The aim of this article is to study the status of the phenomenon of friendship, as one of the most important challenges of human’ s social life, especially during school time, on epistemological development in the "Community of Philosophical Inquiry"(CPI). To achieve this goal, the method of content analysis and logical deduction was used. According to the study, communal critical and creative dialogue, in Community of Philosophical Inquiry leads always to two challenges: firstly, in the case of participation in a critical dialogue, there is a possibility of demolition friendship, and the second concern is the reduction of epistemic progress in the CPI, because the friends will not be able to participate in the critique process and innovative different ideas during the dialogus, and follow the more powerful classmate’ s idea. It seems, therefore, that as these reflection movements require changes in the hardware of the traditional education system, changing in the field of educational softwares, such as the concept of friendship, is necessary. Nurture Caring Thinking, besides critical and creative thinking Skills, can modified and redefines the concept of friendship in the minds of children as a caring phenomenon with entire aspects. In this present article, while explaining the necessity of the friendship in school, will affirm the particular impact of this phenomenon on the epistemological and philosophical advancement in CPI, and the redefinition of the concept of friendship from surface and confirmed based relation to caring, thoughtful and developmental relation.