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Physiological fitness and motor performance is different in variable age range, but it has not determined the differences physical adaptation in Children, adults and youth. According to this idea, the purpose of present study is a randomized trial to compare the Effect of age on physical adaptation to fitness training from childhood to boys.96 participants voluntarily were randomized at three ranges of age included: 8 to 10 age group: 12 to 14 age group: 17 to 19 age group training divided into two groups of experimental and control in each age group. Mean± SD of age, height and weight of children was 8.83 ± 0.5year, 1.3+0.1 meter, 34.1+2.8 kg and adolescent 12.5+0.5 year, 1.5+1.1 meter, 40.5+6.3 kg and youth 16.3+0.6 year, 1.7+1 meter, 69.6+4.8 kg. The program included endurance, strength and flexibility training 3 times per week for 12 weeks. Agility, coordination, sergeant jump, hand power, cardiovascular endurance, and modified push-up measured pre and post 12 weeks training. Data analyzed by one ways of ANOVA and Benfroni post hoc test showed that long jump, speed, shoulder elevate, sit-up at children group is better rather than adolescent and youth groups (P<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Vestibular sensory system is one of the main sensory systems contributing motor movements especially balance control which lead to appropriate body position in different situations. The aim of this study was to design, construct and test reliability of a vestibular measurement system. After constructing of the device, 20 male non-athlete students participated voluntarily in the study. An examiner measured vestibular sense system function in 20 subjects for 10 times to evaluate the intra-experimenter reliability. For evaluating inter experimenter reliability 4 examiners were taught how to measure with the device and they measured 4 times. To evaluate the stability of device reliability, at different interval times the examiner measured 8 subjects at two days alternatively during morning and evening. All tests were performed in both sagittal (moving forward and backward) and frontal (moving laterally) planes. Correlation coefficient was used to measure to measure inter and intra experimenter reliabilities. The results showed that intra experimenter correlation coefficient for sagittal plane was 0.95 and for frontal plane was 0.93. Inter experimenter correlation coefficient score for sagittal plane was 0.89 and for frontal plane 0.85.Reliability of time consistency of the device between morning and evening measurements for sagittal and frontal planes were 0.85 and 0.89 respectively. The results indicated that high correlation coefficient values in inter and intra experimenter reliability in sagittal and frontal planes. So the device can be used for measuring vestibular sense system function in these planes.

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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Training-educational Kashi Package on information processing and mental and neurological complications of men with Down syndrome.27 men with Down syndrome with mean age of 26.135±3.936 years in Nemoneh rehabilitation centre of Tehran. were assigned randomly to control (n=13) and experimental (n=13) groups. All subjects in experimental group followed 12 weeks training educational Kashi Package 3 times a week. Before and after three-month training, all subjects’ reaction time was measured individually by Lincoln- Oseretsky test and it was asked from caregivers to fill the dementia screening questionnaire for individual with intellectual disability (DSQIID) questionnaire for the subjects. The questionnaire assessed several variables such as memory loss, confusion, loss of skills, social isolation, behavioural changes, psychiatric symptoms, physical changes, sleep disorders and speech abnormalities. Analysis of results by repeated measures ANOVA between subjects (at P<0.05 level) indicated that performing the Training-educational Package could cause a significant reduction in the total score of questionnaires in experimental group (P=0.004). Analysis of questionnaire subscales showed the training led to significant decrease in memory disorders and confusion (P=0.028) and individual skills, social withdrawal, physical symptoms and speech abnormalities (P=0.047) in experimental group. In addition, reaction time was also significantly reduced after the training (P=0.000). The results showed that the Package could cause a significant reduction in initial mental and neurological complications and improvement in information processing at nervous system in Down syndrome people.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research the effect of sequential stimuli technique on explicit and implicit of ocular motor sequences learning was examined. In the first stage, serial reaction time task was designed.60 novice, right hand and (15-18 years) were participated in 5 groups, include blocked-explicit, blocked implicit, random-explicit, random-implicit and control group. All groups at the beginning performed a pre-test and then all participants (except control group) took part in 5 training sessions and in each session three blocks of ten trials according to related arrangement were performed. In explicit groups participants were aware and conscious from purpose and arrangement of task, but in implicit groups were unaware. During acquisition stage control group were only in lab environment. One day after acquisition stage participants took part in retention and transfer tests. The data were analyzed with using student-t, Repeated measures and two way analysis of variance tests. The finding showed that there was significant different in acquisition phase for accuracy and response time (response coordination) in blocks (p>0.05), but there was no significant different between groups. However, implicit learning groups during the experiment have progressed as explicit learning, that this is explanatory for effectiveness of implicit knowledge in motor skills learning. As well as, retention test showed random practice was better than blocked practice in movement accuracy but the type of practice has not effect on reaction time task. In the transfer test all groups showed transfer to novel sequence for accuracy but not response time. However finding showed blocked practice led to sensorimotor integration and timing, whereas random practice led to better stimulus-response association. Overall, findings of this research support and corroborate this idea learning that occurs in the context of interference can show retention and transfer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of focus of attention and somato-sensory manipulation on postural control in older people. For this purpose 34 older men (mean of age=70.7) were selected and divided into 2 groups (external and internal) randomly. The task consists of performing balance task on Biodex system in three condition of normal, on foam, and on inflatable cushions. External group were instructed to focus on a picture located 6 meters from them and internal group were instructed to focus on their ankle muscles. Biodex Postural Stability System was used for measuring the subjects` balance. Overall, Medio-Lateral, and Anterior- Posterior indexes were recorded for each subject. Results demonstrated that the internal focus of attention had no significant effect on all postural indexes in three conditions (p>0.05); but External focus of attention had significant effect in conditions of standing on foam, and on inflatable cushions (p<0.01). Also external focus of attention was more effective in challenging condition (p<0.01). In total, this study showed that external focus of attention can reduce postural sway and improve balance consequently. These results are in line with Constrained Action Hypothesis. Due to this hypothesis external focus of attention results in more automatic movements and allows fast unconscious and reflective processes to control movement and improve performance and learning consequently.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The most severe form of thalassemia is beta thalassemia in which a person' s life is necessarily required regular blood transfusions and medical care. With starting treatments such as desferrioxamine injection and repeated blood transfusions, several complications is created in the patient's vital organs, including eyes, the most important member of sensory. The vision is considerably more sensitive than other senses in perceptual - motor performances and it is also sensitive to details, depth and color. As a result, it has a decisive role in movement control. This study has been conducted to draw the effect of primary colors on depth perception in patients with thalassemia major and comparison with healthy adolescents. This method is semi-experimental and the sample was 18 thalassemia patients and 18 healthy subjects in the age range 13 - 17 years (15.33 ± 1.41) who were selected through available sampling. These subjects have been evaluated three times in each color by the depth, color & shape perception apparatus. The average of these three times tests was used as depth perception scores of people in that color. Results in repeated measures ANOVA showed that there are significant differences between the primary colors in both groups (p=0.0001, df= 34 and F (2, 34) =62.564). Also the real effect of group was significant (p=0.0001, df= 34 and F (1, 34) =14.334). According to different wavelengths, different colors have different depth perception, and the blue has the greatest error in yellow background. It requires more studies in this regard due to the importance of depth and color perception in human motor behavior.

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of competitive anxiety and task complexity on mental effort, probe reaction time and performance in table tennis players. 16 table tennis players were tested using a table tennis tasks with low and high complexity and two levels of anxiety. The test comprised of two decision-making tests in which ball color signified the target to which the ball should be hit. Competitive anxiety was manipulated through current methods such as ranking and prize. Participants' accuracy in hitting targets was taken as a measure of performance effectiveness, while verbal probe reaction time (PRT) and perceived mental effort (RSME) were recorded as measures of efficiency. Data were analyzed using separate factorial repeated-measures ANOVA for each variable in which anxiety (low and high) and complexity (low and high) were within-group factors. The result showed that anxiety had no significant effect on performance effectiveness in both tasks (P>0.05). There was a significant increase in PRT in both tasks under high versus low anxiety conditions, but this increase in RSME values was founded only in task with low complexity(P<0.05). In total, the results provide a support for processing efficiency theory.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks visual and sport skills training on selected visual skills and sport skills among novice table tennis and basketball players. 60 novice male athletes were randomly divided into 6 groups: (1- visual training and basketball layup, 2- visual training and table tennis forehand derive, 3- basketball layup, 4- table tennis forehand derive, 5- visual training and 6- control). Based on their training, Revien and Gabor (1981) visual training and sport skill drills were used. Before and after 8 weeks training, we used 6 visual skill tests and sport training tests. Data analysis done by t test and multiple ANOVA shown that all of the experimental groups had enhancement in their visual skills and sport skills based on their training. Visual and table tennis group had better performance in comparison with visual and basketball group. It seems that the combination of visual and sport skills training is better than exclusive sport and visual training. Also the nature of sport skills and their visual demands can affect the visual training programming.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was study of the emotional and affective states changes in one and two sessions of simulated soccer exercise. For this purpose 10 volunteered males, who regularly were participated in exercise, performed simulated soccer training protocol. Self Assessment Manikin (SAM) scale with three subscales include Pleasure or Valence, Arousal and Dominance was measured before, after and every 15 minutes during 90-min training. Results showed that increasing the training time was associated with increased pleasure (F= 18.46, P=0.0001) and arousal (F= 25.58, P=0.0001) and decreased dominance (F= 21.37, P=0.0001). Also the second training session on the same day was accompanied with increased pleasure (F=21.06, P=0.0001) and arousal (F= 10.11, P=0.001) and decreased dominance (F= 27.33, P=0.0001) decreasing. Results based on internal events of soccer play and circadian rhythm of body has been discussed.

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This study aimed to assess relationship between fundamental movement skills (locomotor and object control) and level of physical activities (organized and sedentary). Role of body mass index (BMI) was also examined as a moderator variable. The population of study consisted of 6 –12 years old schools students in Qazvin city, which 116 of them were selected randomly as sample of study. Fundamental movement skills were tested by gross motor development test (TGMD-2) and daily activities were assessed by last year activities inventory. For examining body mass index (BMI), height and mass of participants tested. Spearman correlation used to identify relation between fundamental movement skills and daily activities. Based on study results, total fundamental movement skills correlated positively to organized activities (r=0.560) but no correlation with sedentary activities was shown (r=0.380). Study revealed that children with higher levels of organized activities have higher proficiency at fundamental movement skill but high levels of sedentary activities have no significant effect on these skills. Moreover, over-weight and higher than normal levels of BMI in children restricts their participation in physical activities. Since participation in PE class and programs play an important role in motor skills development of children, organized activities setting by parents and physical educators have excellent importance.

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In the motor control domain, theoretical models suggest that two distinct, independent mechanisms (the relationship between elements in the movement sequence and the scaling of the individual elements) are involved in action production. So, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of practice schedules (physical and observational) and feedback schedules (self-control and yoked) on the learning of relative and absolute timing as well as comparing feedback request rate and self-control feedback request strategy during physical and observational practice.The participants (n=120, 21.09±2.438) were randomly assigned to four physical and observational practice (self-control, and yoked KR) groups. The research instrumentations were a sequential timing task and Chiricowsky & Wulf’s questionnaire 2002. The task required the participants to press four keys (2, 4, 6, and8) with regard to relative and absolute timing. They performed 72 trials during the acquisition phase and 12 in retention and transfer phases. A repeated measure analysis, a multi-factorial ANOVA, and a t-test were conducted to analyze the collected data (a=0.05). The analyses demonstrated that during the acquisition (P=0.043), retention (P=0.001), and transfer (P=0.001) phases, relative timing errors were lower for the self-control group in comparison to the yoked group. There were no significant differences between the feedback request rate and request strategy of the self-control groups during physical and observational practice (t=0.756, P=0.492). The results of this study indicated that physical and observational practice involves the same cognitive processes.

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This research utilized reversal theory to examine the Svebak triangular design (motivational characteristic, biological composition and sport or exercise preference). For this purpose, the Telic Dominant Scale and Aster and test used to determine metamotivational dominance and maximal consumption oxygen (Vo2max) among 156 male students. At the result, 30 participants (16 paratelic, 14 telic) with age mean 21.69±1.19 determined that they have 40-45 maximal consumption oxygen. The present study included run on the treadmill with 40-45 and 80-85 Vo2max% intensities. In per condition, participants completed the Tension-Effort Stress Questionnaire in pretest and post test phases. Also, participants’ heart rate measured in test phases entire. After checking the date’s normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and variances equality with Levene test, dates analyzed with one way variance analyze with repeated measure on intensity factor and independent t test statistical methods. The results indicated that there were significant difference between telic and paratelic participants in 80-85 Vo2max% intensity for positive emotion (sig=0.03), negative emotion (sig=0.001), tension stress (sig=0.001), effort stress (sig=0.001), and heart rate (sig=0.01), while in 40-45 Vo2max% intensity for positive emotion (sig=0.045), tension stress (sig=0.001), and effort stress (sig=0.01). In 80-85 Vo2mam% intensity, paratelic participants experienced higher positive and lower tension-effort stress and heart rate than telic participants; whereas, in 40-45 Vo2max% intensity, this superiority was the telic participants. The results completely confirmed Svebak triangular design.

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