CopyKERMANI, M., FARZADKIA, M., ESRAFILI, A., DADBAN SHAHAMAT, Y., & Fallah Jokandan, S.. (2019). Determination of Catechol Toxicity Changes Before and After the Ctalytic Ozonation Process Using Bioassay Method. JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND HYGIENE, 10(1 ), 7-18. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/227102/en
CopyKERMANI M., FARZADKIA M., ESRAFILI A., DADBAN SHAHAMAT Y., Fallah Jokandan S.. Determination of Catechol Toxicity Changes Before and After the Ctalytic Ozonation Process Using Bioassay Method. JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND HYGIENE[Internet]. 2019;10(1 ):7-18. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/227102/en
CopyM. KERMANI, M. FARZADKIA, A. ESRAFILI, Y. DADBAN SHAHAMAT, and S. Fallah Jokandan, “Determination of Catechol Toxicity Changes Before and After the Ctalytic Ozonation Process Using Bioassay Method,” JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND HYGIENE, vol. 10, no. 1 , pp. 7–18, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/227102/en