Marriage is an important social event that plays very sensitive to all aspects of human life and having readiness in physical, social and psychological conditions is necessary. That's why many of the legal rules the world in the age minimum is taken.Early marriage that is defined, marriage before 18 affects both sexes, but more girls are at risk of injury and may suffer severe complications. Since most of this event occurs in the context of poverty and gender inequality it may have of social, cultural and economic aspects. Causes of early marriage are: poverty, prevention of early sexual activity and maintaining family honor and social and cultural related factors.Early marriage can increase the number of children, pregnancy and preterm delivery, maternal mortality in teenage pregnancy and during delivery, increased HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases, increased neonatal mortality, anemia, preeclampsia, increased bleeding after delivery, obstetric fistula, prolonged and difficult labor, social isolation, depression, suicide and killing of husband. These people usually have less education, and are at more risk of violence. The power of young women in reproductive health decision making decreases and sometimes even they cannot receive necessary health care.Increase the legal age for marriage and to force it, also to increase girl's access to education, appropriate employment, and raising community awareness about the side effects of early marriage, and implementing poverty reduction strategies can improve the health status of women and children.