The present study aimed of investigating the relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment of university of Isfahan professors. Therefore, 106 professors were randomly chosen out of 463 individuals for the sample. The Luthans (2007) standard questionnaire was used to analyze the psychological capital. The reliability of this questionnaire was validated through Cronbach Alpha coefficient (0.77). The Allen and Meyer’s questionnaire was used to analyze the organizational commitment. The reliability of this questionnaire was validated through Cronbach Alpha coefficient (0.70) as well. Data analysis was done through concurrent regression in order to predict the effects of psychological capital components (self-efficiency, self-confidence, hopefulness, optimism and flexibility) on organizational commitment components (normative, continuance and affective commitment). The results of the study indicated that the hopefulness and self-efficiency/self-confidence variables could significantly predict the affective commitment (p<0.004). Also, the hopefulness and certainty variables could significantly predict the continuance commitment (p=0.001). Finally, the optimism, the self-efficiency/self-confidence and the flexibility variables could significantly predict the normative commitment (p=0.0001).