Due to the critical situation of environmental issues, waste materials recycling and their reusing has been a research interest for many researchers. Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is a waste material which may have unfavorable influence on its surrounding environment. Considering the reported characteristics of these materials, different strategies to reuse RAP’s have been introduced.One of these applications recently noticed by the researchers is using RAP's in cement mixtures such as concrete. As RAP is mainly collected from roadsides and highways, so it is desirable to use it in common mixtures for roads pavements. Hence, Roller Compacted Concrete-a concrete mixture with unique featues such as ease of application and low cost- was selected as the basic mixture. In this research, replacing a part of aggregates with RAPs in three states was carried out: 1- with fine and coarse aggregates, 2- with just fine aggregates, and 3- with just coarse aggregates, with ratios of 0, 10, 20, 40, and 80 percentages. Tests results indicated that use of RAPs as a part of aggregates in pavement Roller Compacted Concrete has no effect on the consistency of concrete compressibility, and cement and water batches, however, the compressive strength is reduced by increased quantity of RAP aggregates.