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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Conduct problems are the cause of delinquency in adolescents that can be influenced by parenting and the level of development of their moral judgment. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of authoritarian parenting on conduct problems mediated by the development of moral judgment in male adolescents living in correction and rehabilitation center. Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional analysis of path analysis. The statistical population of the present study included all adolescent boys in correction and rehabilitation centers in Kerman, Yazd and Hormozgan provinces and one of their parents ranging in age from 16 to 12 years, which consistently includes 220 adolescents,But 180 questionnaires were completed and entered into the analysis. All of them participated in the study by census method. Data were collected using Demographic Information Questionnaire, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Baumrind Parenting Styles Questionnaire (BPSQ) and Moral Development Questionnaire (MDQ) was performed. Results: The direct effects of authoritarian parenting on the growth of moral judgment (β, =-0. 426,p=0. 001), authoritarian parenting on conduct problems (β, =0. 322,p = 0. 001), the growth of moral judgment is significant on conduct problems (β, =-0. 432,p=0. 001). the indirect effect of authoritarian parenting mediated by the growth of moral judgment on conduct problems (β, =0. 270,p= 0. 001) is significant and has a minor mediating role. Conclusions: Authoritarian parenting is a negative factor on adolescents' moral development that can affect the rate of behavior problems. It is suggested that in order to improve the conduct problems of delinquent adolescents, parenting education should be provided to the parents of their adolescents and treatment programs should be provided to improve the development of moral judgment for delinquent adolescents in rehabilitation centers.

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Introduction: As one of the chronic diseases, epilepsy can affect children's self-steam and life satisfaction by lowering self-steam, that leads to social isolation, reduced self-efficacy and finally affects their adaptation to the disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between demographic characteristics (individual and clinical) and adaptation (based on ROY adaptation model) with adherence to treatment in adolescents with epilepsy. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 111 adolescents aged 10-20 years with epilepsy referred to the Isfahan Epilepsy Association were studied based on inclusion criteria. Demographic characteristics, Roy adaptation and adherence to treatment questionnaire were use to collected data. Results: The results showed that except the age of participants (p=0. 038), the overall score of treatment adherence was not significantly associated with none of the demographic and clinical characteristics items of the participants (p>0. 05). Also, there was a significant direct correlation between the overall score of treatment adherence and the overall score of adaptation which means that increasing overall score of treatment adherence leads to increasing in the overall score of adaptation(R=0. 197، P=0. 019). Also the overall score of treatment adherence had a direct and meaningful correlation with the score of adaptation aspects. Conclusions: Regarding the mentioned results, interventions which increase adolescents’,adaptation with their disease can promote their adherence.

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Introduction: Executive actions as the most effective cognitive performance processes play an important role in academic success. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of emotional processing in the relationship between executive actions and academic performance in bilingual students. Methods: The method of this research was descriptive correlational. The statistical population included all bilingual high school girls in the first grade in the ninth grade of Bandar-e-Turkmen city, and 280 students were selected based on multi-stage cluster sampling method. Student respondents answered the FAM and Taylor Academic Performance Questionnaires (1999), Rescue Executive Actions (2013), "Measurement" and colleagues (2010). Results: The results showed that executive actions with the mediating role of emotional processing are effective in explaining academic performance (0/51). Executive actions have a direct effect on academic performance in bilingual students and the relationships of these variables are consistent with each other (P <0. 01). Conclusions: Emotional processing mediates the relationship between executive actions and academic performance. Therefore, by controlling emotional processing and strengthening executive actions, students' academic success can be increased.

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Introduction: One of the problems of childeren with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder is a problem in executive functions that can be increased by teaching motor skills. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of motor skills training on inhibition of response and attention and concentration in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Methods: The method of this research was quasi-experimental and pre-test-post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study included all male students in the sixth grade of elementary school in Kerman in the academic year of 2020. The research sample consisted of 30 people who were selected by available sampling method and were randomly divided into two intervention groups (15 people) and control (15 people). They responded to the Swanson and Nolan and Pelham Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder tests, the color-word Stroop test, and the continuous performance test before and after the intervention. The intervention group received motor skills training sessions as a group during 18 sessions of 45 minutes and the control group did not receive any training. Results: The response of the intervention group was significantly increased compared to the control group in response and attention. The effectiveness of motor skills training on response recovery and attention and concentration in the post-test was confirmed (p <0. 01). The magnitude of this effect on the executive function of response inhibition was 0. 44 and attention and concentration was 0. 77. Conclusions: Motor skills training is effective in improving the response inhibition, attention and concentration of students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Therefore, this type of education can be used to reduce the problems of students with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder.

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Introduction: Moral intelligence is one of the influential factors in raising a child that can affect his personal and social development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of moral intelligence training on altruistic behavior and aggression in children under 7 years old. Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study in which the pre-test-post-test design with a control group was used. The statistical population of this study consisted of all children aged 4 to 7 years in Yazd in the academic year 2019-2020. Thirty children were selected by the available sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups of experimental and control. The intervention program consisted of seven 30-minutes sessions of moral intelligence training that were presented to the children in the experimental group. Data collection tools included two questionnaires of aggression in preschool children Vahedi et al. (2008) and the abilities and problems of Goodman et al. (1997). Questionnaires were completed for participants in both groups, before and after the intervention and also after one month of the study (follow-up stage). Finally, the data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. Results: After the intervention, there was a significant difference between the scores in the experimental and control groups after the intervention and also after three weeks of the intervention (follow-up stage). Aggression was reduced in children (P <0. 001), and altruistic behavior in children had increased (P <0. 05). Conclusions: Teaching moral intelligence components is effective in improving aggression and altruism in children under 7 years old, and moral intelligence training can be used to improve aggression and altruism in children under 7 years old.

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Introduction: Students require the coordination of many different skills to be successful in school. In the meantime, the role of motor skills as a cornerstone of the development of cognitive and socialemotional function is of particular importance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the motor profile of students with specific learning disorder and students with learning problems. Methods: Data were collected on 200 students aged 8 to 12 years old (Mage = 119. 6 Months, SD = 13. 75 Months) with a diagnosis of either specific learning disorder and learning problem. The data were analyzed using the multivariate analysis of variances (MANOVA). Result: The results showed that students with specific learning disabilities had lower performance in locomotor (F= 25. 86, P<. 001), object control skills (F= 35. 95, P<. 001), balance (F= 25. 04, P<. 001), bilateral coordination (F= 47. 92, P<. 001), and fine motor skills (F= 22. 68, P<. 05) compared to students with learning problems. Significant differences were found between the two groups. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, consideration of motor skills in the identification, rehabilitation, and education of students with specific learning disabilities and learning problems can lead to effective results. these findings have important diagnostic and clinical implications for students with SLD and LP.

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Introduction: Examination of oral motor indices in infants helps treatment team members identify infants who are delayed in these indices earlier and use the order of occurrence of these indices in normal infants as a criterion for treating infants with motor delay. Literature shows that oral movement indices are different in different races, cultures, and languages. The aim of this study was to determine the time of onset of movement indicators of opening the mouth when the spoon sticks to the lips, gently moving the tongue back and forth when food enters the mouth, and lateral movement of the tongue and jaw in Iranian normal infants in Shiraz. Methods: In the current study, in 2018, by using cluster sampling, 250 infants 4-9 months were selected from 7 public health centers in Shiraz. After conferring the participants ‘, normal development, by using The Ages & Stages Questionnaires(ASQ), a speech therapist assessed and analyzed the lips, tongue, and jaws movements during feeding of semi-solid and solid food by using researcher developing Questionnaire in public health centers in 6 age groups include 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 months. Results: The oral movements checklist content validity ratio (CVR) were 0/99. The oral movements, opening the mouth when the spoon sticks to the lips, moving the tongue gently forward and backward when food enters the mouth were observed in all participants 4-9 months. In evaluating lateral movement of the tongue, 13. 6% of infants with 4 months showed only the tongue movement to the right, and 40. 9% showed the tongue movement to the right and left. the tongue movement to the right and left in infants with 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 months were observed in 73. 5%, 59%, 80. 8%, 91. 4% and 93. 3% respectively. Moving to the side of the tongue and lateral jaw movements are seen in Iranian infants at the age of 5 and 8 months, respectively. Conclusions: According to the results, the age of onset of some of oral movements in Iranian infants is similar to other races and the age of onset of some of oral movements such as moving the tongue gently forward and backward when food enters the mouth is sooner than other races. It is necessary to conduct more extensive studies in different populations to provide exact indexes about oral movements to diagnose oral motor delays.

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Introduction: Neonatal nursing course is a period to train the most important and influential health professionals. To identify strengths, weaknesses, utilizing successful strategies, and experiences of the existing curriculum, this study were conducted to compare master curriculum of neonatal nursing program in Iran and Wayne state school of nursing in America. Methods: This comparative study was conducted in 2020 using the Bereday model in four steps of description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison using the keywords Curriculum, Program, Logbook and Neonatal Nursing on Google Scholar. The comparative elements included the philosophy, mission, vision, values, goals and objectives, entry requirements, duration and courses, executive strategies, teaching and evaluation methods, etc. Results: Two countries shared almost the same vision in some cases, according to the basic principles of strategic planning. However, the definition of the field, conditions for admission and entry to the course, graduates' employment status, philosophy, mission, general purpose, role of graduates, rules and regulations, payment, structural and personnel characteristics, and postgraduate topics in nursing education were different in two universities. Conclusions: The results showed that the Iranian neonatal nursing program, compared to the American one in the Wayne state University, has mainly focused on research and has executive failures in organizing vigorous entry requirements for student admission (including interview, ethical certification, academic achievement), clinical rules, enriching the students’,competencies in specialized neonatal nursing skills and knowledge, and providing and securing a better position for the graduates in the clinical settings. Therefore, with identifying these deficiencies, we should take steps to improve the training program to achieve better results and quality care in the field of nursing practice.

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Rohbakhsh Illi Moghadam Mohammad Reza | Jajarmi Mahmoud | GHOSHUNI MAJID

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Introduction: Neurofeedback therapy is considered as an alternative therapy for children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder which aims to optimize brain capabilities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy intervention on increasing cognitive skills in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Methods: The present study was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and followup design with experimental group and control group. The statistical population of 7-11-year-old students had symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in Mashhad. The sample consisted of 24 eligible individuals who volunteered to participate in the study in two groups of neurofeedback and control training. Neurofeedback training was performed in 36 sessions on the experimental group. The Connors Scale and Intelligence Test scales of Tehran-Stanford-Binet were used to collect information. Data analysis was performed by repeated measures test analysis using SPSS software version 23 (α,= 0. 05). Results: According to the results, the effect size of the sources of change in creating differences within the group (0. 692), intergroup (0. 213) and interaction (0. 460) was p <0. 05). In comparing the means of the experimental group with the control group, the mean of cognitive abilities in the intervention group was higher than the control group (P = 0. 023). Conclusions: According to the findings of this study, it is suggested to use the therapeutic approach of neurofeedback education to increase the cognitive abilities of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder.

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Introduction: Early childhood care and education play the most important role in future of children. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of early childhood care and education package on the well-being of children aged 2 to 24 months. Methods: The research method was a one-group semi-experimental with pretest and posttest. The statistical population included mothers and children aged 2 to 24 months in Isfahan in the winter of 2021. From the statistical population, 25 mothers and children for each of the two age groups of 2 to 12 months and 13 to 24 months (a total of 50 mothers and children for both groups) were selected through purposive sampling. 8 people withdrew from 13 to 24 months group during the study, so the number of samples in this group was reduced to 17 people. The ASQ-III questionnaire was used to assess children's well-being. Each group of mothers and children underwent early education and care for their children for 12 weeks. Results: The results revealed that early childhood care and education significantly improved the components of well-being, including communication, large movements, fine movements, problem solving and personal-social domains in both groups of 2 to 12 months and 13 to 24 months. (P< 0. 01). Conclusions: Due to the effect of early care and education on increasing the well-being of children in the first two years of birth, the use of this type of education for young children 2 to 24 months in the family and kindergarten is recommended.

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