The aim of this descriptive article is to evaluate ' Education Development for All' in the countries mentioned in the Islamic Republic of Iran's 2025 development vision. The needed data were collected according to the ' documentary research method'. They were later analyzed based on UNESCO-advised logic through the use of the ' secondary data analysis method'. The results indicate that as far as ' Education development for all' index is concerned, Georgia and Afghanistan are the highest and the lowest in rank respectively while Iran stands 18th among the 25 countries. In other words, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Turkmenistan, Kuwait and Armenia are higher in ' education development for all' than other countries of the group, while Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan suffer from low status from the ' Education Development for All' index standpoint. Finally, the majority of the countries in the region, including Iran, are regarded in the medium status in the framework of the index mentioned.