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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study carried out for observing the effect of 8-week exercise program runs during the school PE class based on task-oriented approach to develop the skills of locomotors and manipulation of 30 girls and boys between 7 to 9 years old with DCD in city of Tehran. This semi-experimental study was conducted through pretest-posttest design and two groups of school-based intervention (n=15) and ordinary training (n=15) during PE class. Data were collected with developmental coordination disorder diagnostic questionnaire (DCDQ’ 7) and test of gross motor development-2 (Ulrich, 2000). the Data were analyzed by independent and paired t-test, along with repeated measures analysis of variance. The results showed that an ordinary training in PE class would lead to significant improvement only in manipulative skills (P<0. 05). but the performance score of task-oriented training group improved significantly both locomotors (except hop) and manipulation skills (P<0. 01). The results of this study showed that intervention by specialized training and skills-based approach according to ecological perspectives will take precedence to the general training and emphasis on the overall ability. Therefore, it is recommended that task-based design should be considered by coaches and PE teachers for training schedule of DCD children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was compared the effect of observation of novice, expert, and mixed models, in motor-cognitive task learning for 3-ball cascade juggle. The participants were 40 female students aged 19 to 25 who had never juggling. They were divided in to four matched groups after pre-test: novice model observation group, expert, mixed and physical practice group. Expert model observation group watched a video executing the skill by a skilled person. Novice model observation group watched a video executing the skill by a novice and mixed model watched both videos. The research was done in six weeks. Three phases were down, pree test, acquisition, retention and transfer. Data were analyzed with repeated measures ANOVA (P<0. 05). There was used of mauchly's test of sphericity, Scheffe post hoc test, tukey test and greenhouse geisser test too. The result was show that novice model observation was better than other groups during the acquisition, retention and transfer phase but in the transfer test it was not significant. Finally, this research is show that the use of novice model is Beneficial for motor-cognitive skills learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Circadian rhythm and motor imagery according to the rhythm are one of the factors that appears in learning motor skills. The aim of present study is determining the timing of the circadian rhythm in physical training and motor imagery on learning tennis on table forehand in individuals with different circadian. This study was of type semi-experimental and done by pretest and posttest. For this purpose, selected 40 novice participants, right – handed, their average age was 22± 3/21. Individuals selected in order to standard scales this study and circadian types. They randomly assigned for four groups. The first group (morningness) performed just physical training and group second (morningness) had combination practice (motor imagery and physical training). Both of them practiced in the morning. The third group (eveningness) performed just physical training and the fourth group had combination practice (motor imagery + physical training). Both of them practiced in the afternoon. The groups had five sessions for training on skill after pretest. The final they evaluated with retention test in the morning and afternoon. The data in acquisition phase analyzed of variance with repeated measures 4 (experimental group) × 5 (number of training sessions) and the retention of tow-way variance 2 (circadian rhythm: practice in the morning and afternoon) ×2 (type of exercise: combination and just physical training). The results showed that individual ‘ s performance was better during the acquisition phase than the other session in the fourth and fifth sessions. Examination of averages showed the weakest performance in physical training group (morningness) and the best performance in combination group (eveningness) (p<0. 001). Morningness individual better than the eveningness individual in the first retention test (retention test in the morning) (P<0. 001). Results in the second retention test (retention in the afternoon) showed better performance for eveningness individual, also combination group (eveningness) had better performance in the second retention and combination group (morningness) had weakest performance (P<0. 001). The results showed the motor imagery and physical training on learning motor skill is influenced by individual’ s circadian rhythm and their practice timing in the morning or afternoon, so we can use of suitable timing according circadian rhythm as important factor in improving the performance of motor skills.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Exercise dependence, a process in which a person feels compelled to exercise and suffers physical and psychological symptoms when exercise is withdrawn, appears to be commonplace among bodybuilders. The purpose of this study was determining the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the bodybuilding dependence. In this regard 196 male and female bodybuilders selected by random cluster sampling and then completed the questionnaire. This scale at the first, with use of translation-back translation methods, face validity and translate accuracy of the Persian version of the questionnaire was confirmed. Then Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based on structural equations was used for validation of structure of the questionnaire, Cronbach alpha coefficient was used for validation of internal consistency of the questionnaire. The results for Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the first model bodybuilding dependence scale was not supported the favorable fit. But after eliminating the one question, the second model with 8 questions, had an acceptable fit index (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation=0. 06, Comparative fit index=0. 91, Tucker Lewis index=0. 86) and internal consistency (Internal consistency for whole of scale 0. 74 and subscales mastery dependence, training dependence and social dependence were equal to, 0. 80, 0. 70 and 0. 73 respectively). Therefore, The Persian version of the modified bodybuilding dependence scale can be characterized as a valid and reliable tool to evaluate and study the bodybuilding dependence of Iranian athletes will benefit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to comparing of motor proficiency, internal behavior (anxiety), external behavior (aggression) and educational progress preterm children 8-10 years with term children. The subjects were consist of 50 female students from primary elementary schools of Kermanshah province with an average age of 8. 84 ± 0. 9 years and average birth weight of 2. 31 ± 0. 15 preterm children and 3. 44 ± 0. 41 in term children, that, were selected convenience from ten schools according to the vaccine card and the individual information preterm children group and one of them was term children. The Linklon Oseretsky Motor proficiency Scale test, Spence Anxiety Questionnaire and Nelson's Anger Questionnaire were investigated by motor proficiency, the internal behavior and external behavior, respectively. Educational progress was also evaluated based on math, science and literature marks in report card of the academic year 2016-2017. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The results showed a significant difference between preterm and term children groups in motor proficiency, internal behavior, external behavior and educational progress. The findings show that early birth is an indicator factor that can negatively influence educational progress, motor proficiency, and child behavior. Due to preterm children’ s need to special learning in educationally and behavioral areas, suggested to more support from school and family for these children, such as supervision, guidance and educational interventions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of inclusive educationl system on motor, social and emotional development of elementary students with intellectual disability in ordinary schools and exceptional schools. In this research, the sample consisted of 80 children with intellectual disability with an average age of 10. 752 ± 1. 607 years old and between the ages of 8-14 years old. These students were educated in ordinary or exceptional schools. In order to measure the motor development, we used Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, to measure the social development we used Vineland social maturity scale and for measure emotional maturity, we used Emotional maturity Scale (EMS) Singh and Bhargava, 1991. The results of this study showed that motor, social and emotional development in mentally disabled students of ordinary elementary schools was significantly better than those of students in extraordinary schools (P <0. 05). Further analysis of these results showed that gross motor development was much more affected than the fine motor development. In this variable some sub test that get more influence from this educational environment was bilateral coordination, balance, upper limb coordination, strength, speed, and Agility and agility of the upper extremity respectively. In social development, the subscales of General self-help ability, Socialization skills, Self-help eating, Communication skills and Locomotion skills were the most influential, respectively. In emotional development, the disintegration of personality, lack of independence, social incompatibility, emotional return and emotional instability of the greatest change had. These results showed well that if students with intellectual disability are educated in ordinary schools, they will experience better aspects of development and benefit from these environments.

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This study has investigated the role of movement sonification (conversion of the human kinetic or kinematic characteristics into auditory patterns) along with the visual pattern in reproduction and learning the spatial characteristics of the motion pattern. 30 subjects were randomly divided three groups which are visual, visual-auditory (one channel) and visual-auditory (two channel). Visual groups watched the pattern of skilled basketball player and other groups watched this pattern and simultaneously heard elbow angular velocity (one channel groups) and elbow and wrist angular velocity (two channel groups) as sonification. At the first stage, the performed the pattern after watching it (reproduction). Then, the groups participated in the stages of pre-test, acquisition (4 sessions, 160 tries) and retention (after 48 hours). In all stages, the angular velocity pattern and angular distance pattern of the elbow and wrist joints of the individuals coincided to the pattern of the skilled performer. After that, by calculating the root mean square error, the inconsistency was considered as the spatial error of angular distance and spatial error of angular velocity. Furthermore, the maximum range error of flexion was calculated. The results showed that in reproduction stage (in the spatial error of angular velocity) and in both acquisition and retention test (considering all variables) there was significant difference between groups in favor of audio-visual group. These results emphasize the salient role of motor-auditory kinematics on spatial variables of motion patterns and the final performance of the subjects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rhythmic auditory stimulation during gait training on some kinematics parameters of gait in patients with multiple sclerosis. 18 patients with MS (4 males and 14 females) with Expanded Disability Status Scale scores of 3 to 6 were selected by accessible and purposive sampling method. Patients were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Training was performed for three weeks, three times a week and each session 30 minutes. These Trainings for the experimental group included gait with rhythmic auditory stimulus and for the control group included gait without stimulus. Before and after training, step length, step time, duration of stance and duration of swing were measured by motion analysis device. data were analyzed using covariance analysis model and boot strap non-parametric method in covariance analysis model. Findings showed rhythmic auditory stimulation has significant effect on improvement of step length and duration of stance. Nevertheless gait training with rhythmic auditory stimulus leads to 27% improvement in step time and 10% in duration of swing, but there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in improvement of step time and duration of swing. Therefore, gait training with rhythmic auditory stimulation supposed as a complementary rehabilitation method to improve gait function in patients with multiple sclerosis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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