Introduction: Patient misidentification is known as one of the root causes of medical errors and incidences in healthcare sectors. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors effective on execution of correct patient identification guidline in Marvdasht Shahid Motahari medical center.Methods: This descriptive and analytic study was performed as a cross-sectional study in Marvdasht Shahid Beheshti medical center, in February, 2012. The sample consisted of 50 healthcare employees who were included in the study by census method and their data were collected through a questionnaire of 15 five choice questions in likert scale. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by method of content validity and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.78). The data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis techniques.Results: All factors affecting the execution rate of correct patient identification guideline, were classified in 5 groups, related to system, health care personnel, patient, equipments, and procedure, which have the load factors 0.709-0.734-0.763-0.675-0.823 respectively.Conclusions: creating a safe system for delivering health services depends on minimizing the patient identification errors. This issue draws the attention of the managers of health sectors to take appropriate steps to establish patient safety culture, audit processes, danger management, encouraging the incident reporting, improving the learning process, and optimizing the equipments for more consistency with standards in medical centers.