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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The natriuretic pituitary is secreted from the heart and research has shown that exercise training affect these peptides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 8 weeks endurance, resistance and combination training on natriuretic peptides. Methods: A total of 36 students with a mean age of 25/36 ± 2/52 and BMI of 23/479 ± 0/959 were randomly divided into 4 groups: endurance (9 subjects), resistance (9 subjects), combination (9 subjects) and control (9 subjects) were divided. Subjects: Exercise, resistance, combination for 8 weeks and 4 sessions per week. The endurance group performed the program for 25 to 40 minutes and 65 to 85 percent of the maximum heart rate (HRmax) for each session, The resistance group was 50 percent one repetition (1-RM) and The combined group performed 2 sessions of endurance training and 2 sessions of resistance training each week. Blood samples were taken from subjects before and 48 hours after the test to measure ANP and NTproBNP hormones. T-test, one way ANOVA and LSD follow-up were used for data analysis using SPSS19 software. (Significance α ≤ 0/05). Results: Endurance training has a significant effect on ANP decrease (p≥ 0/05), however, there is no significant effect on BNP (P≤ 0/05); endurance training compared to resistance and combination has a greater effect on ANP reduction, as well as resistance training and The combination has no significant effect on ANP and BNP (p≤ 0/05). Conclusion: It seems that endurance training has a better effect on natriuretic peptides than resistance and combined exercises.

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The tourism industry in the present century is recognized as one of the most thriving industries and the driving force of the world economy development. This emerging industry has been managed to attract the attention of many stakeholders from other industries by influencing other industries. Sport Tourism is also considered as a part of tourism that is created as a combination of sport and tourism, and is growing at a rapid rate and becoming a major and independent industry. One of the problems of the tourism in Iran, including Isfahan, is the imbalance in spatial organization and lack of hierarchy based on the interaction between tourism areas. Leveling of tourism infrastructure in different areas of a city and a balanced distribution of infrastructure and moderating inequality in different areas are of the important tourism development actions. The aim of this study is to level 15 districts in Isfahan regarding sport tourism infrastructure, and HDI model is used to analyze it. The research is descriptive-analytic. For data collection, statistics of Isfahan was used. The results showed that districts one, three, seven, eight, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen and fifteen have poor level of development, and districts two, four, five, nine and thirteen have average development and only district six has high level of development

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The aim of this study was to developing the strategic plan of Sport and Youths Offices of Khouzestan in sport section. The statistical population included (vice) presidents, experts, association presidents, office managers and elite coaches with academic studies (N=100). Census sampling method was used and finally 85 questionnaires were returned correctly. A combination of qualitative (semi-open questionnaire and interview) and quantitative (rating and ranking) was used to collect and analyze the data. A semi-open questionnaire was used in this study and respondents were asked to list the vision, mission, values, goals, strengths, weaknesses, oportunities, threats and strategies of this organization in sport section. After the research committee had determined the significance rate and rank of each mentioned factor, determined the strategic position of the organization and matche internal and external factors, 17 strategies were elicited. Also، vision، mission، key values and qualitative goals were determined. Sport and Youth Organization of Khouzestan was in SO strategic position. So strategies should be directed towards developing activities. This finding was considered.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Jadvar supplemental on Some Inflammatory factors following a session of an exhausting activity in men handball player. This study was conducted in a semi-experimental and double-blind design. The number of 14 handball players (mean age, height, weight and body mass index were 21. 42 ± 1. 56, 186. 55 ± 85. 5, 83. 25 ± 10 and 24. 09 ± 2. 93 respectively) Were divided into 2 groups of supplemental (Jadvar) and placebo (maltodextrin). Blood samples were collected from subjects before (fasting in the morning) and immediately after the maximum Bruce protocol. In the next step, supplementation group received the daily 3 capsules of 500 mg and the control group received 3 capsules of 500 mg maltodextrin for 7 days. 24 hours after consuming the last capsule, the subjects performed the maximum Bruce protocol to an exhaustion and, as in the first stage, the blood samples were collected before and immediately after the maximum Bruce stage. The results showed that a session of an exhausting activity could increase inflammatory factors (IL-6, CRP, TNF) (P<0. 05). While recived a one-week Jadvar supplemental leads to adjustment of increased inflammatory factors (P<0. 05). Also, this supplement could increase the duration of exhaustion in the supplement group (P<0. 05). According to the results of this study, since the level of inflammatory factors after the exhaustive activity in the supplement group, despite the increase, was significantly lower than the control group in male handball players, it is recommended that recived Jadvar supplemental with exercise.

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The aim of this study was the Determination of the Relative Contribution of staff performance by internal marketing. It was a descriptive and correlational research. Statistical population of this study was all employees of the sports and youth offices in Khorasan Razavi province. Sampling method in selection of offices was purposeful and in selection of employees was total number type and altogether 120 questionnaires were collected. Research tool was Paterson's job performance questionnaire and Bansal's internal marketing questionnaires. The validity of questionnaires after translation and localization was approved by 10 of sport management professors. Reliability of questionnaires using Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Paterson's job performance questionnaire (0. 97) and for Bansal's internal marketing questionnaire (0. 94) was obtained. Data analysis at both descriptive and inferential level (kolmogorov-smirnov test, pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression) was measured. The result of research showed that there is a significant relationship between internal marketing and staff performance (r= 0. 74, p<0. 01). Also the result of multiple regression test showed that that 3 components: occupational safety, information sharing and staff empowerment are significant predictors for job performance. According to the results, generally internal marketing can improve the staff performance.

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Background and aim: In recent years, childhood obesity has been considered as a growing global problem. This is associated with several diseases such as metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose, various methods have been used to control and treat obesity. The aim of present study was investigate the effect of eight-week aerobic training with blood flow restriction on lipid profiles and body composition in obese adolescent boys. Material and Methods: Thirty tow obese adolescents boys, 13-16 years of age, were divided into three groups: with aerobic training (n=12) aerobic training with blood flow restriction (n=12) and control group (n=8). Both training groups participated in 8 weeks of aerobic training sessions. Each training session consisted of indoor cycling, 5 min of cycling (4 sets) with 65-85% of HRmax and 1 min rest interval between sets, three times a week. One-way analysis of variance and paired t-test at level of p

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The aim of this study was to identifying and prioritize Economic and managerial Barriers for Championship Sport in Zanjan Province. The study population included all board members, experts in sales, marketing and public relations in Zanjan industries and some sport experts (N=100). 87 questionnaires were returned correctly. Measuring tool was a questionnaire designed with 37 questions in four areas of economic, media, managerial, social and cultural barriers. This research focused on economic and managerial barriers. Results of Friedman test showed that in economic barriers, lack of tax exemptions benefits, lack of trust to investment and Lack of economical competition; and in managerial barriers, lack of comprehensive programs in Sponsorship, lack of expertise managers and lack of appropriate practices to develop sports fans are the most important economic and managerial barriers to the development of sport sponsorship in Zanjan. Due to the limited management resources, the policy-makers are recommended that consider the known priorities.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the response of the serum levels of Orexin-A and Apelin to the type and intensity of exercise in active young girls. Methods: eleven young active female students participated in the study, voluntarily. The Subjects performed 4 training interventions (moderate intensity continuous exercise, high intensity interval exercise, moderate intensity resistance exercise, and high intensity resistance exercise) with 3 days apart, using within subjects– counterbalanced crossover-design. Before and immediately after each exercise session, blood samples were collected and used for of Orexin-A and Apelin measurement through ELISA method. Two-way repeated measure ANOVA was used as statistical test at p0. 05). Conclusions: it seems that acute aerobic or resistance exercises with moderate or high intensity have no significant effects on the serum levels of Orexin-A and Apelin in active young girls. These results may be due to energy depletion (high energy cost for all four protocols) in each session of activity.

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The aim of this research is Investigation of barriers and limitations of volleyball development in West Azerbaijan province. This research is descriptive-analytical and is applied. Statistical population of research Consists players, Coaches and experts of Volleyball of West Azerbaijan province with Using the Morgan table, 331 persons as the sample were selected. Based on the Researcher made questionnaire barriers and limitations of volleyball development in five dimensions of economic, Managerial and executive, human and environmental, attitudinal-supportive and facilities and equipment were collected. The Reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by using the Cronbach's alpha 0/91. Spss Software and descriptive statistical parameters and Friedman test were used for analysing Data. Research findings showed that volleyball Provinces has different of barriers and limitations That the most important below parameters for each of the barriers can be: not having plan to maintain sponsors for Long time, Lack of attention to Schools and sport's teachers as an important foundation of the volleyball sport development, lack of compiled planning of talent Identification In volleyball province and Suburbs, Lack of sufficient support from the players and lack of job security their, lack of Attention the responsibles and Supporters to infrastructure, sustainable and long-term development, Lack of volleyball academy For planning and development of volleyball sport Province noted. Finally, considering to the findings, some suggestions and solutions including: Creating of Identification Talent Committee in the Volleyball Board Province, and Organizing Volleyball schools and supporting the Basic and principled education, Creating Volleyball Academy for Planning and comprehensive Development for this sport field that is Popular and Favorites the people of West Azerbaijan Province has been expressed

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HOOSHMAND BABAK | Attarzade Hosseini Seyyed Reza | Kordi Mohamad Reza | Davaloo Taymaz

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Influence of physical activity with supplement consumption on the decrease of free radicals effects is not well known during exercise. Spirulina(Herbal Supplement green algae – blue) is one of the richest sources of Protein and antioxidants. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 8-week exercise with Spirulina consumption on peroxidant and antioxidants indicators (TAC, SOD, MDA) in men with type 2 diabetes. 32 sedentary men with type 2 diabetes participated in this study with average age of 40 years and with no history of regular exercise that were randomly divided into 4 groups: control (C), exercise (E), supplementation (S) and exercise + supplementation (E+S). Training programs were 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, 3 times in week with 60-65% of maximal heart rate. S and E+S groups consumed Daily 2 tablets of 500 mg Spirulina. Blood samples were taken in two phases (before and after 8 weeks) following 10 to 12 hours of being fasted. Results showed MDA decreased significantly, but SOD and CAT levels increased significantly in E, S, E+S groups after 8 weeks (P ≤ 0/05). Also there was a significant difference between MDA in E and E+S groups after 8 weeks (P ≤ 0/05). The results showed that regular aerobic exercise with Spirulina consumption can improve peroxidant and antioxidant balance in men with type 2 diabetes and prevent exercise-induced oxidative stress and also diabetes.

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For many years, the performance evaluation of Islamshahr physical education teachers had been introduced as one of the most important factors for success in the fields of education and training. The aim of this study was to dimension determination, provide scale and modelingthe performance evaluation factors of the physical education teachers. This was performed to Mixed method as qualitative and Quantitative by descriptive survey way. The population sample consisted of 120 physical education teachers who were in Islamshahr of Tehran. Research tool builds questionnaire with 30 closed questions were answered. A structured questionnaire survey instrument had 39 items. Cronbach's alpha reliability test for 0. 942 technical ability, communication skills 0. 913, and leadership skills 0. 919, special skills 0. 691 and discipline 0. 791, respectively. Results: The path analysis equations model show that the technical skills of teachers have affected on the other skills. Also, leadership skills have affected on communication skills and communication skills, in turnhave affected on the special skills of teachers. Conclusions: The obtained numerical scale can be used to evaluate the performance of teachers of physical education in schools.

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