According to the figures issued by UNCTAD, containerized trade is forecasted to grow by an average annual rate of 5.32 percent between the years 2003 and 2025. This paper studies yard crane scheduling problem between different blocks for a container terminal. The purpose is to minimize the total travel time of the cranes among the blocks and also, the total delayed workload in each block at different time periods. In other words, the forecasted workload within each planning period, additional crane capacity or insufficient crane capacity for each block, the time when cranes should be deployed and the routes of crane movements, all should be determined in a way that satisfies our objectives. Therefore, the problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming (MIP) model. The block pairs between which yard cranes will be transferred during the various periods, are determined by this model. Afterwards, the model is coded by LINGO which uses branch and bound algorithm for solving. The results determine the yard crane movement sequences among the blocks to achieve minimum total travel time for cranes and minimum total delayed workload in blocks at different periods. The biggest portion of the objective function value, for example, with 13 blocks, eight of which lack carne capacity is related to the total travel time of the cranes within the blocks. It is caused by the slow motion of the yard cranes and their large size. Also, total delayed workload calculated for four problems, decreases over the six time periods until it becomes zero. In other words, yard cranes are deployed in an optimal manner. Also, the results show the efficiency of the developed program.