The purpose of this study is to investigate and infer the components of teachers’ professional ethics with emphasis on teacher interaction with himself from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagha. To achieve this goal, a qualitative method and the type of document review or library method was used. In order to collect and analyze data, since this is qualitative research, the three steps advised by Bardin (1996) were followed. In this study, the research population was equal to the sample; So that the whole book of Nahj al-Balagha was analyzed as the population and sample of research. In the findings section, a set of components of teacher professional ethics with emphasis on teacher interaction with himself was extracted from Nahj al-Balagha. Being thoughtful, welcoming change, believing in the supernatural force and mentioning it, believing in death, purposefulness, order and planning, self-esteem and avoiding selfishness, self-calculation, perseverance and continuity of work, welcoming the continuous learning, pragmatism and consulting with others were the components which were extracted and discussed from the teachings of Imam Ali (AS) in this article.