Good nutrition and access to safe and appropriate food are the most fundamental rights of human beings. Without the proper nutrition, no one will enjoy the blessings of health. Meanwhile, the Nutrition of Women and Girls are particularly important because they have special physical needs in different periods of life. On the other hand, girls today are the future mothers and considering their nutritional needs, the healthier mothers, the healthier and the more efficient generation we will have in the future. On this basis, the present thesis aim to determine the sociological factors affecting the eating attitudes of girls. In this study, theories of Mary Story, Jean Baudrillard, Neil Postmen, Shills, Daniel Lerner, Hayprt, Markvzeh, Rieszman, and Robert Merton & Lazarsefled, Cockerham, Herbert Mead and Charles Horton Cooley were used. The aim of this research is to determine the correlation of sociological factors (media, advertising, family, peers, and socio-economic status of family) and eating attitudes among MA girl Students of medical faculty, urmia branch in 1388-89. The total number of female students was 977 and 276 students were selected by Kocran formula. Data were analyzed by SPSS and statistical tests of F, r-Pierson and multi_regression were used to acquire results. So results showed that of applied factors media had the highest effect on girls eating attitudes. Applied variables could explain 20%of eating attitudes.