The Translation of the Description of Nahj al-Balaghah, a work by Shaykh ‘Izzuddin ibn Ja’far ibn Shams al-Din Amoli, a Shiite faqih and scholar of the tenth century after Hijrah, is regarded as one valuable works in science and literature. In the paper, it has been intended to explain the notability of this work from various aspects. The work is a translation of Ibn Meitham’s commentator on Nahj al-Balaghah; but not as the literal translations by those of good taste and natural talent that, in some cases, are accompanied with summarizing the main text and, in some cases, with an addition to it. In this translation, Imam Ali’s (a) speeches have been studied from different aspects including rhetoric and eloquent aspects, his metaphors, innuendos and simile have been fluently explained and 51 of Imam’s virtues have been mentioned. The introduction of Sayyid Razi, then, is described and, consequently, the sermons of the leader of speech, one after another, are proposed. Few versions of the work may be found. The paper tabken from a Phd thesis as a correction of the work, has recorded the method of correction in the thesis and the work’s particularities of stylistics.