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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The present study was conducted with propose of design and developing of a strategic plan for handball development in Semnan Province. The statistical sample of this research was including coaches, referees and officials of the board, managers and experts that are active in Handball Association. An internal and external factor questionnaire and forms for determining strategic issues were used to survey. For analyzing Data, descriptive statistics, Friedman Test, Internal and External factor matrixes, SWOT analyzing based on intuition and brainstorming were used to strategies developing. Evaluation of strategic situation of Semnan handball board showed that internal factors of the board were in weakness area and it's external factors were in threats area. Based on selected model and strategic analysis, Board of handball was developed and subjects such as mission statements, vision statements, core values, long - terms objectives, strategic situation, strategies and plans were determined. Also 10 strategies in frame of 51 main plans and 7 suggestions for handball development in Semnan have been presented. Seems the most important reasons for this undesirable situation to be lack of strategic planning of handball development in province board. Therefore, this study has tried to develop strategies for growth and comprehensive development of this exciting sport in the province. So, taking advantage of the strengths identified can perform its mission and tasks can be beneficial; provided that in order to minimize the weaknesses of internal and external threat reduction, and maximum use of opportunities to be outside.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aimed at examines the effects of transformational leadership and organizational culture on organizational effectiveness in Iran sport organizations. 341 sport experts voluntary filled out the Denison organizational culture survey (2007), Bass & Avolio Multifactor Leadership- Part Transformational (2004), Hsu organizational effectiveness (2002) and demographic characteristics questionnaires. Resultants of structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that transformational leadership directly and indirectly (through organizational culture) has a significant positive influence on the effectiveness (p<0.01). Also, organizational culture has a significant positive influence on the effectiveness (p<0.01). In conclusion, the results showed that theoretical model is supported by obtained sample data and so, specified model has a good fit (RMSEA=0.034, X2/df=1.39) with this research data.

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A professional judge is challenging and worthwhile. On the other hand referees are exposed to frustration, abuse and disrespect. So theree is no surprise that some referees are suffering burn outing of the sinking. Population of this research was 140 subjects of the degree of referees three, two, one, national and international country football referees. Data collection was a two-part questionnaire that included the first part of eight questions about demographic characteristics and the second pari of the bum out of the questionnaire included 25 questions that used. Validity of Maslach burnout questionnaires were confirmed by professors and experts of athletic management and their stability were obtained by the use of Cronbach's alpha coefficient (a=0.87). the Research findings suggest that there is a significant differences between emotional exhaustion and Referees degree (X2= 18.69, p<0.05).The fatigue and emotional exhaustion in 2 degree referees is higher than the referee of other degrees. Similarly, the mean of depersonalization and referees degree significant difference was observed (X2=36.04, p<0.01). on the basis of survey result, there was a significant difference between burnout and their degree (F=15.5, m=15.58). But there was no significant difference between burnout and their posts (p<0.01). On the bases of evolvement scales, there had a significant difference between the mean of referees involvement and degree of referee (X2=29.65, p<0.01). providing appropriate education and opportunities for referees, comprehensive support and required resources for referees and improving public understanding of referees class in society are some actions that must be taken by relevant officials in order to prevent this phenomena.

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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between coach's leadership styles and team Cohesion in the basketball teams participating in the to" Sport Olympiad of male Students. Athletes (n=113) from 14basketball teams completed the perceived version of the leadership scale for sport (LSS) and the group environment questionnaire. The LSS contains 40 items that measures five dimensions of leadership behaviors- training and instruction, democratic behavior, autocratic behavior, social support and positive feedback. The GEQ with 18 items assess the two dimensions of team cohesion- task and social cohesion. Data were analyzed with Pearson correlation coefficient, repeated measures ANOV A, and Bonfferoni post hoc test in significance level of PSO.OS. Results showed coach's behaviors of training and instruction, democratic and social support were all positively correlated to team cohesion, but coach's behaviors of positive feedback and autocratic had not significant relationship with group cohesion. Comparison of coach's leadership styles demonstrated that basketball coaches exhibited higher in training and instruction and lowers in autocratic behavior. Also Results showed that successful and unsuccessful teams tend to be more cohesion levels of these teams was more than less successful teams. In summary, the effect of leadership styles on group cohesion and team success obviously demonstrated the importance of using the appropriate leadership styles that can redound to better team success and performance. This results agree with more studies among results of Hang (2004) and Hoseini (2010).

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The purpose of the present study is to compare the academic stress and subjective well-being among female students of Birjand's guidance schools. The method of research was casual- comparative and the target population of research consisted of female students (age: l3.4±3.7 years) of Birjand's guidance schools. For this respect, 120 students were selected as sample in the form of two groups (the first group participating in the intramural and the second not participating) in a random way. Participants completed the Student-Life Stress Inventory [(two sections: stress causers and the reaction to them (Gadzella, 1998)] and Oxford Happiness Inventory [(Positive and Negative Affect, Satisfaction with Life (Argil, 200 I)]. In this research used of the analysis variance, multivariate regression and stepwise regression. Results indicated significant relationship between academic stress and subjective well-being among female students who participated rather than those who didn't participate (P=0.001). Also, the results showed that academic stress has a negative relationship with participation rate of student in Intramural (r=.167). On the other hand, subjective well-being has a positive relationship with participation rate of student in Intramural (P=0.012, r=.211). The results of stepwise regression also showed that there was a correlation between subscales of academic stress and subjective well- being (positive correlation for behavioral, cognitive and failure subscales and negative correlation for other subscales). According to the results of the present study it could be concluded that intramural activity had positive effect in subjective well-being and academic stress among female students of Birjand's guidance schools.

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Evaluation and ranking of countries participating in international games looks normal based on their earn medals. Traditional evaluation methods focus on results-based country is the number of medals acquired. But you knew that to achieve outputs competition (medals acquired) only in the context of utilization of inputs and using appropriate processes are possible. Purpose of this paper is presents a hybrid model of DEA / CSW to assess the relative performance of countries participating in the international game. The model in the paper considers two inputs (GDP per capita and population) and three outputs (number of gold, silver and bronze medals won). Efficiency scores can be considered country rankings. Different weights to the gold medal, silver and bronze medals for each country are calculated relative effectiveness and significance of the gold medals, silver and bronze not consider, perhaps in the performance of a country's medal, a bronze or silver worth more than give the gold medal. In this paper, a method of linear programming MaxMin to obtain a set of weights (CSW) is used. Finally, the method developed to assess the relative performance of countries' participating in 2008 Beijing Olympic.

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Improving professional sport in our country depends on long term vision, which emphasize on the necessity for having strategic plan and long term planning. This plan should be developed due to the weakness and strengths, threats and opportunity of professional sport for achieving the objectives of ideal vision. The main object of this study was to develop an ideal strategic plan for professional sport in Iran with executing comparative studies, SWOT analysis of soft supportive systems (human resource, financial resource, judicial aspects and professional organizations) and hard supportive systems (facilities and equipment) eventually developing strategies. For collecting the necessary data 30 experts among the physical education and management university professor were selected as research sample. For comparative studies the request data was collected from 4 countries including United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom and Japan. For analysis of data, SWOT method and 4x4 matrix was used. The Freedman statistical method was used to choose the priorities in each matrix. Result has shown that most of soft supportive systems and hard supportive systems parts located in critical position and professional sport encounter with more weakness and threats. Determining and identifying the internal and external aspects of professional sport was the main purpose of this research so the finding of this study could be useful with positive effects.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the Effect of physical Activities on Quality of life and hope life in Older Adults of Mazandaran Province, which was carried out by a descriptive field method. Whole of the older adults 60 years and over 60 in Mazandaran province were statistical population of investigate. Through Multistage cluster Sampling 400 older adults were selected as sample. In order to collect information Physical activities questionnaire (a=0.78), SF-36 Questionnaire (a=0.89) and Adult Hope Scale (a=0.74) were used. Then questionnaires were distributed among the study sample. Descriptive methods were used to analyze the data and In Order to determine the effects use of structural equation modeling (SEM) through software of LISREL 9.2 was. Data analysis of results showed that work activity was effect on Physical component of Quality of life (pc=0.15) and was effect on Mental component of Quality of life (pc=0.13). Sports activity was effect on Physical component of Quality of life (pc=0.24) and was effect on Mental component of Quality of life (pc=0.30). Leisure activity was effect on Physical component of Quality of life (pc=0.53) and was effect on Mental component of Quality of life (pc=0.44). Also work activity (pc=0.44), Sports activity (pc=0.44) and Leisure activity (pc=0.44) were effected on hope life.

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The purpose of this study was to pnonnze the factors affecting the development of sports tourism in Kurdistan province, with emphasis on the Natural-Sporting Attractions. Study sample was equal to population (N=74) and consists of three groups including sports experts (n=42), experts of active Tourism Agencies (n= 18) and Kurdistan Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization experts' (n=14). Descriptive- Comparative research method was applied in this study. We used a researcher-made questionnaire for data collection. Questionnaire reliability was confirmed by related masters and professionals (n=29), and validity by Cronbach Alpha Test (a>0.74). Data were analyzed by Factor Analysis, K- S, Friedman, and Kruskal Wallis tests. In prioritizing the natural-sporting attractions on the development of sports tourism in Kurdistan, there was no significant difference in attitudes of sports experts, experts of active Tourism Agencies and, Kurdistan Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization experts. The attractions related to climbing and caving and attractions related to winter sports were the most important factors and hill climbing and ecotourism were the last priority. Overall, the Kurdistan province natural-sporting resources are able to attract sport tourists. Being in the Zagros Mountains have provided an appropriate conditions for the development of related sports such as mountain climbing, caving, skiing, rock climbing and ice climbing. The attraction of the sport tourists will be possible through the development of these sports.

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In last decade, the subject of competitive balance of professional leagues has attracted so much attention. Competitive balance is called to prediction of fans about winner of the match. Sport league needs some level of balance to be active and could be still in the completion of sport economy. Championship competitive balance of Iran's and Europe five flight league (England, Germany, France, Spain and Italy) was compared. To fulfill this aim, data of mentioned leagues gathered for time period (2001-2010). To determine competitive balance, indices of "k tom team", Gini coefficient t and Lorenz curve was used. Results indicated that competitive balance status in Iran was in the best and in England and Italy was in the worst situation according to k top team index. According to Gini coefficient, Iran, Germany and France respectively were in the best situation and England, Spain and Italy had the same status. The better situation of Iran's competitive balance is because of distribution of power among different teams, and reduces of power between two popular teams of Tehran (Esteghlal and Piruzy) and - others. So it seems that Iran's pro-league has a good potential for found rising and developing economically.

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Sport tourism is a service industry and in the service industry customer retention is more important than attracting new customers. Also, high quality service and products is one of the most important factors affecting customer retention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to survey the role of sport tourism service quality dimensions in sport tourists' intent to return. The research method was descriptive - correlation and the statistical sample consisted of 265 tourists attended to Tehran's Azadi stadium for watching a football game between Esteghlal and Persepolis in March 20 II. The research instrument was a questionnaire had been used in Shonk's P.HD. dissertation. The validity was approved by doing Exploratory Factor Analysis and opinion of sport management instructors. The reliability was verified by Cronbach's alpha method, a=0.89). The SPSSI6 was used to do descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis. Also, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) were done by LISREL. The result showed although "access quality", "sport complex quality" and "contest quality" had significant influence on "sport tourists' intent to return", the effect of access quality was more than the others. So, it can be concluded all sport tourism service quality dimensions have different effects on sport tourists' intent to return and for giving high quality services some factors should be more considered.

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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between organizational health and effectiveness in sport sciences and physical education faculties of Tehran public universities. The present study is a descriptive and correlative. The society which has been studied includes all of the personnel, lecturers and professors of physical education faculties of Tehran public universities that was 166. According to Morgan table, 126 people of this collection were opted. The data were collected through who questionnaires of organizational health (OH) with Cronbakh a (a=0.93), and effectiveness with. Cronbakh a (a=0.92), and its validity and reliability were reexamined on the statistical sample. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (mean, Std. Deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation) and SPSS-13 software. The result of this study indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational health and effectiveness in sport sciences and physical education faculties of Tehran public universities. (r=0.803, p=0.001). Therefore managers should use ways to increase organizational health for increasing effectiveness.

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