Urban tourism development is a common strategy towards urban regeneration and residents’ welfare. However, sustainable tourism strategies aim not only to meet the needs of the local host community in terms of improved living standards and quality of life, but also to satisfy the demands of tourists and tourism industry. The Green Tourism Association, which promotes urban green tourism to tourists, residents and businesses in Toronto, defines urban green tourism by four attributes: environmental responsibility, local economic vitality, cultural sensitivity, and finally experiential richness. The latter attribute, i.e. experiential richness, is considered with providing tourists with satisfying experiences through active, personal and meaningful participation with nature, people, places and cultures. Therefore, tourists’ satisfaction with a destination’s tourism product is a significant dimension of sustainable tourism development.Having adopted Jansen-Verbeke’s (1986) model of urban tourism product, this paper aims to evaluate inbound tourists’ satisfaction with various elements of urban tourism product of Tehran, Iran. To this end, IPA (importance-performance analysis) & EPI (expectation-perception-importance) techniques have been employed. The data is obtained from a survey applied to a convenience sample of 146 inbound tourists visiting Tehran from January to May 2010. A structured questionnaire was designed, pilot tested and used to collect data. The questionnaire was designed based on the theoretical model of the research and its validity and variability were verified. The respondents were asked about the importance of each element of urban tourism product and their expectations and perceptions of those elements in Tehran on a 5-point Likert scale. Then an IPA matrix was formed, using the mean value of each axis. Unlike the traditional IPA, the performance axis of the grid was calculated from the gap between the expectations and perceptions of each element, according to EPI model.The findings indicate that the shortcomings of Tehran’s tourism product are mainly due to poor additional elements (infrastructure). Therefore, in order to improve tourists’ satisfaction with this destination, the enhancement of these elements takes priority over primary and secondary elements. Thus, the finite resources of the destination can be purposefully managed and consumed.