-headings, tries to reveal Quranic intertextuality in Ayman al-Atoum’ s novel “ Oh My Two Fellow Prisoners” and present a semiotic approach to it. This title is the most appropriate in examining the textual thresholds, from which we stood on the novel’ s employment of the Quranic text and the mechanisms of its operation within the threshold of the title, its connotations and its intellectual and aesthetic dimensions. After research, it can be said that this approach has achieved the aesthetic, semantic and cognitive goals of it. By examining the manifestations of the Quranic intertextuality in the titles of the novel as significant semiotic signs, we concluded a set of results to be summarized here: the Qur’ anic intertextuality in the novel is an aesthetic phenomenon that reflects two angles of the writer’ s vision; The vision of the creator and the vision of the hero who lived the experience as a reality, which enabled him to convey it in detail. It took a wide area of direct and indirect presence, through the texts and its titles; These titles with the text formed thresholds that were considered stand-alone texts, through which the novelist Ayman al-Atoum succeeded in presenting a unique picture of exploiting the linguistic and pictorial energies of the venerable Quranic text, making it a goal for the creator to stand on and benefit from, on the linguistic and semantic levels.

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SARBAZ HASAN | Weisi Sargol

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One of the miraculous aspects of the Holy Quran is its rhetorical and expressive miracle that has long attracted the attention of scholars and orators and has paved the way for the emergence and spread of various branches of knowledge and art including rhetoric. In order to understand the linguistic miracle of the Holy Quran and its rigorous and scientific proof, scholars have studied and researched the terms, words, sentences, linguistic structure, and diction of the Holy Quran from different linguistic and literary angles. In this way, rhetoric and its three techniques, namely "Ma'ani", "Bayan", and "Badi", have been scrutinized the most. One of the embellishments that is widely used in the Holy Quran and has added to the magnificence of its linguistic structure is symmetry and its components including Tashabuh al-'Atraf (to repeat in the head of a sentence the word used in the end of the previous one), and "Iham Tanasob" (=proportional ambiguity). In symmetry, there must be a sense of proportionality and harmony among the words, and these words should not have any contradiction. In symmetry, the order of words and expressions that are proportional and harmonic creates a pleasant rhythm and music that influences the audience. This research is an attempt to study symmetry and its blend with some other embellishments (= Badi' devices) in the last five Chapters of the Holy Quran using a descriptive-analytical method. The results show that symmetry has been used in most verses along with other literary devices such as allusion, exaggeration, involution and evolution, encomium, pun, and rhyme, although it has been used in some cases alone.

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Merat Khadidja

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The Quranic discourse is a message that carries within it a rhetorical purpose that the sender directs to the addressee for a strategic goal of “ communication. ” The Holy Quran is a message from God Almighty that He revealed to his Messenger, “ Muhammad, ” (PBUH), to convey it to his nation; Among what was mentioned in that letter are the stories of the prophets and messengers and what they were exposed to by their nations, and the arguments that God supported them with; in order to take the lesson and exhortation from the previous nations, this calls for a communicative discursive strategy based on the context and the two sides of the communicative process (the speaker/ receiver). Thus, the Quranic text is a pragmatic text par excellence, because pragmatics is the study of the linguistic achievement during use; that is, the study of language when it is used in different maqam classes as a speech directed from the addresser to the recipient with a specific wording in a specific place to achieve a communicative purpose. For this purpose, this study aims to show the communicative and pragmatic dimension in the Quranic stories, by using the deliberative approach to the Quranic discourse, which focuses its attention on two matters: the discourse within the context in which it is mentioned, and the communicative role played by both the sender and the addressee during the communicative process, and that By monitoring the mechanisms of the deliberative approach, "such as pilgrims, dialogue imperative, verbal acts, dialogue" and others. . . that are found in the Quranic stories, so that this research paper sheds light on the story of Joseph; and that is through the context, which is based mainly on the purpose which addresser wants to communicate, in addition to the harmony and consistency of speech and its flow, and it is also concerned with the circumstances surrounding the communicative process and the conditions of the addressees in it.

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Elbuaishi Mabruka

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The purpose of writing this research is to deal with expressions that are apparently used contrary to the style and method of grammarians and accepted grammatical rules, so that through this approach, such expressions are analyzed and their implications from the Semantic point of view should be investigated and their norm avoidance be highlighted. In this research, with the descriptive-analytical method and with the approach of modern linguistic theories, especially the functional approach and pragmatic view of language, relying on the knowledge of syntax and using the comments of commentators, it was concluded that the science of syntax is effective in understanding the structure of combination of words because the interpretation follows a goal-oriented and communicative approach, and with the combination of the two, you can search for the hidden meanings and secrets of the divine speech in the Quran.

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In the emergence of Abdul Qaher Jurjani's theory of "Nazm" (=order), many scholars and grammarians such as: Sibuyeh, Jahiz, Mobarred, Abu Hilal Askari and others have been influential. Abdul Qaher learned syntax through the books of Abu Ali Farsi. This issue raises the hypothesis of the influence of Abu Ali more than any other scientists in the emergence of this theory. There are reasons that show that Abu Ali Farsi influenced Jurjani and his views played a direct role in the development of the theory of "Nazm". In this article, an attempt is made to investigate and explain Abu Ali Farsi's influence on Jurjani and his position in the theory of order from various aspects, especially syntactic, lexical and contextual, relying on the descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that Abu Ali Farsi had an undeniable influence on Abdul Qaher and has a high position in the emergence and maturity of Jurjani's "Nazm" theory. In Abu Ali's view, "Nazm" means composing words and adding words to each other based on a special method and order that leads to the speaker's intention and goal. Abu Ali used the syntax out of the situational and dictionary meanings and used it in a practical way through the context of words, and Jurjani continued and completed this way and showed it in the form of the theory of "Nazm".

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Holy Quran is the most effective book on Muslim life and literature. Its influence can be found in the words, subjects and styles of books written by Muslim writers in different ways. Jordanian writer and poet Ayman al-Atoum has used the holy Quran in different ways to the extent that he even has chosen the name of his novels from Quran. This article tries to investigate Quran's impression on the novel of Ro'ous al-Shayatin. He is speaking in this novel about the character of a genius that since his childhood was confused by different ideas. Eventully he released his mind from those bad ideas and became a good person. The usage of Quran in his writings is rooted in spiritual connection with the sacred book as other Muslims. It should be mentioned that studying and analysing the rate of Quran usage in Muslim writings is important because it leads to understand the limits of Quranic impression on their writings and works. This article with a descriptive-analytical method deals with writer's methods of utilizing Quran in Ro'ous al-Shayatin. Results show that the writer was influenced by the Holy Quran in Ro'ous al-Shayatin in 3 methods: first, direct quotation from Quran; second, intertextual usage of Quranic phrases; third, deliberate referral to Quran name among famous and philosophical books.

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Salem el Awadi El Sayed Mohamed | Ahmad Awad Ragab Ibrahim

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Deviation is an exciting rhetorical method because it creates a semantic effect on the recipient, taking him to more spacious spaces, and reflections that are more profound in terms of meaning and significance. It looks at the linguistic function as an interactive function between the creator, the text and the recipient, and not a set of rules that deal with language as templates can neither be changed nor departed from. The deviation loads the text with connotations that cannot be understood by the recipient if he follows the path of the normal, familiar and non-shifting stereotype. The deviation is most eloquent when it comes with the Qur’ anic text and presents the Qur’ anic image, so this semantic shift makes it more meaningful than other ordinary images. This article, usind a descriptive-analytical method, tries to shed light on deviation in the Holy Quran as an important aspect of Quranic style to prove the domination of the Qur’ anic style on other utterances and human speech. Results show that when it deviates from the familiar linguistic and semantic context, the verses of the Holy Quran acquire a wider dimension of meaning and its signification becomes more expressive, deeper and wider with different connotations.

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AFZALI ALI | Shahbazi Latife

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The theory of Scopus Hans Vermeer is a role-oriented approach to translation that is based on the social and cultural context of translation. In this theory, translation is a purposeful, text-based procedure and the lending rule covers the coherence between the source and the destination texts; therefore, the translation is given special attention, and it does not move towards free translation. In this research, by using descriptive-analytical method, the translation of al-Muddaththir by Ali Maleki, has been investigated. Given that the target element is one of the fundamental foundations of Scopus theory and the translator, on the other hand, fulfilled his mission to convey the message and content of the Holy Quran in the simplest way, away from scientific and linguistic difficulties to children and young audiences, it is necessary to apply this theory on the translation of the sura in order to measure his success. The research findings show that the translator is not loyal to the source text but on the contrary, his Persian translation has significant textual coherence. In spite of all the criticisms and concerns, this translation is considered the first one in presenting a humorous, evangelical, attractive and youthful text from the Qur'an. If the translator, with artistic and scientific edits, can free himself from being trapped in the history, so as not to be accused of secularizing the sacred text, the work will be defensible and worthy of attention.

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Semantics is a branch of linguistics that plays an important role in understanding the Holy Quran. Because by examining the words in the context of the verses, you can get the exact meaning of the word. The concept of "Azab" (=torment) is one of the most frequent concepts in the Holy Qur'an, which alone is the natural result of a person's action and does not imply severity; but its combination in additional combinations with words such as: "Hariq", "Sa'ir", "Hamim" etc. expresses its state and intensity. The authors intend to answer this important question, what effect do the additional combinations of the word torment have on the meaning and interpretation of this word based on the syntagmatic relations? The structure of the verses of "Azab" in additional combinations shows the influence of these concepts on the word "Azab" and the limits of this word along with its various additional layers; For example, the torment of Hamim indicates the torment with boiling water at highest temperature. The torment of Sa'ir indicates the torment of a fire that has a long and burning tongue, that's why the fire in wood is not called Sa'ir because it does not have these conditions. Most of the verses of torment in its additional combinations are related to doomsday and only in four verses it refers to our world. and in most of the verses, the severity of the torment is indicated by the words Akbar, Abqa, Ashad, Ashqa and Akhza, which shows that this torment is greater and more severe than the worldly one. This research analyzes the relationship of the word "Azab" with other accompanying concepts in additional combinations with a descriptive-analytical method in order to determine the effect of these combinations on the word "Azab".

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Nahj al-Balagha's possession of the most beautiful expressive techniques has given it an extraordinary rhetorical appearance, as it is referred to as the brother of the Qur'an. The abundance of rhetorical devices in Nahj al-Balagha has led to its centrality as the best model of rhetoric among thinkers and speakers in the world. Among the rhetorical advantages of Nahj al-Balagheh is its abundant use of irony, which sometimes acts more directly than plainly and mixes the audience's mind with the words of the speaker. The use of irony is a novel and beautiful way in speech that represents the speaker's literary taste and imagination and challenges the audience's perception and imagination to find out the speaker's main intention. Based on the descriptive-analytical and statistical method, the present research aims to investigate the irony in the sermon of Qase'a and analyze its semantic load according to the context of the text and has reached the conclusion that the use of different types of irony in the Qase'a sermon according to the main purpose of the Imam (a. s. ), it has been achieved with the help of intermediaries, and in some of them, due to the lack of means, the audience can easily reach the purpose of the Imam.

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Semantics is one of the new approaches in the field of linguistics that deals with the study and interpretation of words and the combination of words in specific terms and sentences. In fact, semantics is the key for opening the door of the text of the Word. This knowledge came into play in the mid-nineteenth century. Max Muller and Michelle Braille were among those who contributed significantly to this knowledge. One of the prominent aspects of the Holy Qur'an is its rhetoric, a beautiful and expressive speech that the word of God exemplifies. The graceful expression of the verses has given the Qur'an a special refreshing and beautiful interpretation of the Qur'an. The verses of the Qur'an are a collection of phrases and sentences that are themselves formed from smaller units called words, and each of these words has a hidden meaning in addition to its apparent meaning, which is one of the reasons for the Quran's wonder and miracle. The present article analyzes the semantic function of the word "Yad" (=hand) in the Quran using a descriptive-analytical method and has concluded that God has used various methods in the Holy Quran to express the verses so that human can understand his purpose better and more easily and they understan the meaning of the verses without ambiguity. According to this paper, the word "Yad" and its derivatives have been used in the Holy Quran in a variety of meanings such as sensation, blessing, power and monarchy, possession and ownership, and finally the limb.

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