The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and the validity of Metacognitive Orientation Learning Environment Scale. Participants were 213 high school students (107 boys, 106 girls) were selected by cluster sampling in Shiraz, Iran. Mean age of the students was 16.88 years old. They completed two self-report instruments: Metacognitive Orientation Learning Environment Scale & Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. The reliability coefficients were calculated in two different methods: cronbach alpha & test-retest, whith were .60 and .94 respectively. The validity of the scale as measured by the metacognitive awareness inventory was .90 (p<.01). Subscales-total correlations coefficients, as another index of validity, were between .31 to. 93. Factor analysis of the questionnaire using varimax rotation showed 6 factors named Classroom interactions, Metacognitive demands, Student voice, Teacher encouragement and support, Distributed control & Emotional support whith covered over the 68.53 percent of the total variance. The results provide evidence that the metacognitive orientation learning environment scale construct is applicable for academic & research situations.