The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Transactional Analysis on personality states, self-esteem and clinical symptoms of people with emotional breakdown. A single case study method and experimental design of the multiple baselines was performed. Thus, the sample of five female clients was selected using purposeful sampling method and was treated by Transactional Analysis therapy. Clients completed questionnaires of Love Trauma, BDI-II, self-esteem, GHQ-28, functions after an emotional breakdown, DASS-21, and PAC in pretreatment (baseline) and during the first session, seventh, eighth, and final session (Session XIV) and the three-month and six-month follow-up. Also they completed MCMI-III questionnaire pre-treatment to identify clinical patterns of personality. Both methods of clinical significance and percentage of improvement were used for data analysis. Results showed that transactional analysis therapy has been effective on personality states, self-esteem and clinical symptoms of people with emotional breakdown, and clients have uses "adult" and "supportive parent” more after treatment. Transactional Analysis therapy with regard to its therapeutic process has a good efficacy in improving symptoms of emotional breakdown of Students.