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Bioethics Journal

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There are three approaches regarding the right's ethical fundamentals on forgotten including result-based, possession based and ontological approaches. The result-based approach is based on the effects resulting from information distribution of every person and their privacy violation. Possession based approach assuming one's information as part of their properties, considers person's right on not distributing information related to them as one of their possession requirements. The ontological approach presuming human nature as a whole, emphasis on the fact that the nature of every human is consisted of a set of physical and nonphysical factors such as information related to them and the distribution of information of the person is really their personal identity violation. In this article, with investigation of these approaches, their strangeness and weakness is studied.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Knowledge management and job involvement are critical requirements for today' s organizations that this can be developed in the light of professional ethics. By understanding these issues, present study aims to evaluate the relationship between professional ethics with knowledge management and job involvement.Materials and Methods: The research method was descriptive-correlative. Statistical population was all female teachers of Zahedan high school in the academic years 1394-95 (175 people). By stratified random method, 120 high school female teachers through three questionnaires professional ethics (Gregory, 1990), knowledge management (Bhatt, 2001) and job involvement (Lodahl & Kejnar, 1965) were studied. To analyze the data, from the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used with the help SPSS21 software.Findings: The correlation coefficients of professional ethics and its components: dependable, ambitious, considerate, cooperative respectively with knowledge management were 0.346, 0.395, 0.234, 0.219 and 0.216. The results also showed that 18.2 percent of the variance in knowledge management professional ethics explain that the only component dependable between the components of professional ethics to do with the amount of b (0.51) of the predictive power of knowledge management. Other findings showed that the correlation coefficients of professional ethics and its components: dependable, ambitious, considerate, cooperative respectively with job involvement were 0.497, 0.519, 0.412, 0.292 and 0.31 respectively. The results also showed that 29.3 percent of the variance in job involvement of professional ethics explains that the only component dependable of professional ethics to do with the amount of b (0.486) had the power to predict job engagement.Conclusion: According to the findings to your school administrators recommended that efforts to establish ethical work environment and encourage teachers to focus on their business activities. So that in this way we hoped teachers to improve knowledge management and job involvement.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between ethics and management style and job satisfaction among employees of the Mazandaran University.Materials and Methods: The research method was correlation.75 people were selected as a sample from 102 personnel under the supervision of managers faculties (Faculty of Human Sciences Art Economics Education) by stratified random sampling method based on gender and Morgan tables. Data was collected by standard questionnaires of work ethic (Petit), management style (Muhammad Hosni) and job satisfaction and analyzed by SPSS software, K-S, Pearson correlation and Mean comparison tests.Findings: The results showed the work ethic and, management style and theirs components had an significant relationship with job satisfaction As well as there was meaningful relationship between gender, academic record and field of study and work ethic and job satisfaction, The degree and field of study had relationship with management style, but there was no significant relationship between gender and management style.Conclusion: The results showed the relationship between ethics and management style and job satisfaction Mazandaran University. In other words, employees' perceptions of ethics governing the work and management style of the organization had significant positive correlation with job satisfaction.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: According to the general guidelines for ethics in medical research, informed consent is necessary in clinical trials. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the observance of guideline for taking informed consent in the clinical thesis of Iranian traditional medicine in Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2011-2015.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the observance of guideline for taking informed consent was evaluated in 210 participants in clinical studies of traditional medicine. The knowledge of the participants from the objectives and methods of the studies, responsibilities and rights of participants, benefits and possible side effects, paying the cost, confidentiality and other parts of consent form were investigated. The findings were described as the number and the frequency.Findings: Mean (±SD) of age was 43 (±17) years.30% were illiterate and informed consent form was completed by their companions.89% of participants had received the informed consent form, but only 10% of the them had studied it and more than half of them had not understood some parts of it.55% of the participants were not aware they have participated in a research study and 92% did not know the main purpose of the study. None of the participants know about the different groups and alternative treatments. 46% of them were not aware about the possible benefits and 71% were not aware of the possible side effects of treatments. None of them continue the study under pressure or financial incentives.67% of people did not know they are free to leave the study at any time.Conclusion: Despite the use of informed consent in the majority of clinical trials of traditional medicine in this University, participants in this study were not aware about the details of the study. The causes of this issue, training the researchers to comply with ethical guidelines, as well as increased monitoring by the relevant committee seem to be required.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Science of Molecular Biotechnology or genetic engineering. In addition has benefits and beneficial effects in in the various fields, also has many risks and losses. This present study, the aim of explaining the rejection of according to the principle of the prohibition of loss, that it is of the essential principles of Islam and all of human laws complex, has been done for use the benefits and positive effects of this science.Materials and Methods: In the present review study, using such keywords as genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, and its harmful and beneficial effects in different areas and the principle of negation loss - in PubMed, SID, ISC and Google Scholar databases, the relevant literature were searched and analyzed. Ethical Considerations: Ethical principles were observed in searching and analysis of texts and citations.Findings: In the present study, after review of the definition of genetic manipulation, history and its effects (benefits and losses) and also the concept of loss and its evidence, the relevance of these new techniques and conflict and losses that may result from is be analyzed with the principle of negation loss and in each, the principle of the prohibition of harmless has been introduced as a flexible restriction principle and not as an absolute principle and without restriction.Conclusion: In summing the genetic engineering and its new achievements in the various fields with the principle of negation loss in Islam, we will realize that, where this knowledge can be used in the service of humanity and not trample individual and social rights of human, this science is efficient and useful of course and also will not conflict with the principle of the prohibition of loss.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: One of the strongest human instincts is the sexual that can make adverse effects on child's spiritual by distortions, stimulation and deviation then it provide the original of corruption, depravity and mental illnesses. However, the child requires the utilization of precautionary policies against sexual trauma because of his/her age situation and injury preventive measures. This important be expressed to support in light of the Islam teachings and parents, legal guardians, educators etc. Hence, the present article seeks to answer the questions that what is the foundations and documentations of sexual education and principles of prevention from sexual injury also has provided strategies in order to protecting child's mental health.Materials and Methods: In this study of description and concept analysis, Islamic teachings and jurists views was used for an answer the research questions.Findings: By applying important rules and comprehensive solutions can be taught child sexual desire on the right direction, for example: respect for the dignity of man; counsel; treatment of moderate and renounce all forms of discrimination and degradation, the necessity of love and compassion; participation and being responsible and strengthening the foundations of the spiritual.Conclusion: Based on the Islamic teachings and jurists views is necessary that nurture virtues of moral, modesty and the sexual instinct grow up in the existence of children, also it should be provided the field of concealment of sexual desire in a healthy instinct environment and devoid any of stimulant factors before puberty with supervision and religious education for children, that be prevented from sexual misconduct, and its consequential damages and abnormalities such; masturbation, homosexuality, types of sexual abuse etc. Hence, by observation of these things from all persons and related institutions with child can be played the proper role at the protection and security of his/her sex.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Nursing students are the members of medical team so investigation on their attitudes about euthanasia is interested for researchers. Various studies revealed that the majority of nurses and nursing students are opposed with euthanasia; however there are some dilemmas in those findings. The current study conducted to explore the nursing students’ attitudes about euthanasia.Materials and Methods: In the current cross sectional study, 382 nursing students were enrolled through convenience sampling method. Data gathering was done using the short form questionnaire of euthanasia. Validity and reliability of the tool were examined. All data were analyzed with SPSS software.Findings: The mean and standard deviation of age was 23.4±1.3 year, and the majority (61.5%) was female. Near to half of the participants (50.5%) stated that their religious believes effects on their attitudes towards euthanasia. There was acceptable for 173 participants (45.2%) to use drugs in lethal dose on the explicit request of the patients with terminal illness or extreme uncontrollable pain. the participants who had clinical experiences stated more tendency to do euthanasia.Conclusion: The rate of attitudes towards euthanasia in current study was more than other similar studies. More studies in this regards are recommended.

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Bioethics Journal

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Aristotelian ethics, in a general sense, is the collection of behavioral and social actions which is accepted by a community. This ethics is formed through traditional experience and conventional concepts in specific geographic areas over the centuries and the society is obliged to follow it. Aristotelian ethics can be named as the ethics of citizenship since it has been generalized and adapted by citizens. Such definition is applied in the themes of Qabus Nameh by Qabus ibn Wushmagir. Qabus Nameh contains forty-four chapters. This work encompasses the advices of Qabus (the father) to his son Gilanshah with ethical values which has been practiced through centuries. Although written in the 5th century, its principles can be applied to today' s society. Some of the values mentioned in the work include: appreciating the blessings of God, being mildmannered, avoiding betrayal, saying fair words, loving others as your family, teaching children charity, avoiding wastefulness, paying attention to time and meetings, honesty, avoiding exploitation of wives and regarding them as a housewives, controlling anger, generosity, truthfulness, adherence to the commitment, and dozens of other issues that can adjust relationships and interactions among citizens. Researches are made to analyze the relations among the concepts of Qabuos Nameh as an example of the Aristotelian ethics to obtain a framework of this type of ethics in the 5th century.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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