As Mass Media is expanding nationally and internationally and affects the cultural foundations of the society, the common elements of the various cultures, through such contact and relation of the cultures, are mixing with each other.The important change about culture is the mutual understanding of the cultures, with no tendency to remove one. In this respect, the cultural democracy emphasizes on the principle that the dependency of an individual to a culture is one of the basic human needs and every individual, group, and community possesses the right to be appointed to (a) culture (s).This article, posing the question about the components of cultural democracy, identifies the mutual relationship between media and culture. Respecting others' values and moving towards an international society with concord and harmony, depends on the removal of the restrictions of intercultural relations, not the removal of the cultures. Media is considered as on effective foundation in the culture of the societies and functions within cultures. The result of such relation and bond is the mutual connection between Media and culture. The revolution of information, and accordingly the (phenomenon of) globalization of Media make a turning point in developing political, economical and cultural cooperation between different societies.