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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Pathology tourism in developing societies such as Islamic Republic of Iran can be one of the most important priorities of the majority’s fundamental research and studies. Definitely take action to identify obstacles and limitations and the priority of them and also provide the executive solutions, an operation for removing and at least by making reform and related affairs with the tourism industry to wrestlers decision and planners levels in national and local to will create financial resources, natural, cultural and human resources on the needs of the main limitations and resources, especially in the financial management and the maximum utilization.what we do this research is that identify the obstacles and restrictions method to field studies and opinion of decision Makers(DM), and experts in the conservatives in parts of this industry for executive and research parts that can be classified in priority on the criteria to be used.Also the real question according to the same research design that if have been identified and priority of obstacles and restrictions on tourism in the country can be help or not in the reform of the process to the development of tourism in direction of national development programs?Researchers have tried to based on the findings of the questionnaire used process with the practice of Analityc Hierarchy Process (AHP) and ranking items, to move on this criteria by scientific method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Despite of increasing development of tourism industry in the world and existence of a lot of potentials in Iran for attracting foreign tourists, information and statistics shows that tourism industry in Iran is not successful. It seems that one of the reasons of this matter is the lack of attention to expectations and preferences of incoming tourists, and also the lack of effort to increase their satisfaction.The purpose of this research is better understanding of European tourists’ satisfaction with their travel experience in Iran.The sample of the research was chosen from European tourists that traveled to Iran in 2008. 156 European tourists were asked to determine the importance and performance of travel attributes to Iran. The results have been surveyed by IPA (Importance-Performance Analysis).Importance-Performance Analysis showed that tourism attractions, transportation, and environment are the opportunities of Iran as a tourism destination. In addition, the attributes of accommodation, entertainment activities, and shopping are weaknesses of Iran. And finally, attributes of restaurant, information, and infrastructures and public services are potential threats of Iran as a tourism destination.

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The purpose of this study is to research and analysis of ecotourism development potentials and opportunities based on the principles of sustainability in the desert and dry lands of Iran as well as comparative analysis of development policies of this kind of ecotourism with United Arab Emirates. The main question of the research is that how tourist attractions, facilities and potentials of desert and dry lands can be defined for sustainable ecotourism development. Research method is comparative analysis and the approach and concept is analytical descriptive. The research findings explained that deserts and dry lands in Iran, despite having the potentials and variety of resources, due to lack of the necessary infrastructure and facilities are still not appropriate and standard for ecotourism development. On the other hand examination of policies and programs in the field of ecotourism development in the deserts and dry lands based on the study model and matching them with similar policies in the United Arabic Emirates show that the UAE, despite locating in the lower level in terms of the potentials and capabilities of ecotourism in the deserts, due to planning and proper investment in developing this kind of ecotourism, has been more successful. Finally, the lack of proper infrastructure, lack of investment, funding and attention to the deserts and dry lands in the macro level, have been identified as the barriers to sustainable ecotourism development in these areas and Strategies for the optimal exploitation of desert resources for sustainable ecotourism development in these arias have been proposed.

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Tourism is as a solid whole as and as a global reality has experienced many changes in its constructing layers based on technological and informational innovations and management revolution capabilities and has also endowed itself a new view is the limited concepts of time and place as the transportation of people in the space. One of the changes created in the evolution caused by post-modernism attitudes is the growth in single trips based on cultural interactions and experiencing different things which is a simplified trend in nostalgic sense empowerment toward the past/originality and importance of natural, cultural and historical heritage in tourism prospect. In this research the basic question is that what is the economic, social and ecological effects on the mentioned area. The research methodology is a descriptive-survey and is based on the assured documents, library resources, internet web-sites and field studies, controlled interviews and questionnaires. The gathered data is analyzed and priorized using SPSS software and TOPSIS model and the effects of this area on the surrounding Nomads living areas. This research shows that creating this center has given a new life to the Nomads living and rural surrounding areas by creating more opportunities and has been a cause of development on one side but has caused economic, social and ecological damages because of unplanned development in these areas on the other side.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban tourism development is a common strategy towards urban regeneration and residents’ welfare. However, sustainable tourism strategies aim not only to meet the needs of the local host community in terms of improved living standards and quality of life, but also to satisfy the demands of tourists and tourism industry. The Green Tourism Association, which promotes urban green tourism to tourists, residents and businesses in Toronto, defines urban green tourism by four attributes: environmental responsibility, local economic vitality, cultural sensitivity, and finally experiential richness. The latter attribute, i.e. experiential richness, is considered with providing tourists with satisfying experiences through active, personal and meaningful participation with nature, people, places and cultures. Therefore, tourists’ satisfaction with a destination’s tourism product is a significant dimension of sustainable tourism development.Having adopted Jansen-Verbeke’s (1986) model of urban tourism product, this paper aims to evaluate inbound tourists’ satisfaction with various elements of urban tourism product of Tehran, Iran. To this end, IPA (importance-performance analysis) & EPI (expectation-perception-importance) techniques have been employed. The data is obtained from a survey applied to a convenience sample of 146 inbound tourists visiting Tehran from January to May 2010. A structured questionnaire was designed, pilot tested and used to collect data. The questionnaire was designed based on the theoretical model of the research and its validity and variability were verified. The respondents were asked about the importance of each element of urban tourism product and their expectations and perceptions of those elements in Tehran on a 5-point Likert scale. Then an IPA matrix was formed, using the mean value of each axis. Unlike the traditional IPA, the performance axis of the grid was calculated from the gap between the expectations and perceptions of each element, according to EPI model.The findings indicate that the shortcomings of Tehran’s tourism product are mainly due to poor additional elements (infrastructure). Therefore, in order to improve tourists’ satisfaction with this destination, the enhancement of these elements takes priority over primary and secondary elements. Thus, the finite resources of the destination can be purposefully managed and consumed.

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The tourism industry, the largest and most diverse industry in the world, is considered as the major source of revenue, employment, development of private sector and infrastructure of economic, social, cultural, political, legal and technological development.This descriptive research is case study type and the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Tehran Province has been taken as the subject of study.It has been tried to determine the weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities of tourism industry by identifying and introducing the most important factors effective on internal and external environments of this industry and determine the strategic position of tourism industry for compiling the tourism strategy of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Tehran Province using SWOT matrix.The priorities of strategies selected in previous stage are determined using Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) and some proposals for improvement of domestic status of tourism industry are presented. Meanwhile, in order to choose the strategy suitable for this industry, the objectives, mission, and vision of Tourism Organization have been studied and reviewed, the result of which is choosing 13 prioritized strategies suitable for mission of Tourism Organization of Tehran Province.

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The concept of solidarity has a long history in political, human and social sciences and refers to the coordination between different components of a whole social system. National solidarity is a bilateral concept which refers to both common grounds (similarities) and discrepancies. This concept, on one hand, with an emphasis on common grounds, make members connected and committed around a common axis and on the other hand, distinguishes them as an individual among others. Iran, is a versatile country which is constituted from different subcultures and ethnicities, which among them, different elements relating to common identity, religion, conceptual perceptions as well as common history and geography is of great significance. The foreground for enhancing national solidarity is a mutual understanding among these subcultures about each other’s and in this regard, Persian language, as a common cultural heritage has a facilitating role in this mutual understanding. Obviously, development of domestic tourism within Iran is an infrastructure for establishing this mutual and integrative understanding among different subcultures. This article tries to illustrate, as a conceptual framework, the concept of national integrity and the factors which influence it. In the second part, the role and influence of tourism on each of the determinant factors of the framework will be discussed and examined.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Analyzing Iran tourism destinations shows no proper and model-oriented development. Also, unbalancing tourism demand and supply is another problem. These have caused oversupply in some destinations, and lack of supply in more destinations. Over demand has pressured more and more on infrastructures and environment of tourism destination, such as Kelardasht, and lead them to decline.Identifying models and components effecting on resort destinations development, and Kelardasht tourism characteristics for introducing proper tourism development model of Kelardasht are this paper objective. Delphi technique and Freedman statistical method are used for identifying and ranking development components of resort destinations. Also, development models are evaluated and proper model are selected using qualitative and quantitative evaluation matrix methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism is a very broad industry that require to effective planning and management; to realize this, it must created developed and implemented based on scientific data. Now the various organizations are responsible for tourism management and development planning, that there is not a coordination between them. The key to success in organizing “Tourism Statistics” for macro planning and fundraising for the tourism sector, is timely access to reliable statistics on tourism for academic and administrative departments. Identify ways to provide basic statistics needed for development, taking advantage of modern technologies for statistics production, organizing statistics data and statistical information, including issues that must be considered. In addition, monitoring and evaluation system and process statistical information to improve tourism statistics is a requirement for Tourism Statistics. This requires having the right and scientific methods to collect the needed data. In this article two methods of collecting statistical information i.e. the registration statistics and tourism satellite accounts as superior methods of collecting statistical information is highlighted. The paper with introduces the systems of collecting tourism statistics follow the best answer to the research question: What are appropriate methods for collecting tourism statistics? Data collection method is library research and use relevant authoritative references to the topic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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