The life of Jalaloddin Mowlavi is very different from the life of Moslehoddin Saadi.During his life Saadi, lived like a dervish or had a characteric of a dervish. Even the various certain stages of his existence: Birth, Marriage, Children and the death are not clearly reported. All of them are by: perhaps, it may be so, and it must be so. In other words, the stages of his life are in a cloud of doubt and suspicion, but all corners of Mowlavi’s life are clear and certain.He lived with his family, Morids, Followers and obedient, as he deserved it.Saadi was a religious man and he trying to find the knowledge and mysticism in the religion, but Mowlavi is famous as the greatest gnostic, mystic, and way farer in Iran.Saadi and a group of travelers in the desert, with a gread interest and enthusiasm, refered to the court of Mowlavi in Ghoonieh, but he returned hopless and nearly annoyed and sore hearted.The aims of this article are to find or gess and examine the reasons and the causes of this problem or event.