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Pessimism or despair is a psychological condition which occurs in people's rational and emotional area, and is common in almost every society. A sharp form of this which is seen in poets and the enlightened is called "philosophical despair". The bases of this condition can be sought in the people's personal life events and the society's political, social and economical transitions. In the beginning of the twentieth century and after the failure of the constitutional movement, parts of the hearts of poems turned into pessimism and despair. Iraj Mirza is one of the prominent poets of this era whose thoughts and literary works are affected by despair and pessimism. The bases of this pessimism are under the influence of the unkindness of friends, the death of the young child, the lack of societal situations, the loss of governmental positions and the decline of the aristocratic place of his family.

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Nizami not only had understood his poem's story, but had commixed his feelings, imaginations, and his thoughts with it, and it causes such an obvious sincerity and authenticity in his poem. It seems like he had experienced all the events and Ups and Downs of their lives and then wrote them down. In this poem, which is a romantic story in a royal atmosphere or in other words is a Royal love, each action has a proper reaction and each character has got his rights. The story's heroes –Khosro and Shirin- who should be a good couple (perfect couple), have same characteristics. In this research, The similar characteristics of the main characters, action and reactions of other characters which seem to be accorded to truth and justice, are presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Local Arabic people of Khuzestan like all other languages, in dialect or local accent have features that an example of it adage that are common among people, each of them having a world of talent and ideas and euphemisms is the purpose of discharging and their equivalents in Persian language. Like the theme in Arabic and Persian proverbs, there are many similarities. The purpose of this researchis the collection and analysis of Khuzestan Arabic proverbs which because the boiling experimental can be valuable and the social studies and anthropology to help. The main focus of this research is based on Khuzestan Arabic proverb, also compare common proverbs in Arabic and Persian and equivalent to navigation in the Persian language. About the reviews and compared Khuzestan Arabic proverb with the Persian and their impact on each other considerable research has been done so far. in this research as possible so far, adage have gathered field and the next phase of the research done in the library and written sources have been used. Despite the rich treasure of popular culture, especially the adage, in this area, the basic work in this field has been don't and the books that have been published in Khuzestan Arabic adage, did not more than four or five books.

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Although the poetry of revolution primarily known for the poetry of classical and modern form has moved to the new space and a theme created their own different backgrounds rooted. Look into the human world and the realm of ideas and religious themes can be seen as in the poetry of revolution that  has Never to this breadth and depth of the poems before the Revolution, and even the distant history of our literature. Elements of value, moral, educational links with history, allegorical and historical compliance and respect even outside the geographical boundaries of the revolutionaries are the most radical elements in the modernization. Modernist revolution in poetry and then change the language and interpretation of themes and ideas have recently been keeping templates. Sense of continuity and consistency in the format of the old order has recently. Ideological foundations of revolution, in terms of prevailing popular religious culture, and it would lead to many innovations in the realm of self-expression and communication of the words.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The works of Persian literati have long been an arena for the delivery of didactic literature as most of them have taken advantage of a variety of adages to enrich the intellectual and ethical bases of their poetry and prose. On the other hand, Persian literature has always been interspersed with Quranic verses and enriched the literal and spiritual aspects of their works by adopting divine verses and Quranic tales. Of course, this feature is prominently noticeable in the style of "technical prose" and the Jahangoshaye Joveini History is considered to be one of it's most salient examples. Taking a brief look at "Joveini" and this historical book, this article is aimed at explaining the didactic role of divine verses by putting forward examples from Jahangosha's use of Quranic verses. It display's Joveini's success who has managed to open a new world from the amalgamation of various ideas in front of the listener by drawing on Quranic tales.

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Imagery and image creation is one of the techniques to avoid the cliched and ordinary language and enter the realm of ambiguous literary language. Homam as a great Persian poet, utilizing artistic imagination and colorful imagery, has managed to express several referents in a single sign and create a novel poetic sphere. Profound studies of such examples of imagery familiarize us with some artistic values and rhetorical beauties. In this study, using “expressive” means, we have measured the quality and quantity of Homam Tabrizi's image creation in Masnavi-e-Sohbatnameh, pictured by the beloved’s face, and analyzed his imagery devices.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Haft Peykar, which can be translated literally as “seven portraits” but also with the figurative meaning of “seven beauties”, is one of the masterpieces of ghanaian literature which is written by Neẓami Ganjavi. This book in using symbols to state psychological structure of human is unique. He in his book has depicted the conduct of Bahram in Seven Valleys of Seven Firmaments by Seven Empress of World, in order to have reached Bahramto wholeness and perfection. In Seventh Dome which has been specific to the white color and Venus, the story is telling by Dorsati, the Iranian princess, and all things have the smell and color of whiteness. The devout khawaja is a symbol of the Bahram Gur that in his trip from outward piety reached to inward piety. Among the symbols used in this story are moon, sun, tree, water, music, the guardian, women, thorn and etcetera. The aim this articleis to analyze the symbols used in the aftermo ststory of Haft Peykar. At the end, a brief comparison between Bahram as a historical epic character and the Iranian athlete Siavash is p.

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Regarding the very importance of Persian Literature scrutiny overseas and the distribution of it, we study the Education and lyrical poetry composed by Hasan Arrabe Kesh from the point of view of a contemporary poet named Tourson Zadeh in this thesis. His poetry burdens the exclusivity of the above-mentioned doctrine since he is considered of one of the pioneers of Realism-Socialistic literary genre. In this thesis we scrutinize the instances and features of the narration respectively which include: the contrast between tradition and modernism in which the poet desires to have a discontinuity between social and cultural traditions because of his sectarian reflections and the dictation of that influx on addressed people and shift their mind to socialistic and modern thoughts as well. This poem is didactic and lyrical, as well as advice and counsel poet indirect call to promote socialist modernization, and of course, the love story of Hasan and Sadaf is also discussed.

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In our era, the age of science and knowledge, where women are also making a significant contribution, educated women try to promote the place of women to its original and natural position, alongside the man. In the distant past, ignorance and savagery had become her into a pet, which couldn't be as effective as men in society. Therefore, woman in the limits of home had accepted routine life. The women's originality movement that was product of Humanism and the Renaissance, very soon enveloped all over the Europe and later spread among the Orient lands. In Islamic lands, radical Feminism is not seen. Because in ISLAM women enjoyed civil rights, except in the case of inheritance and witness, unlike the Middle age Church. So the orient women are not men's enemy. They believe that women are complementary to men and trying to resolve this misunderstanding with men. In dealing with, women right and her freedom in front of men, Forough Farrokhzad, Iranian poet and Ghada Al-Samman, Arabic poet are the same. In this discourse, although the man once was unwanted enemy, now is her lover too. So in their discourse, the man has two faces, marauder in the past and promising besides complementary of today's life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In human sciences, the personal prosperity is not assumed distinct from society & the harness of obstinate temper, is adjustable with interpreting humanity concept & human greatness & social justice with passing from individuality & settlement in human societies. One of the important goals of literature is helping to human & perfect tending to recognize himself better along the direction & reach to piety through self-recognizing. So, on the one hand, combat with humilities & on the other hand, & fastening modesty spirit, proud, courage, creativity, happiness & eagerness for education flaunts between literature poems & lines. Prophet teachings has grafted with human sciences from creation start. Regarding to the very sensitive & valuable role of human sciences generally & literature particulary, provide the grounds of researching & evaluation in literature, to solve many life personal – social problems of human & provide the background of creation of a health & developed society. The education process of different nations, is of importance in comparison between cultures & antient civilizations enjoy a close relation from past until now. For the purpose, we consider ourselves free from considering ancient Iran education, Arab domination period on Iran, 8 militarie goals. For the purpose, advantages & disadvantages of each historical period, effect & goal of literature in education is being into consideration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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