The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of inclusive educationl system on motor, social and emotional development of elementary students with intellectual disability in ordinary schools and exceptional schools. In this research, the sample consisted of 80 children with intellectual disability with an average age of 10. 752 ± 1. 607 years old and between the ages of 8-14 years old. These students were educated in ordinary or exceptional schools. In order to measure the motor development, we used Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, to measure the social development we used Vineland social maturity scale and for measure emotional maturity, we used Emotional maturity Scale (EMS) Singh and Bhargava, 1991. The results of this study showed that motor, social and emotional development in mentally disabled students of ordinary elementary schools was significantly better than those of students in extraordinary schools (P <0. 05). Further analysis of these results showed that gross motor development was much more affected than the fine motor development. In this variable some sub test that get more influence from this educational environment was bilateral coordination, balance, upper limb coordination, strength, speed, and Agility and agility of the upper extremity respectively. In social development, the subscales of General self-help ability, Socialization skills, Self-help eating, Communication skills and Locomotion skills were the most influential, respectively. In emotional development, the disintegration of personality, lack of independence, social incompatibility, emotional return and emotional instability of the greatest change had. These results showed well that if students with intellectual disability are educated in ordinary schools, they will experience better aspects of development and benefit from these environments.