Introduction: Sepsis can be defined as a systemic inflammatory response to infections. Various parameters used in the diagnosis of sepsis include platelet count (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV), C reactive protein (CRP), neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR), blood culture, etc. Methods: In the present systematic and meta-analysis review, a comprehensive search of the Advanced Search section was performed on various databases, including SCIENCE DIRECT, SCOPUS, COCHRANE LIBRARY, EMBASE, and PUBMED. Articles with related titles were checked. Extracted studies were not limited to gender, age, and review articles. Results: In this systematic and meta-analysis review, the data of 1246 patients and 1125 controls were collected from the original/trial articles. All patients were registered with proven sepsis and the control population were healthy. The patient group is divided into two separate groups of infants and children-adults. this division has also been made for the control group. Conclusion: Data analysis showed that infection and sepsis may have approximately the same effects on blood parameters in both neonates and children-adults. The results of MPV study in the neonatal group showed that this parameter had a greater increase in septic neonates than the control group (CI: 95%, P. value <0. 00001, Chi2: 0. 86 in neonatal patients). However, this index had a slight increase for the control group. The study of platelet count changes showed that both groups of patients (infants and children-adults) showed a significant decrease compared to the control group (CI: 95%, P = 0. 01, Chi2 = 36. 01 in children-adults) and (CI: 95%, P. value = 0. 0002, Chi2 = 0. 74 in neonatal patients). in cases of severe sepsis is due to increased consumption of white blood cells in the fight against the infection, these cells are significantly reduced. (Infants and children-adults) (CI: 95%, P Value: 0. 2, Chi2 = 27. 94 01 01 in children-adults) and (CI: 95%, P value: 0. 65, Chi2 = 3. 20 in infants).