While one of the main tasks of education is to increase of students' knowledge in the field of traffic and driving laws and regulations. However, research indicates that crashes are growing and students are not well informed about this. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the content of social studies books of elementary school in the field of driving and traffic regulations education. Therefore, the statistical population of this study was the content of social studies books of elementary school (bases 3, 4, 5, and 6) in the academic year of 2015-2016. The sampling was done purposefully. In this regard, descriptive method and then content analysis method have been used to determine the components of teaching driving rules and regulations, in order to study and analyze the curriculum of social studies. Information gathering tool were books content Analysis Log, Activities Analysis Log, Worksheets, and Images Analysis Log which after the study of theoretical foundations, the proposed proposal was prepared and its validity was determined by the specialists of the educational sciences and the relevant experts. The analysis unit was also the pages (sentences, images and activities). The results of the study showed that out of a total of 4, 000 sentences, activities and images in primary school social studies, only 107 were assigned to teach pedestrians and occupants and bike riders traffic rules. The highest coefficient of importance is attributed to the components of the bike riders and the lowest importance coefficient for the pedestrian component. The occupants component also has an equal importance coefficient with the bike riders component. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue for social development, reducing accidents and having citizens in accordance with norms, values, conventions, rules and regulations of the community, it is necessary to emphasize the same and attention to it in the education books. in the program Designing and writing textbooks will pay more attention to this and the curriculum planner will pay more attention to planning and writing curriculum books.