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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The main purpose of this study is to examine the implications of tacit knowledge in the fieldof teaching and learning. The argument is that tacit knowledge cannot be describedexplicitly in the form of propositions. Tacit teaching and learning is based on factorssuch as personal experience, relation to text, and subjectivity of knowledge than beingdominated by scientific objectivity and rationalism on a series of fixed andpredetermined rules and principles. In this research, conceptual analysis method withthe aim of clarification was used through the analysis of the concepts of teaching andtacit learning. In this method, the concepts used in a new structure are analyzed andredefined. The results of this research are that belief in the existence of a tacit andimplicit dimension of knowledge can lead to a new attitude in the education system. Therefore, the purpose of learning and teaching in the tacit approach is not the transferof knowledge but the discovery and creation of knowledge in the close relationshipbetween the teacher and the student.

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    1 (15)
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The aim of this article is to study the status of the phenomenon of friendship, as one of the most important challenges of human’ s social life, especially during school time, on epistemological development in the "Community of Philosophical Inquiry"(CPI). To achieve this goal, the method of content analysis and logical deduction was used. According to the study, communal critical and creative dialogue, in Community of Philosophical Inquiry leads always to two challenges: firstly, in the case of participation in a critical dialogue, there is a possibility of demolition friendship, and the second concern is the reduction of epistemic progress in the CPI, because the friends will not be able to participate in the critique process and innovative different ideas during the dialogus, and follow the more powerful classmate’ s idea. It seems, therefore, that as these reflection movements require changes in the hardware of the traditional education system, changing in the field of educational softwares, such as the concept of friendship, is necessary. Nurture Caring Thinking, besides critical and creative thinking Skills, can modified and redefines the concept of friendship in the minds of children as a caring phenomenon with entire aspects. In this present article, while explaining the necessity of the friendship in school, will affirm the particular impact of this phenomenon on the epistemological and philosophical advancement in CPI, and the redefinition of the concept of friendship from surface and confirmed based relation to caring, thoughtful and developmental relation.

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    1 (15)
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The main purpose of this paper is an explanation of the philosophizing and Its effects onteaching. To do this first we explained how philosophizing is vital for teachingprofession. It was then attempted to provide a basis for the understanding ofphilosophy, according to this foundation, the elements of philosophizing, with ananalytical and syntactic aspect was recognized and explained. These elements arewonder, logical or methodological doubt, questioning, historical dependency, reasoning, critique, philosophical analysis, open mindedness, imagine and theorizing. In the final, the effects of these elements was explained for teaching process. Theresults of this study show that teachers with the ability to philosophize can make theirrole and mission better in contemporary knowledge centered society.

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    1 (15)
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The main purpose of this paper is to investigate educational Presuppositions of hermeneutics in distance education. To do this we argued that the first generation of distance education is in close relation with methodological-based Hermeneutics. In second and third generations like philosophical hermeneutics, we see the considerable shift comprehension to practical concept. The main educational in educational issues and considering them as a main research by whom ontological knowledge would be formed, limited and finished within their lives. This is in close correlation with “ Epistemological Hermanutics” The main goal of fifth generation is to train wisdom and intellect, developing critical views among trainees, because for any kind of salvation and getting free from educational dominance, the critical philosophy foundations and active, participating human resources are highly required. The last issue is in close relations with critical hermeneutic.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (15)
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The purpose of paper was to investigate the role of social networks in students’ learning-innovation process in related scientific articles. To achieve this goal, systematic review method was used, conducted a search for articles, as well as sysnthesis, and review the findings based on the theoretical concept of “ learning-innovation network” . The research population is about a collection of scientific articles that were published through 2006-2017 which were slected by purposeful and available sampling. The data were synthesised, categorized and investigated by using the qualitative categorization method. The results indicated a lack of deep attention to various characteristics and dynamics of social networks in learning-innovation process of articles which were under study. Some of the influential functions of students’ relation networks had been raised, but on the contrary, there were also Contradictory findings that requires deeper reflection on students’ networks toward value creation.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (15)
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In this paper we argued that knowledge alone can not provide a useful framework for highereducation curriculum. We need to provide students with the opportunity to get involvein practical work experience. The results indicate that there is a very concern aboutthe practice-based pedagogy in higher education in Iran. Therefore, we need toinhance in quality of the higher education curriculum based on the pedagogicalpractice-based approach and the complexity of social relationships in the twenty-firstcentury.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (15)
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The main purpose of current inquiry is to answer the question that how language use inrelation to sexual phenomena and what is desirable picture according that and which principles and procedures are oriented in education. In the study, the complexity of language usage in sex education and necessity of understanding of cultural and social contexts and the role of structure has been considered. The status quo refers to texts that are still legally valid and can be cited. In order to achieve these goals the critical discourse analysis (CDA) base on Norman Fairclough as methodology was used. The results indicate that the dominant discourse of sex education in Iran education shouldbe called “ discourse of restraint” . The characteristic of the mentioned discourse are more focus on negative aspects of sex education. The representation of this discoursereflects the reality of sexual desire in a way that looks at the threats of sexual instinct rather than its opportunities for student in a happy life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 15)
  • Pages: 

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هدف اصلی این نوشتار، نقد مقاله «تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی تربیت جنسی در نظام آموزش وپرورش ایران (وضعیت موجود) مبتنی بر اسناد مکتوب» می باشد. بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده، مهم ترین نقاط قوت و ضعف مقاله موردنظر را چنین می توان برشمرد: دست آورد مثبت و سترگ مقاله، ایجاد گفتمان ضرورت توجه به مسائل و نیازهای جنسی دانش آموزان به ویژه با توجه به محیط به شدت نابسامان و تحریک های کنونی است. با توجه به یافته ها و پیام های ضمنی این مقاله، آموزش وپرورش سیاست کتمان حقایق جنسی و عدم توجه کافی به نیازهای مذکور را در پیش گرفته است. بنابراین، نتایج این مطالعه، تلنگری جدی به مسئولان متقی و خدوم آموزش وپرورش به منظور بازاندیشی در مواجهه صحیح با مسائل جنسی به شمار می آید. باوجوداین، مقاله با پذیرشِ بنیانی نادرست و غفلت از نگاه اسلامی به امر جنسی، بخش عمده ای از حقیقت را نادیده گرفته و در «پاره حقیقت گویی آشکاری» در غلتیده است و این امر، عمده ترین نقطه ضعف مقاله به شمار می آید؛ چراکه اگر بر اساس بنیان ضیق ِمقاله «در تربیت جنسی چهار گفتمان محافظه کار، لیبرال، پست مدرن و انتقادی وجود دارد و سه گفتمان اخیر بر آزادسازی روابط شنیع تأکید می کنند. »، به ناچار باید تسلیم گفتمان محافظه کار (یا به تعبیر مؤلف بدبینانه) شویم. به بیان دیگر، بر اساس مدلولات بخش های ناصواب مقاله، چنانچه متصدیان تعلیم و تربیت نمی خواهند امر جنسی را به غریزه ای حیوانی فرو کاهند، به ناچار باید رویکرد رقیب را بپذیرند؛ رویکردهایی که زندگی انسانی، اخلاقی و بافضیلت را در هم جنس خواهی و سایر روابط حیوانی جستجو می کنند! .

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