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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: Rapid developments and major changes in today's world require more responsive, faster, and more information processing. Universities and higher education institutions, like other organizations, need organizational agility, understanding of the new paradigm, change in attitudes, goals, practices, and management to survive and cope with these changes. The purpose of this study was to design a conceptual model of organizational agility for public universities in Tehran. Materials and Methods: This research was a qualitative research using a data-based approach. Statistical population included heads, deputies and managers of public universities in Tehran. Sampling method was purposive and in order to complete it and to achieve theoretical saturation, a total of 12 people were interviewed as participants in the study. Data were extracted from semi-structured interviews. Result and Discussion: The data were analyzed simultaneously with interviews and using three stages of open, axial and selective coding. Finally, a model consisting of six causal factors (agility drivers), pivotal phenomena (agility enablers), strategies (agility capabilities), variables was used to ensure the validity of the qualitative analyzes. Contextual, interventional, agility outcomes, and 22 categories were designed for public universities in Tehran based on which the relationship between the elements of this model was identified.

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Objective: The purpose of this research is to design entrepreneurial university model for Islamic Azad universities in west of Iran. This research is carried out in the framework of qualitative approach and by using grounded data analysis method. Materials and Method: Islamic Azad Universities of the west of Iran compose the statistical society of this research. The number of participants is Twelve from the entrepreneur university experts who were selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected by semi-structured interview method. The validity of the questions was obtained using the views of the experts of the entrepreneurial university. The data analysis is performed based on grounded theory systematic approach in three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The results indicate Twenty-one categories included human resources, economic bases, organizational policies, organizational structure, organizational culture, entrepreneurial education, university strategy, entrepreneurial organizational attitude, entrepreneurial enterprise climate, risk taking, changing the nature of higher education, accreditation and university status, preparing the university entrepreneurship document, improving the business environment, university relations with the community and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship ecosystems, political and lobbying, university internationalization, stakeholder satisfaction, knowledge commercialization which was classified in the six main categories including causal conditions, axial phenomenon, underlying factors, interventional conditions, strategies and outcomes in the form of a paradigmatic model. Result and Discusion: The results of the coding of the interviews and the analysis of the qualitative sector findings showed that the two components of competent human resources and economic bases are causal and creator conditions of entrepreneurial university. Entrepreneurial organizational policies, including reformation the upper policies and Leges of the Ministry of Science; Entrepreneurial organizational structure; Entrepreneurial organizational culture and the implementation of customer-oriented and entrepreneurial educational and research policies were the most important features and components of Entrepreneurial University. Also the contextual conditions that affect the components of Entrepreneurial University include university strategy, entrepreneurial enterprise climate, entrepreneurial attitude, risk taking, changing the nature of higher education and expectation of society, government and industry to resolving their needs, That has revolutionized higher education and led universities to become more entrepreneurial and responsive to their customers' demands. The sixth factor contriver of entrepreneurial university is university reputation, which affects stakeholders and clients and encourages them to invest in university and participate with it. Interfering factors that can accelerate or hinder the transformation of a traditional university into an entrepreneurial university and somewhat are not controlled by the university; legal and juridical positions, entrepreneurial ecosystems, including university-owned ecosystems and outside the university ecosystems, politicize and the kinds of lobbies that are involved in most of our lives and universities are subject to this. One of the strategies for accessing entrepreneurial university is the existence and implementation of entrepreneurship university vision and document, which is the channel of passage and the Lights of the way. Improving the business environment and communication of university with its surrounding community including entrepreneurs, communication with entrepreneurial universities Entrepreneurial Universities of the World and the Region and modeling them, is one of the most effective strategies in creating an entrepreneurial university. Ultimately, internationalization of university, stakeholders satisfaction, and Commercialization of knowledgein in the template of Knowledge Based Companies, science and technology parks, and the creation of natal businesses were the consequences of entrepreneurial university. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Ministry of Science appoint individuals to manage universities to be entrepreneurs or to adhere to government and university entrepreneurship policies. Entrepreneurship has a role to play in the evaluation and promotion of academic and administrative professors. Universities are more connected to the industry through growth centers, science parks and industry liaison offices.

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Objective: The purpose of the present study is to analyze and critique Habermas's moral education and to study why and how it is applied in the Iranian educational system using two descriptive and analytical methods. Materials and Methods: In order to answer each of the research questions, a method appropriate to the needs of each question and answer should be employed. One of the methods used in this study to answer the first question-examining the foundations of Habermas's moral education focusing on the theory of communicative action-and the second question-examining the criticisms of Habermas's moral education-is a descriptive one. In fact, we first describe Habermas's ethical components, Then, in answer to the third question-why and how Habermas's moral education is applied in the Iranian educational system-we have used the analytical method. The resources used in this research include Habermas's works as primary sources, and others' works, documents, and research in the field of secondary sources. Discussion and Conclusion: The findings showed that Habermas belonged to the Critical School and considered the end of moral education to be liberating (Communication) and at the societal level make the pursuit of understanding based on ethical actions as the goals of moral education although many criticisms of Habermas's theory of ethical education are based on communicative action theory, his views on issues such as criticism, change, dialogue and emancipation, nonviolence, etc. can contain many messages and points in the Iranian educational system. Some examples are as follows: Linguistic competence and understanding, institutionalizing tolerance towards one another, engaging competing views simultaneously in dialogue, and institutionalizing rational reasoning and dialogue ethics through the system. School and classroom management.

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Objective: The purpose of the present study is to conduct a systematic review of studies and researches conducted by faculty members on the application of information and communication technology in education during the period 2002-2016. And it answers the basic question of what features did the research have? What has been the attitude of the professors during this period? And identifying the factors that influence attitudes. The present study also sought to provide a comprehensive picture of the landscape of these studies. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive-analytical descriptive study in which the qualitative and quantitative analysis of past research has been discussed in terms of topics such as the thematic contribution of articles, research methods, attitudes and trends. In this study, according to the purpose of the study, a systematic review method was used. The statistical population of this study consists of articles published in journals and indexed in Magiran, Normagas, Sid, Google databases. In this regard, using the information available on the Internet and internal databases such as Magiran, Normagas, Sid, Google and the Comprehensive Humanities Portal Keywords Keywords: attitude, beliefs, beliefs, information and communication technology, technology Education, computers, computers, the Internet, mobile technology, elearning, professors and faculty were searched. Then, the obtained articles were divided into two related and non-related categories. Out of 145 articles, 39 articles were excluded after excluding unrelated articles. Finally, among these, 30 articles met the inclusion criteria and were evaluated. This article is a descriptive review and also a systematic review of 30 researches in Iran. To evaluate the reliability of the systematic review of the articles, two experts were examined. Result and Discussion: Findings indicate that the attitude towards technology use has a significant share. The most common methods in terms of purpose, information gathering and implementation methods regarding the role of attitude in technology application were descriptive, quantitative and quantitative respectively. Eisen and Fishen's Theory of Planned Behavior The theory observed is one of the theories and theories used in the papers. Driving factors and incentives also create a favorable attitude towards technology. The systematic review findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between attitude and technology use. In addition, teachers' attitudes toward technology use in recent years have tended to be slightly negative. The findings of this study indicate that the variables of educational degree, academic rank, and faculty are the influencing factors on faculty members' attitude towards technology. Faculty members 'attitudes play an important and undeniable role in improving technology utilization, but according to the results of this study, professors' attitude towards technology is negatively affected. Therefore, better awareness of attitudinal process will lead to understanding the factors and reasons for negative attitude of faculty members and increasing and improving their use of information and communication technology.

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Objective: With advances of technology and the rapid flow of global developments, universities have been located more interaction with their surrounding environment and this has created numerous challenges for higher education in various fields. Therefore, identifying them and adopting rational and realistic strategies against them will make the higher education system more effective. For this purpose, the present research, intends to identify emerging challenges in the development of higher education and provide a conceptual model in this regard. Materials and methods: The present study was a type of qualitative research where using a grounded theory approach, identified emerging challenges in higher education. Data collection was carried out with a deep interviewing tool that theoretical saturation of the findings was achieved at the 16th interview. Data analysis was carried out using grounded theory method and using open, axial and selective coding. Research field in this study was experts and specialists and managers of higher education in different universities of the country. The participants were selected through a purposeful sampling (snowball type). In order to observe the qualitative characteristics of the research, three criteria of acceptability, validity and reliability were used. The outcomes of this study were presented to the university teachers participating in the study, and the results of the study were confirmed. Discussion and result: According to the findings, four categories of serious and emerging challenges in higher education include: Internationalization challenges; Interdisciplinary challenges; Challenges of relation with industry; Challenges in the new fields of science were identified. If these challenges are seen from the perspective of opportunity, it will certainly provide an appropriate platform for the development of higher education. Finally, the strategies were proposed and the final model was presented.

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Objective: In order to realize the development document of the country, the education system needs to have a clear understanding of the ideal human being for the educational system and the need for establishing educational justice. Achieving education with an equal approach to educational opportunities and equity can be considered as a goal or as a means of achieving the long-term goal of social and economic equality. The issue of educational justice and its realization is a fundamental issue throughout the world and plays an important and significant role in the growth and development of countries and the improvement of human equality and excellence. Therefore, this research studies the realization of equal educational opportunities in the elementary school of Tehran based on the law of the fifth development plan of the country. Materials and Methods: The research method was the Grounded Theory method (Strauss Corbin method). The participants in this study were specialists, experts, policymakers and executives of the Ministry of Education, Tehran Education and the Plan and Budget Organization. According to the main purpose of the study, the snowball sampling method was used. Due to the data saturation in the present study, the sample size was 15 persons. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview form with ten main questions. The validity of this interview was confirmed by face and content validity using the opinions of 5 experts in the field of education. The reliability of the instrument has also been verifiable. In this regard, an expert has reviewed and confirmed the raw data obtained along with the researcher. Findings were analyzed by using the inductive method and Maxqda software. Discussion & Conclusion: Findings indicate weaknesses in respect of equal rights, weakness of textbooks with different cultures, languages and ethnicities, access to equitable gender equality educational opportunities, weaknesses in achieving appropriate education for survivors, weaknesses in teaching literature by ethnicity, weaknesses in standards for student-teacher ratio, weaknesses in student-to-student ratio, inequality in skilled human resources, inequality in funding, lack of development education. Therefore, paying special attention to practical solutions by providing professionals and practitioners with fair educational opportunities in the elementary schools of Tehran based on the Fifth Development Plan Act is essential and increasing the utilization of specialists and experts in the realization of fair educational opportunities, who are sufficiently familiar with the law of the fifth development plan of the country. On the other hand, paying special attention to linguistic, ethnic and religious differences in the city of Tehran, taking into account the special textbooks for each district, the openness of the educational system and schools to the relevant media, institutions and organizations. In order to contribute to the realization of fair educational opportunities for elementary school students under the Fifth Development Plan Act of the country, as well as working with NGOs to organize classes on ethnic, cultural, working and school-leaving children. Towards the realization of fair educational opportunities in Tehran elementary school based on the law of the fifth development plan of the country Make the country productive.

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Objective: This study was conducted with the aim of a strategic analysis of organizational agility promotion in Iranian agricultural education using SWOT method. To achieve the above objective, first by SWOT analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Iran's agricultural higher education were extracted in order to enhance agility. Then, strategies for promoting organizational agility in Iranian higher education were presented. Materials and Method: To this aim, two qualitative and quantitative steps were taken in order to identify strategies to promote organizational agility in Iranian higher education. Therefore, To achieve this goal, the mixed method design approach was used. In the first step, internal and external factors in the form of four categories of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats gathered through in-depth interviews with agricultural higher education experts. They were identified by line-by-line analysis in the form of conventional content analysis. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with experts, which had experience in administrative positions in academic context (15 individual interviews). Then, in the second step, after analyzing the conventional content of the interviews, internal and external factors in the form of four categories of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were designed by the questionnaire. It was distributed among Iran's agricultural higher education experts to determine the importance (weight) and status of each case. In order to confirm the validity and reliability of the SWOT technique quality part in addition to the four techniques: Member control (by presenting the data analysis and its results to the respondents to know their response at the reporting stage), During the data collection and analysis process, the researcher self-reviewed, in order to confirm the transferability of the research, it was attempted to develop and describe a rich set of study data during the data collection phase, and the verification and reliability of the research was also done by carefully recording the interview process and all its details. Comprehensiveness analysis was also given to the external and internal environment, which is influenced by the following items: time spent on collecting data, the expertise of the subject matter, and in particular the researcher's experience and skill in conducting interviews. Result and Discussion: Based on the findings, increasing the level of technology in the academic community and the presence of professors, specialists, researchers and experts in agricultural universities are as follows: the most important strength and ever-increasing expansion of emerging technologies in the agricultural sector, the most important opportunity for organizational agility is the Iran's higher agricultural education. This is while reduceing budgets and investing in higher agricultural education, and non-compliance of educational content with the needs of the labor market and job market, The most important weaknesses and centralized policymaking and the centralization of good management in the university organization, weak communication between executive departments, research and development centers with universities and the lack of linkages between the agricultural education system and the employment system, one of the most important threats to organizational agility in Iran's higher agricultural education is considered. Citing the findings of this research can be a common tool and system approach to analyze internal and external factors and support decisions in order to promote organizational agility of policymakers in higher agricultural education, agricultural planners and managers will be exploited.

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Objective: The advent of new technologies in the digital era has fundamentally changed traditional business beliefs. Under new circumstances, organizations have to keep up with these changes, or they will lose the competition to their rivals and fade away. Disruptive technologies have brought about the “ digital transformation” of business and introduced this term as a concept in the business literature. Digital transformation in general, and digital transformation leadership in particular, are new business concepts and as yet few studies have specifically focused on digital transformation leadership. Moreover, the studies conducted so far are fragmented, lacking an integrated approach to the topic. Notable too is the fact that industry has surpassed academia in digital transformation leadership as business consulting firms are paying more attention to this concept. Material & Method: To answer the research questions and accomplish the objectives, a combination of systematic literature review and the Delphi survey was employed with a mixed design. First, the dimensions and components constituting digital transformation leadership were identified through a systematic review of the research literature. A total of 33 papers were finally used for data collection in a systematic literature review. In the end, the findings were formulated within the initial research framework and employed as the input to the Delphi survey. The research initial framework was developed, revised, and confirmed over the three rounds of the Delphi survey and based on the opinions of the panel members (14 experts). Result & Discussion: the conceptual framework of digital transformation leadership, consisting of 278 conceptual elements in 4 dimensions, 13 categories, and 261 elements, was developed as the main research achievement. The main dimensions of this framework were "Digital roadmap", "Digital governance", "Digital organizing" and "Digital resources". Therefore, digital transformation leadership can be defined as a set of management decisions, actions, and requirements including roadmap design, resource allocation, organizing, selecting and implementing an appropriate governance framework in order to maximize the benefits of adopting disruptive technologies in an organization. In addition, the concept of digital transformation leadership is mainly represented by “ digital organizing” during the research. “ Digital resources” , “ digital governance” , and “ digital roadmap” ranked second to fourth, respectively.

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Objective: At present, achieving a knowledge-based economy is one of the requirements of all countries in the world. Education and training or investing in human capital is one of the prerequisites of a knowledge-based economy. Therefore, in recent decades, by highlighting human position as the most important and most valuable social, cultural and spiritual capital of society, the mission of education has also enjoyed a higher status. Regarding the important role of educational institutions in educating proper human resources for society, strategic planning is necessary to perform strategies that meet the goals of these institutions. Drawing a strategy plan, using a balanced scorecard approach is a step towards the implementation of the strategies. The strategy map, through identifying the cause and effect relationship between the strategic goals, creates value and provides a great illustration of the strategies supported by the measurable goals. This research was conducted to design a strategy map and performance measurement indicators for nonprofit educational institutions. A logical mechanism is also used to indicate causal relationships between strategic goals. Materials and methods: The method of collecting information in this research was the library and questionnaire and referring to documents. These indicators were based on the dimensions of the balanced scorecard approach. In order to design a strategy map, extracting 11 strategic objectives and selection of 27 Performance Measurement Indicators also matches the goals which are determined by the experts. The determination of the cause and effect relationships between the goals has been done using the Dematel technique. The results of the research have been extended to many educational institutions. Result and Discussion: The strategy map provides a pathway to help better management invest in the resources that need further improvement, and according to the research results, designing the strategy map using the DEMATEL method as opposed to the conventional method of mental judgment. Relationships and causal relationships are a more rational approach and provide a clearer roadmap to help managers and focus on influential factors in achieving strategic goals. The research findings also showed that the most effective goals in educational institutions in terms of effectiveness are: improvement of educational and training processes, improvement of scientific and research achievements, improvement of services, human capital development, information capital development, and organizational capital development and other goals. According to experts, including student satisfaction and community satisfaction, funding and increasing facilities and productivity growth are among the strategic goals that indicate that intangible assets provide value creation for these institutions.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify and validate the dimensions and components of ethical leadership of the university directors and the status assessment of the university administrators’ ethical leadership at comprehensive units of Azad University in the educational year 2016-2017. Materials and Method: The research was carried out using a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method. In order to collect information in the qualitative section, after studying the available resources related to the subject of research, 25 of the university directors in the educational, cultural and student units that were members of the faculty board members in the 2016-2017 academic year were purposefully selected by the network of specialists. The interview was conducted by a semi-structured method. In the quantitative section, using the results of interviews and the study of resources, the ethical leadership questionnaire for university directors was developed. In this research, factor analysis of the questionnaire, factor analysis, and convergent validity index (AVE index) and audit validity (Farnell and Larker criteria, cross-factor load and HTMT index) were used. Cronbach alpha coefficients and composite reliability were used to assess the reliability of the tool. To calculate the above indicators, the Structural Equation Modeling approach and Smart PLS software were used. Results and Conclusion: By analyzing the qualitative data, four dimensions of ethical leadership and their components were set for university administrators, and their validation was done in a quantitative section. Cronbach alpha and combined reliability of four dimensions were higher than 88. And the Convergent Validity Criterion for the four dimensions was upper than 0. 59. It was a sign of the solidarity of the ethical leadership structure of the university administrators of their own dimensions. These dimensions are as follows: organizational dimension, interpersonal dimension (management and the faculty board members, management and students, management and staff), social dimension and individual dimension. The results of the one-sample t-test demonstrated that the average of viewpoints of faculty members in all four dimensions was higher than 3 and close to 4. The results of this study showed that there are four important dimensions in relation to each dimension and there are some components for ethical leadership of academic directors that can be used to assess the ethical leadership of academic directors. The university, as a center of research and instruction, should be ethical in interactions with students, professors, employees, and the academic community. Thus, the university requires the implementation of the ethical leadership styles more than any other organization. The main objectives of higher education administrators include assistantship in resolving community problems and educating more efficient civilians for serving the country, which is not possible unless by their observance of the ethical principles and accepted regulations. Therefore, the significant duty of university administrators is providing an environment where the principal functions of ethical leadership can be ethically carried out. The administrators’ decisions related to the organizational and structural dimensions of the university, comprising legislating, employing, acclaiming, punishing, the source usage, and the administrators’ behavior, can cause some ethical and behavioral obligations.

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Objective: One of the hallmarks of a desirable higher education system is to meet students' needs and expectations. Studying as the most important part of the educational system provides valuable information for planners to improve the quality of educational services in higher education. The aim of this study was to determine the gap between the reality and expectations of educational and research services of educational students of public universities in Tehran. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection method, it is a descriptive-survey. Materials and Method: The statistical population of all Masters and Ph. D. students of public universities in Tehran was Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran University, Tarbiat Modares University, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Alzahra University, Shahid Rajaee University and Kharazmi University in academic year 9697. According to the latest statistics from the country's survey organization, 597 people were identified. The sample size of 204 people was determined based on the Cochran formula, which was selected based on the relative stratified sampling method from each university. The data were collected using a questionnaire based on the SERVQUAL model of education and research services, which measured five physical dimensions, reliability, accountability, assurance and empathy, and then the gap between the existing and the desired status was studied. The validity of the Educational Services Quality Questionnaire (reality and expectations) and Research Service Quality Questionnaire (reality and expectations) were confirmed by experts and informants of the field. The Cronbach's alphas of the questionnaires are 0. 96, 0. 95, 0. 96 and 0. 96, respectively. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS (21). Result and Discussion: The results of the research showed that there is a significant gap in all five dimensions of educational and research services quality. Empathy dimension (1. 28) showed the highest mean of gaps in the quality of educational services and the physical dimension (-0. 61). The highest mean gap was in the dimensions of the quality of research services related to the physical dimension (372. 1) 1) and the lowest average reliability gap (1. 206). Results showed significant differences between the realities and expectations in all aspects of the quality of educational and research services. Therefore, considering the importance of students as the main focus of universities, as well as the impact of the quality of educational and research services on them, the need to improve the quality of educational and research services of state universities in Tehran is significantly felt. Therefore, considering the importance of students as the main focus of universities and the impact of the quality of educational and research services on them, there is a great need to improve the quality of educational and research services of public universities in Tehran. According to the research findings, it is suggested that the empathy dimension of educational service quality and physical dimension of research service quality should be prioritized by university managers for planning and targeting. Managers should look at indices and sub-components of these two dimensions; moreover, develop and meet the needs of students. University administrators are encouraged to consider the results of the quality assessment of educational and research services as one of their annual planning documents and indices; Moreover, to improve the quality of the annual services, the survey should be carried out constantly.

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