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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Commitment of top managers is one of the key requirements to implement accreditation successfully and that knowledge, attitude, and practice of managers should be studied. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing knowledge and attitude of top managers who involve in accreditation programs in teaching hospitals of Ardabil and East Azarbaijan provinces.Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in 14 teaching hospitals of Ardabil and East Azarbaijan provinces in 2012. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data and validity of the questionnaire obtained by expert panel opinions and reliability was attained through half-structure method (a=0.9). In total, 150 individuals were selected through census method. Data were analyzed using SPSS v.16 software.Results: 50.6% of participants were female with the most common education level of Bachelor degree (66%) and the majority was nurses. 63% had low and 11% had good knowledge on accreditation. About 70% of participants believed that accreditation increases public trust, quality of services, patient and staff satisfaction, and services safety as well as decreases hospital costs and improve hospital processes. They also stated that accreditation is more effective and efficient than the current evaluation system.Conclusion: Considering important role of top managers’ knowledge and attitude to implement accreditation processes successfully and low level of their knowledge and high level of attitude; planning of proper programs is necessary to improve managers’ knowledge and attain their support and cooperation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Disease and incapacity are common challenges for families. Psychosocial problems experienced by every member of the family have an impact on the whole family system. According to the Department of Health and Human Services estimates, the number of children with mental health problems ranges from 7.7 to 12.8 million. Furthermore, two thirds of young people with mental health problems are deprived from any support. This study was performed to investigate psychosocial status of 6-16 years individuals in Ardabil city and their family APGAR in 2004.Methods: In a descriptive study 380 students were randomly selected using stratified cluster sampling method. Data were collected through PSC (pediatric symptoms checklist containing 35 questions) as well as the APGAR questionnaire containing 25 questions and 5 questions on students’ demographic specification. Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics and absolute and relative numerical frequency distribution using SPSS software and the results were reported in 8 tables.Results: Findings indicated that 51.5% of samples aged 6-11 years, 50% being male and 50% female. Based on PSC, scores of 55.3% students were higher than 28. In 89.7% of cases family APGAR was categorized as good.Conclusions: Scores achieved by the majority of students from PSC questionnaire was high. This implies to pay more attention to the problems of students aged 6-16 years. However, the APGAR scores in majority of families were good.

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Road accident injuries as significant public health challenges require concentration on effective and sustained preventive efforts. The aim of current study was to evaluate practice of motorcyclists on helmet use based on health belief model in Khomein city.Methods: In a cross-sectional study a convenience sample of 384 subjects was selected. Data were collected using a self designed questionnaire based on structure of a health belief model through interview. Perceived severity, perceived benefits and barriers, and their relationships with drivers’ practice were determined using statistical analysis.Results: The average age of subjects was 28.96±8.50 years and 42% of drivers were single with the remaining being married. Significant differences were observed between average scores of practice, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers of married and single drivers (p<0.05). Average scores for perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers significantly correlated with practice scores (p<0.05). The barriers to helmet use were identified as sweating, interfering with hearing, expensiveness, heaviness, and visual limitation. 16.2% of subjects use helmets. 61.4, 22.7, and 15.9% of drivers believed that awareness and education, police fine, and police stopping are effective on helmet use, respectively.Conclusion: Planning and implementing of health education programs based on health belief model, properly designed helmets, and changes in police treatment may be effective on helmet use.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Using immethodically and uninformed of allowed and non- allowed artificial food dyes in food production establishments without supervision of authorized experts, has caused concerns in consumers health. Being aware of the knowledge and attitude of food dealers can facilitate throughout planning and managerial programs. This study aimed to assess knowledge and attitude of confectionery employees on usage of artificial food dyes.Methods: Knowledge and attitude of all 46 confectionery employees were studied using a standard questionnaire. ANOVA, Duncan, and Pearson correlation tests were applied for data analysis.Results: Despite the significant positive correlation between knowledge scores and employees education level, negative relationships were found between knowledge scores and age and experience (p<0.05). Attitude scores had significant relationship only with education (p<0.01), however, their differences in different groups were not considerable.Conclusion: The results showed that staff awareness on food and non-food grade dyes and their application is low and training is necessary on this field. It is recommended that training to be planned based on employee’s education levels. Subjects had negative attitude on health effects of non-allowed artificial dyes. Controlled and limited supply of artificial colors along with promoting awareness of producers and users of these dyes are the best strategies to reduce the unauthorized application of artificial dyes in the community.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Road traffic fatality is in critical situation in our country nowadays and about 28000 individuals die from road traffic accidents annually. The aim of the current study was to investigate road traffic accidents in patients admitted in emergency department of Alejalil hospital in Aq-Qala city.Methods: An analytical study conducted from July 2009 to July 2010. Data were gathered through census method using record sheets which include demographic and other related variables based on the study objectives. The questionnaire was validated by content validity analysis. Data were recorded using interview with patients or their accompanies. ANOVA was applied for data analysis with the alpha level set at p<0.05.Results: Average age of 833 subjects was 24.67 (SD=13.96) years. 33.8% of the patients were in 20-29 years age group. Sex ratio (male to female) was 5.7. 74.5% of injuries occurred for motorcyclists and 10.9% for pedestrians. 96% have not used either helmet or seat belt at the accident occurrence time. 41.6% of the accident occurred between 12 to 18 o’clock and 19.3 in Thursday. Thirty eight point five percent was occurred in summer. Significant relationships were observed between accident occurrence and season and day of the week (p<0.05).Conclusion: Majority of the road traffic accidents were in young motorcyclists’ who don’t wear helmet.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: brucellosis is a zoonosis and has remained a major health and economic concern. The main strategies for control and prevention of brucellosis include Intersectoral collaboration, disease surveillance, community education, and training of health workers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of educational interventions on reduction of brucellosis in rural areas of Khomein city.Methods: In a randomized semi-experimental study 400 adult men from rural areas of Khomein city were randomly allocated to case and control groups. Data were gathered using a researcher designed questionnaire based on PRECEDE framework. Educational interventions were conducted in three sessions (one session in a week) for 60 to 90 minutes based on the PRECEDE framework and the subjects were followed for 3 months.Results: Mean scores of predisposing factors (knowledge and attitude), reinforcing and enabling factors showed significant differences between case and control groups after intervention (p<0.05). Brucellosis incidence reduced from 147 in 2006 to 43 cases per 100000 in the first nine mounts of 2008 (p<0.05).Conclusion: Planning and implementing of health education interventions based on PRECEDE framework could be effective on reduction of brucellosis incidence.

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: New evidences and recent studies support regula¬tory role of dietary calcium intake on fat metabolism. Since obesity may be more precisely defined by deter¬mining body mass index and fat distribution through assessing waist circumference, present study aimed to elucidate the relationships between dietary calcium intake and BMI and waist circumference.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 402 male students residing in dormitories of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 2009. Daily Ca intake was estimated using a food frequency questionnaire for one year and 24 hour dietary recall questionnaire for 3 days. Height, weight, waist circumference, and body mass index were measured. Kolmogorov Smirnov and Pearson coefficient tests were applied to assess normal distribution of data and determine the relationships between BMI and waist circumference and calcium intake, respectively. ANOVA test was used to compare dietary intake of calcium in different BMI categories.Results: Average age of students was 21.1±11 year and respective values for BMI and daily calcium intake were 23.9±4.8 kgm-2 and 622.23±277.9 mg. A negative correlation was found between daily dietary calcium intake and BMI. Subjects falling in normal BMI range had higher daily Ca intake than those falling in overweight or obese students. Statistically significant differences were observed in daily Ca intake of BMI and waist circumference categories (p<0.05).Conclusions: Finding of current study confirms the inverse relationships between daily dietary calcium intake and BMI and waist circumference. Further studies are required to evaluate these relationships for both genders in a large number of participants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Families have an important role in addiction of their children. Findings show that close relationships exist between family members and addiction. Since mother has close and long-lasting contact with her child within the family members, the mothers’ role on addiction of children from point of view of addicted children’s mothers was studied.Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 200 mothers of drug addicted children. The subjects (40-70 years), who declared that their child is drug addicted, were selected based on cluster sampling method in Kerman city. After getting consent, a validity and reliability confirmed questionnaire was used to collect data. The researcher-made questionnaire contained demographic information and 20 questions on mothers’ role in addiction of children. Descriptive and analytical tests were applied for data analysis using SPSS version 15.Results: Results showed that 85% of subjects had addicted sons aged from 22 to 45 years. 80% of mothers blamed themselves on their child addiction and believed that they would be more careful if they were aware that their child may also be at the risk of drug addiction. Family disputes, child ignorance, and drug use in presence of children account for 83, 41, and 36% of children addiction, respectively.Conclusion: The findings showed that mother's knowledge can greatly prevent drug addiction of children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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