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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: Equitable geographical distribution of working personnel in health area is one of the determining elements of access level of people all walks of life to health services; and equitable distribution has an important role in materialization of long term objectives stipulated in country's long term perspectives on health sector. The purpose of the current research is to identify effective and instrumental elements affecting density of general physician and specialists’ ones in towns.Methods: This research is of analytical one and it had been done cross-sectional. The study population are all of the provinces whose data in 2006 are on the site of Iran's statistics center. 147 towns have been chosen randomly from the study population. In order to analyze the data, the ordinary least squares method and Eviews 6 software were used.Results: The findings showed that the most determining element affecting the density of general physician were respectively the urbanization proportion (-1.35), government hospital beds (0.37), private hospital beds (0.21) and the most determining element affecting the density of specialists physicain were respectively government hospital beds (0.75), private hospital beds (0.51) and the population rate (0.28).Conclusion: Higher density of gevernment and private health resources will lead to higher physician density in the area. Density of general physicians are impressible of instructions and circular of health ministry. In policy-making of physicians equitable distribution to take into consideration these points and also elastisity of physician density is efficient and essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: Patient misidentification is known as one of the root causes of medical errors and incidences in healthcare sectors. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors effective on execution of correct patient identification guidline in Marvdasht Shahid Motahari medical center.Methods: This descriptive and analytic study was performed as a cross-sectional study in Marvdasht Shahid Beheshti medical center, in February, 2012. The sample consisted of 50 healthcare employees who were included in the study by census method and their data were collected through a questionnaire of 15 five choice questions in likert scale. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by method of content validity and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.78). The data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis techniques.Results: All factors affecting the execution rate of correct patient identification guideline, were classified in 5 groups, related to system, health care personnel, patient, equipments, and procedure, which have the load factors 0.709-0.734-0.763-0.675-0.823 respectively.Conclusions: creating a safe system for delivering health services depends on minimizing the patient identification errors. This issue draws the attention of the managers of health sectors to take appropriate steps to establish patient safety culture, audit processes, danger management, encouraging the incident reporting, improving the learning process, and optimizing the equipments for more consistency with standards in medical centers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: Nowadays, organizations emphasize on IT training courses to their labor in order to adapt them with changing environment and provide updated and quality services. This study aimed to assessment the impact of ICDL training on staff performance in Shahroud University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This applied and cross-sectional study was conducted by collecting data from 300 employees Selected through simple random sampling in year 2014. Required data was collected by the questionnaire consisted of 40 questions and was entered in SPSS 16 and then, was analyzed by chi- square test. Finally, frequency distribution tables displayed the results.Results: ICDL training courses improved learning by 97.3%, quality of work by 97%, organizing the educational content by 99.3%, reducing infractions by 80.7%, mental recreation by 95%, changing organizational culture by 93.7% and performance by 98% in viewpoint of staff. However, all of them believed that these courses have had little impact on cost reduction. The Chi-Square test showed no relation between staff performance and sex, age, education and Place of service, While the significant relationship was observed between staff performance and kind of Employment by this test (P=0.012).Conclusion: Results indicated the positive impact of ICDL training on the staff performance of Shahroud University of Medical Sciences. Considering to lack of providing such courses for about 50% of staff, delivering these courses for all employees can contribute to the improvement of university performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: Given the importance to the pharmacists’ recommendations in ‎the effectiveness of the medicine and the role of pharmacist in public health, ‎individuals’ attitude toward the pharmacists is important. In addition to ‎distributing the medicine, the pharmacists guide the clients and monitor their ‎health status. Pharmacists’ advice about how to use the medicine and also the ‎amount and effects of the medicine removes the ambiguity and confusion of ‎people and gives them a sense of security. The purpose of this study is to ‎investigate the factors influencing the attitudes of clients toward the ‎pharmacists’ role.‎Methods: This descriptive analytic study has been conducted with cross-‎sectional method by completing 400 questionnaires in first three months of ‎‎1393 in Tehran. The designed questionnaire by the researcher was the ‎material of this research, and the sampling method was multi-stage cluster ‎sampling method. The reliability of it was calculated by Cranach’s alpha ‎coefficient of 0.8008. Data was analyzed by Spss19 software and the ‎effective variables were identified by regression test.‎Results: According to the results, the pharmacists could meet the ‎expectations of 70.5 percent of clients, 50.3 percent of clients were aware of ‎the pharmacists’ responsibilities, 42.4 percent moderately would interact ‎with the pharmacists, and 51.3 percent moderately trust the pharmacists. ‎Finally, 48.7 percent had a positive attitude toward the pharmacists.‎Conclusion: Analytical results show that the knowledge of clients about the ‎responsibilities of the pharmacists, more relations with the pharmacists, trust ‎to the pharmacists, and meeting the clients’ expectations, improve their ‎attitude toward the pharmacists. Based on the regression test, variable of ‎meeting the clients’ expectations had a greater share in predicting the variable ‎of attitude.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: The problem of increase in productivity and efficiency of health expenditures is important for all countries. In order to increase efficiency and productivity, cognition of the status and efficiency measurement in health system is important. Scope of the present study is Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries over period of 2005-2010 and for this purpose; we used a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).Methods: This study is analytical- descriptive study. In this study, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and GAMS software are used to determine the efficiency of public and private health expenditures. Output variables include public health expenditures and private health expenditures and input variables encompass life expectancy, crude death rate, infant mortality rate, under 5 mortality rate and fertility rate.Results: Average technical efficiency of health expenditures in the public and private sectors are 0.63 and 0.25 respectively, Results of comparison between the efficiency of public and private health expenditures in MENA countries show that on the one hand, the average efficiency of public health expenditures is always more than the average of private health expenditures efficiency. On the other hand, the difference between the average efficiency of public and private health expenditures has declined over the period. Sensitivity analysis also shows the efficiency of many countries is sensitive to factors such as life expectancy, crude death rates and fertility rates.Conclusion: Average technical efficiency of health expenditures in the public and private sectors are 0.63 and 0.25 respectively. The efficiency of public health expenditures more than the efficiency of private health expenditures, Also, the review of public health expenditures, redefining of public expenditures and consider the role of private expenditures seems to be necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: Organizational health is affected by many factors contributing in organization effectiveness and efficiency. This study investigated the relationship between organizational health and organizational trust of personnel in selected hospitals affiliated with Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in 2011.Methods: it was a descriptive-analytic cross-sectional research conducted among in selected educational hospitals in Ahvaz, Iran (Golestan and Imam Khomeini). Sample size calculated 210 personnel. Data collected using two questionnaires, first a modified organizational health questionnaire (OHI) and second questionnaire of organizational trust. Descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation as well as Pearson correlation test, t test and ANOVA in SPSS19 used for data analysis.Results: A significant positive and weak correlation (r=0.23) was seen between organizational health and organizational trust. Findings showed a negative and weak correlation between Institutional unity component and organizational trust (r=-0.16, P=0.03). Supporting resources, academic emphasis, morale, consideration and initiating structure components demonstrated significant (0.00 <P< 0.035) positive and weak correlations (0.16 <r< 0.29). Significantly, there was a positive relatively strong correlation (r=0.30) between morale component and organizational trust (P=0.001).Conclusion: Considering the correlation between organizational health and trust, trying to provide proper educations and trainings for employees, provision required resources, simplification organizational relationships, developing a warm work environment as well as supporting employees could increase organizational trust while enhancing organizational health level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

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    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: EI 360 views is a comprehensive tool for reporting of abilities and developmental needs about interpersonal and social communication competence, This research has been done to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence view 360 degree and manager's innovation in selective hospitals in Tehran: 2012.Methods: The study is Cross-sectional. Samples are 52 middle and top managers of Educational Hospital s’ of Tehran University of Medical sciences, Due to the low number of samples, sampling was not done. The information’s gathered by 100 questions questionnaire consists of 74 questions in emotional intelligence and 26 questions in innovation. Reliability was assessed by the number of professors and experts in the field, Validity was evaluated by test-retest method (Cranach’s alpha=0.8). Data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS version16.Results: Average score for emotional intelligence was298.26 (the maximum score is 370), Men’s emotional intelligence scores were higher than women were. There was a high correlation between the dimensions of emotional intelligence (Self-Management, Relationship Management and Communication) (p<0.001). In addition, there was a direct relationship between emotional intelligence and innovation (p-value <0.001).Conclusions: According to significance of the relationship between innovation and emotional intelligence and three dimensions of it, to increase innovation variable we can emphasis in our strategic plan on self-management, Relations Management and communications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (SERIAL 13)
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Introduction: Knowledge management plays an important role in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizations. The purpose of this paper is to investigation of the factors influencing the implementation of knowledge management system in Healthcare Networks in Arsanjan (HNA).Methods: The research Method used a descriptive correlation, the type of survey that is considered as a cross-sectional study. To collect information questionnaires of the Knowledge management, organizational culture, information technology, and organizational structure are used. This research population includes all employees HNA. Collected data was analyzed via SPSS-19 and also AMOS-20 and data was evaluated using path analysis.Result: The findings showed that organizational culture, organizational structure, and information technology is an effective factor on the implementation of knowledge management system in the HNA. Also according to the proposed model capabilities of information technology has a mediating role in the relationship between culture and organizational structure to manage knowledge. In this study the goodness of fit index (GFI) of the model was calculated 0.907 which indicates the goodness of fit of the model.Conclusion: To the creation of knowledge and its efficient use in the HNA for the help to the implementation and application of knowledge management system, management should focus on culture promotion and the creating appropriate infrastructure information technology as key factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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