The main purpose of study is to determine the relationship between the tendency towards democracy and political socialization. Democracy has been proposed on the base of ideas of Robert Dahl, Schumpeter, Huntington, Habermas, Cohen and Kymlicka as dependent variable and political socialization with its dimensions of political participation, political awareness, political trust, ethnicities and political solidarity has been proposed based on the theories of Parsons, Giddens, Huntington, Kymlicka, Held and Robert Dahl. The population of the study was 354 students who were selected by cluster stratified sampling method and a questionnaire was used for collecting required data. The results show that, there is a meaningful relationship between political socialization and the tendency towards democracy and the rate of the tendency towards democracy and political socialization is moderate to high. There is a meaningful relationship between social factors such as political participation, political awareness, ethnicocenterism and political coherence with the tendency towards democracy. Also, there is no relationship between political trust and the tendency towards democracy.