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Journal of Health

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Background & objective: Catechol is one of the most common compounds in the industrial wastewater including oil and petrochemical, pesticides industries. The drainage of these industries leads to aquatic organisms poisoning and adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of catechol toxicity changes before and after the catalytic ozonation process by Daphnia Magna bioassay. Methods: This study is an applied research in which the toxicity of catechol and its products from degradation was evaluated by bioassay method during the Catalytic ozonation process. First stock solution was prepared at concentration of 250 mg/l followed by preparation of 10 samples that each contained 0 (control), 0. 5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of volume of primary solution. Initial samples were prepared from reactor effluent in the same volume. Based on the standard method, 10 Daphnia infants were added to prepared samples. Samples were evaluated after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. Finally, lethal concentration (LC50) and toxic units (TU) were calculated using probit analysis. Results: According to the results, LC50 (24 hours) of raw effluent with an initial concentration of 250 mg / L of catechol increased from 13. 30 ml/100 ml to 33. 9 ml/100 ml after 60 minutes treatment. Consequently, the toxicity unit decreased from 7. 51 TU to 0. 9 TU which means that the toxicity dropped by 88%. Finally, the toxicity of treated effluent decreased during catalytic ozonation process to degradation of catechol. Conclusion: Bioassay is a simple and effective way to evaluate the toxicity potential of Catechol to discharge it to surface water. Based on the bioassay by Daphnia Magna, Catalytic ozonation process is able to reduce the toxicity of catechol by degradation this compound and breaking into other products.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objective: Direct application of sewage sludge in agriculture has been limited due to the presence of pathogens, inappropriate fermentation of organic waste and the presence of heavy metals. Co-composting of sewage sludge with biological waste is a method to reuse waste that leads safe disposal of sludge and waste. The purpose of this study was to review the advantages of co-compost and the possibility of compost production from a mixture of sewage sludge and biological waste. Method: In this paper, various methods for the production of co-compost were also reviewed. In this paper several factors including composting process optimization, compost controlling agents, co-composting raw materials and use of sewage sludge and biological wastewater, in the preparation of compost were evaluated as well as the role of co-compost in the challenge of agricultural wastewaters. Results: The raw sludge in a compost with organic waste, along with biochemical solids (fat, protein, and cellulose), are pure in terms of process evolution, the destruction of biochemical compounds in composting materials, the potential for pathogen inactivation, nutrient retention and improved biological activity. Proper management of municipal sewage treatment, organic and biological waste produced in the agro-industry play an important role in promoting the community health and the environment. The high cost of biological waste disposal, its environmental impacts, and the many risks associated with the use of chemical fertilizers are the problems due to ignorance compost production. Conclusion: Therefore, producing compost and co-comosting should be considered to promot environmental health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Perceived value is an essential element of competitive strategy and research. It has shown that there is a significant positive relationship between quality, value, satisfaction, and behavioral tendencies including customer loyalty, price, intention to repurchase, and word of mouth. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of the perceived value on destination image, satisfaction, and loyalty of medical tourists. Methods: This applied research is a descriptive and correlational study. Convinient sampling method was employed to recruit the participants. For data collection, Wong's perceived value questionnaire (Wong, 2012), Wong's standardized destination image questionnaire (Wong, 2012), a standardized tourist satisfaction questionnaire (Elahi & Heydari, 2008), and a researcher-made loyalty questionnaire (Ghasemi, 2015) were used. Results: The results showed that the perceived service quality and perceived medical quality, enjoyment, costs and risk affect the perceived value of medical tourists. The perceived value has impact on the destination image of medical tourists. The destination image also influences the satisfaction and loyalty of medical tourists. Finally, satisfaction could lead to the loyalty of medical tourists. Conclusion: According to the results, investment in improving the quality of tourism services, as well as reducing the potential risks of tourism activities and increasing the efforts to reduce direct and indirect costs for medical tourists can improve their perceived value. It is also possible to provide standard services and build appropriate infrastructure for medical tourists in order to create a positive image, which will result in satisfaction and, ultimately, the loyalty of tourists could lead to the future visit and word of mouth by them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Accidents are one of the main causes of death worldwide. Iran has one of the highest death rates due to unintentional injuries among countries. The first step in preventing and controlling accidents is collecting basic information about the severity and type of injuries. Methods: This study was conducted to estimate the burden of death due to accidents and injuries in Ardabil province. Death information was extracted from the death registration program of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. The World Health Organization website has been used to calculate the number of years lost in life. Results: A total of 402 deaths due to accidents have been registered of whom 76. 9% were male and 23. 1% were female. The average age of the deceased was 39. 4 (SD) and 54. 2% lived in urban areas and 45. 8% lived in rural areas. The YLLs for the total population was 16493 years. The largest amount was related to traffic accidents with 6628 years. The highest number of years was lost in the age group of 20 to 24 years. Conclution: The incidence of death from accidents was estimated to be 31. 64 in 100, 000 people. Considering the high mortality rate and the resulting YLL in Ardabil province, this issue should be considered as a serious public health problem and planning to prevent these injuries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory is a biological pattern of personality that considers brain-behavioral systems as the basis of individual differences. By considering the relationship between these systems and dependence on drug and alcohol use, the present study aimed to confirm the structure of four factors in Persian version of BIS/BAS scale with a sample of drug and alcohol addicts in Iran. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study statistical framework consisted of all alcohol and substance dependent individuals in some cities in Iran. 281 drug and alcohol abusers in prison, dormitory and rehab camps participated in the study. The main research tool was BIS/BAS scale of Carver and White. Collected data were analyzed using LISREL8/8 software. Results: Factors power of all questions (except questions 8) was satisfactory on the related factors and the factor structure of the Persian form of this scale confirms the structure of the original form of this tool (RMSEA= 0. 054, df/χ 2=1. 82). Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 66 and 0. 86 for BIS and BAS respectively and for behavioral activator subscale (BAS-DR) was 0. 57 or drive, 0. 78 for reward responsiveness and 0. 63 for fun seeking. Conclusion: The Persian version of Behavioral activation/inhibition systems (BAS/BIS) confirms the adaption of Gray's theoretic model and Corver and White's four-factor model with Iranian addicted community. This scale can be consequently used for Persian languages community in experimental and clinical research situations by researchers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are the cause of most of the disabilities and labor-induced absences in developing countries. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the association between occupational and individual risk factors and the prevalence and outcomes of musculoskeletal disorders among the rescue department employee. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among the rescue department employees of Qazvin. One hundred fourteen staffs were recruited in year 2016. Data gathering tool was Nordic questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression test were conducted using SPSS (ver 18). Results: Based on this study, 68. 4% of the staff in the rescue department has suffered in one of the body regions during the last year. Musculoskeletal disorders in employee had 2. 7 times negative association with lower level of education and higher work stress accordingly (staff with a high school diploma compared to bachelors) and (people with higher compared to higher stress). The Red Crescent workers were at higher risk of musculoskeletal disorders and work absence than fire workers (5. 2 times in single-variable analysis and 13. 09 in multivariate analysis). Conclusion: Factors including age, weight, work hours and history, education, type of job and work-related stress can affect the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and its consequences. Among these factors, educations, type of job and stress during work have the most impact on prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and whole body and shoulder pain.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Noise reduction in the source is always in priority. For acoustic engineers, taking a systematic approach and considering small details of designing an enclosure can be one of the most effective ways of noise reduction. This study was carried out to detect major noise generator sources in a screw manufacturing company. Methods: In this interventional study, primarily information were collected, including machines' specifications, number of workers exposed to noise, time of exposure, and their deployment location. Then environmental assessment was carried out to assess the noise level around the sound source and dosimetry devices. Finally, a design of an enclosure was developed to control noise level in machines producing noise. Results: Results indicated that BV2 and BR3 machines, with total sound pressure level of 95. 7 and 94. 4 dB, were major sources of noise, which exceeded the noise limit. To control the generated noise of the mentioned machines, an enclosure was designed with minimum damping of 19 dB. The designed enclosure consisted of a compact layer of 3 mm steel, a layer of 20 mm self-stick foam, a layer of 40 mm mineral wool and a 1 mm layer of punched aluminum plate with open mouth of 60%. Conclusion: the designed enclosure for BV2 and BR3 machines can empirically reduce sound pressure level by 19. 3 and 19. 7 dB respectively and the exposure of operators was reduced to 76. 4 and 74. 7 dB, which provides safety for workers of the factory.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: The aim of this study was the effect of mucilages of Salvia macrosiphon and Plantago ovata as a prebiotic instead of fat and its effect on the sensory, microbial and survival properties of low-fat stirred yogurt probiotic. Methods: In this study, mucilages of Salvia macrosiphon and Plantago ovata were added to the low-fat stirred yogurt in concentrations and various ratios of 0. 01%, 0. 04% and 0. 07%, after the extraction. The effects of adding mucilage on the properties of low-fat stirred yogurt probiotic containing bifidobacterium bifidum stored at refrigerated temperature (0 to +4 ° C), such as sensory, durability assessment and total probiotic bacterial count were investigated for 3 weeks. The results were analyzed using ANOVA test. Results: The results showed that the yoghurt containing of 0. 04% Salvia macrosiphon mucilage and 0. 04% Plantago ovate mucilage had the highest scent, taste and sensory rating. The combination of salvia macrosiphon and Plantago ovate mucilages had a significant effect on sensory properties (p<0. 05). A significant decrease was observed in the color score of yogurt samples, with increasing the percentage of the Salvia macrosiphon and Plantago ovate mucilages (p<0. 05). The probiotic bacterial life of Bifidobacterium bifidum increased until the seventh day with the addition of mucilages to yogurt, and then decreased. The sample containing 0. 07% mucilage of Salvia macrosiphon showed the highest amount of probiotic bacteria, but live bacterial count significantly increased with increasing of these two hydrocolloids compared to the control group (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the some doses mucilages of Plantago ovata and Salvia macrosiphon as a replacement of fat could play a significant role in keeping up the sensory properties of low fat yogurt during storage. Thses additives can improve the negative effects of reduced yogurt fat with increasing the amount of probiotic bacteria and improving oral sensation.

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Gharakhani D. | Zaferanchi A.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Job Burnout and turnover intention accordingly, has become a pressing issue for many organizations worldwide. This study investigated the effect of job burnout on employees’ turnover intention with regard to the mediating role of job satisfaction. Methods: 288 samples were randomly selected among 1100 total staff members of companies under investigation using Morgan table. The data was collected using a standard questionnaire that its validity and reliability have already been approved. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality of variables. Smart-PLS statistical software was utilized for data analysis. Results: The results of the research showed that job burnout, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment had negative effects on job satisfaction, but the effect of emotional exhaustion was not observed on job satisfaction. The effect of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment had also a positive significant effect on employees’ turnover intention, while job satisfaction had negative effect on employee’ s turnover intention. Finally the effect of job satisfaction as a mediator variable between job burnout and employees’ turnover intention was examined. The results showed a positive significant association. In addition, a positive effect was observed between depersonalization and employees’ turnover intention as well as reduced personal accomplishment and employees’ turnover intention. On the other hand, the mediating role of job satisfaction was not observed in the effect of emotional exhaustion on employees’ turnover intention. Conclusion: Organizing measures to reduce staff stress reduces emotional exhaustion and prevents the emotional and cognitive gap between employees and their jobs. Measures to reduce the gap between employers and his recipients reduce depersonalization of employees, and clarifying the role of employees in the organization's progress and increasing their sense of efficiency reduces their sense of inadequacy.

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BABAEI N. | Belyad S. | MORADI A.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Governments and health related professionals have approved the importance of social determinants in many countries. Oral hygiene is one of the most important subjects which is attracted the attention of the individuals, families, government and health organization and policy makers. Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) indicator is one of the most epidemiologic indexes in dentistry indicating the situation of oral and dental health among people of a community. The present study was conducted to evaluate association between the dmft index and oral hygiene situation and related healthcare behaviors among Iranian students studying science in Meshgin city. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 303 students in Meshgin city were randomly selected. Research instrument was self-administered questionnaire to collect information about demography, filled-decayed-missed tooth, quality and quantity of health behaviors, diet, smoking and using alcoholic beverage, irregular attendance to dentist. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 17. Results: the DMFT mean among student of Meshgin city was measured 3. 87± 3. 40, which was different between boys and girls; 3. 51± 3. 31 and 4. 13± 3. 45 in boys and girls respectively but not significant. This index was lower than that reported by WHO. Approximately 60 percent of students were brushing their tooth daily. There was also a significant association between DMFT and quantity of brushing and last dentist visit (p<0. 05). Conclusion: By considering WHO goal until 2015 (DMFT<1), dentistry services and prevention program need to be considered seriously. Regular brushing and general coverage of insurance for basic dental services can have a positive impact on DMFT in the community.

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