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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Journal of Zoonosis

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Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli is an important pathogen in food-borne diseases, and several foodborne epidemics around the world have been linked to this bacterium. Contamination with this organism causes watery and bloody diarrhea. In this study, 400 fish and shrimp samples were prepared in Bushehr province, and the presence of Escherichia coli was confirmed by conducting microbiological and molecular tests, and the abundance of stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes was investigated in the presence of a pair of specific primers. Escherichia coli was not isolated in the packaged samples, but in non-packaged samples, out of 200 fish samples, Escherichia coli was isolated in 35 samples (17. 5%) and out of 50 shrimp samples in 10 samples (20%) of Escherichia coli were isolated. After performing the multiplex PCR test in the presence of specific primers, stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes were not found alone banned in any of the strains isolated from fish. In two isolates (20%), the band related to stx1 and eaeA genes and in one isolate (10%) the band related to stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes were observed, while in Escherichia coli strains isolated from shrimp, only in one sample (33. 33%) stx1 gene was observed. In this research, it was found that the frequency of stx1 gene is higher than stx2 gene. In this way, it can be stated that the genetic pattern is stx1dominant.

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Journal of Zoonosis

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Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular protozoan parasite capable of infecting most warm-blooded animals, including humans and birds. Considering the feeding habits of native chickens, the prevalence of Toxoplasma infection in free-range poultry is regarded as a suitable indicator of Toxoplasma frequency. This research aimed to investigate the prevalence of T. gondii in local poultry of Shahrekord city, Iran using the ELISA method. In this research, 70 pieces of local chicken, including 20 pieces of local chicken, 10 pieces of the local rooster, 20 pieces of turkey, 10 pieces of duck, and 10 pieces of goose, were randomly collected from Shahrekord city. Indirect ELISA tested all the samples to determine the antibody against T. gondii. Chi-square analysis and SPSS version 21 software were used to evaluate the statistical results. Out of a total of 70 samples, 10 samples (14. 28%) were positive, eight samples (11. 42%) were suspicious, and 52 samples (74. 28%) were negative. Of the total of 10 positive samples, two samples (20%), five samples (50%), two samples (20%), and 1 sample (10%) were related to spring, summer, autumn, and winter, respectively. This research found that the highest number of T. gondii is related to turkey and local chicken. Moreover, the lowest consumption was related to goose, duck, and rooster. The main factor in the common occurrence of Toxoplasma is the age of local poultry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Zoonosis

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Salmonella unlike other members of the Enterobacteriaceae family are voluntary intracellular parasites and all of them are potentially pathogenic. These bacteria are easily transmitted directly or indirectly from animal, animal to human, and human to human. Therefore, the prevention and control of salmonellosis in humans are largely dependent on its prevention and control in animals. This study was performed to investigate the molecular properties of Salmonella enteritidis isolates in red meat offered to the consumer market of Shahrekord city. For this purpose, 300 red meat samples were collected135 samples were positive for Salmonella species. In biochemical and molecular studies, 37 isolates of Salmonella enteritidis were detected. Out of 37 Salmonella enteritidis isolates, inv A and stn genes were estimated in all isolates (100%), spvA in 28 isolates (75. 67%), and sefA gene in 20 isolates (54%). According to the results of periodic microbial monitoring and tests and more measures by the officials of the provincial veterinary department in order to reduce the amount of microbial contamination is very important.

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Shojaat Shadan


Journal of Zoonosis

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At the end of December 2019, a new disease of unknown etiology appeared in Wuhan. It was quickly identified as a new betacoronavirus related to SARS-CoV and several other bat-like SARS-like coronaviruses. This virus originated from bats and was transmitted to humans through an intermediary animal in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The virus rapidly spread to all provinces in China and some countries overseas. The Director General of the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020. The disease is transmitted through inhalation or contact with infected droplets, and the incubation period is between 2 and 14 days. Symptoms are usually fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, fatigue, lethargy, etc. This article describes the sudden outbreak and known properties of the newly emerging virus, SARSCoV-2. Moreover, the resulting clinical disease, COVID-19, comments on essential gaps in our knowledge of the virus and its causes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Zoonosis

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Bacteriocins are proteins produced by bacteria, especially lactic acid bacteria, which have antimicrobial properties and are used to preserve foods. L50A and l50B are the compounds produced by some Enterococcus faeicum strains. The present study was conducted to isolate and determine the frequency of enterocin L50A and L50B genes in E. faecium isolates from meat in Shahrekord, Iran. In this research, 80 meat samples were prepared, and the prevalence of l50A and l50B enterocin genes were studied. The bacteria were isolated using biochemical microbiology methods such as the bile esculin test, growth in NaCl 6. 5%, pyruvate fermentation, and molecular techniques. In the presence of specific primers for enterocin genes, the frequency of l50A and l50B genes was determined. In this research, out of a total of 80 studied samples, 66 samples (82. 5%) were infected with Enterococcus, of which 35 samples (43. 75%) were infected with E. faecium bacteria. L50A was determined in 15 isolates (42. 85%), and L50B was determined in 14 isolates (40%). Due to the relatively high contamination of E. faecium in meat, other studies for antimicrobial properties of enterocrins produced by this bacterium are recommended.

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Journal of Zoonosis

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Bacteriocins produced by bacteria have antimicrobial properties and are used to preserve food. In recent studies, special attention has been paid to these bacteria in order to use them as food preservatives. In this study, 100 chicken meat samples were analyzed after bacterial isolation and definitive diagnosis in the presence of specific primers related to enterocin genes. The gene related to enterocin A was in 17 isolates (32. 07%), the gene related to enterocin P was in 16 isolates (30. 18%), the gene related to enterocin As-48 was in 11 isolates (21%). The simultaneous presence of several genes with each other was observed in 10 isolates (18. 86%), so that the gene related to enterocins A and P in 3 isolates (9. 43%), enterocins A and As48 in 2 isolates (3. 77%). The gene related to enterocins A, P and As48 was observed in 3 isolates (5. 66%). Considering the presence of a relatively large number of enterocin genes in Enterococcus faecalis isolates isolated from chicken meat, conducting research to investigate the antimicrobial properties of enterocins produced by this bacterium seems necessary.

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