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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: One of the priorities of human resource management, especially in difficult and stressful occupations, such as nursing is reducing organizational indifference. Because the spirit of indifference in employee behavior reduces their motivation and effort and it can produce a lot of negative outcomes. In this regard, it seems that attention to social system of organization can be one of strategies to reduce organizational indifference. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational socialization and organizational indifference among nurses.Material & Method: The method of study was desCRiptive - correlation. The statistical population of the study was all nurses of Beasat hospital in Sanandaj city who consisted of 539 people. According to Krejcie and Morgan's table, 225 questionnaires were distributed randomly among nurses that 161 questionnaires were returned completely. Data were collected using organizational socialization and organizational indifference questionnaires. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed, according to experts, and CRonbach's alpha coefficient (0.898 and 0.933) respectively. Finally, the data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation test and Multiple Regression analysis by SPSS16. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the organizational socialization was 3.15 ± 0.698. Also, the mean and standard deviation of the organizational indifference was 2.81 ± 0.672. There was a negative and Significant relationship between organizational socialization and organizational indifference among nurses (p <.01). In addition, two dimensions of under standing and peer support were negative and Significant predictors of organizational indifference (p<0.01).Conclusion: According to the findings, hospital nurse managers can reduce nursing organizational indifference by clarifying the expectations of nurses, clarifying laws and regulations, displaying supportive behaviors, developing participatory activities and highlighting the future vision of the organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Today, organizations face the opportunities and threats that need entrepreneurial solutions for dealing with them. For creating successful environment in organizations entrepreneurship and people entrepreneur is necessary.Aim: The aim of this study was to provide a structural model of personality traits of nurses' entrepreneurship based on the power resources managers and the mediator role of organizational justice in hospitals of Miandoab City in 2017.Material & Method: This was an applied and descriptive correlational study. The sample based on Morgan's table is 152 people, selected by stratified random sampling from the statistical population. Data collecting tools were included Power Resources’s Hinkin and Schriesheim (1989) and Entrepreneurship Personality Features questionnaire (Centre of Durham) and Organizational Justice’s Niehoff and Moorman (1993). Their reliability by Alpha –ronbach were more than 0.70. For analyzing data Structural Equation Modeling with maximum partial squares method used.Results: The results of the Structural Model show that the power resources of managers with the personality traits of entrepreneurship nurses (b=0.259, Sig=0.004) and their organizational justice perception (b=0.521, Sig=0.001) have a positive and significant relationship. Considering the confirmation of the relationship of the administrative staff of organizational justice of nurses with their entrepreneurial personality traits (b=0.558, Sig=0.000), the role of the mediator of organizational justice in this study confirmed.Conclusion: According to the findings, managers of different departments can use their power resources and justice in organization that would be develop and strengthen the entrepreneurial personality traits among nurses and consequently guarantee their success.

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Introduction: The efficiency of a hospital in providing appropriate care services requires effective communication between managers and nursing staff. Emotional skills are an important factor in the effectiveness of leadership and organizational success of managers. Effective managerial emotional display can be effective in improving employee performance.Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the emotional display of nursing managers and the performance of nursing staff.Material & Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study was conducted in a teaching hospital in Tehran, 2015. The sample consisting 120 nurses and 15 nurse mangers was selected via convenience sampling method. The research instruments were the Dyndorff (2005) emotional display questionnaire and Paterson's (1990) job performance questionnaire, whose reliability was confirmed by Cronbach alpha of 0.76 and 0.83 respectively in previous studies. Performance questionnaire was completed by staff (nurses and head nurses) and emotional display questionnaire was completed by managers (head nurses and supervisors) via self-reported method. Data were analyzed by Spearman correlation coefficient using SPSS software at a significantlevel of 0.05.Results: The real and deep emotional display strategies of managers were in high level (66.7%) and the performance of nursing staff was in excellent level (90%). Among emotional labor strategies only the real emotional display of managers had a positive correlation with job performance of the nursing staff (P=0.020, r=0.203). The emotional labor strategies of managers and the job performance of nursing staff had nosignificant relationship with personal characteristics (P>0.05).Conclusion: The high level of emotional labor strategies may cause emotional exhaustion and burnout in nursing mangers. So the health assessment and providing proper psychological interventions for managers are necessary.

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Introduction: One of the factors of organizational success is paying attention to job performance of employees, among which nurses constitute the largest part of human resources in health system, and the use of efficient manpower in organizations is a concern for all managers.Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of openness to experience and job performance with mediating role of occupational embeddedness, proactive personality and subjective occupational success. Material & Method: This descriptive study is a correlation type with the structural equation approach, which was conducted in 2015. Proposed model was examined 256 nursing of Ahwaz city hospital that were selected via stratified random sampling method. Data were collected by occupational embeddedness scale (adams, Webster & buyarski, 2010), subjective occupational success scale (Grebner, Elfering & Semmer, 2008), proactive personality scale (Seibert, Crant & Kraimer, 1999) openness to experience scale (NEO-PIR McCRae & Costa, 1985) and job performance scale (Ten Horn & Roe, 1988). Fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM) and indirect effects in proposed model were tested using the bootstrap procedure.Results: Finding indicated that the proposed model fit the data (RAMSI: 0.07, CFI: 0.98, GFI: 0.98). The result indicates that, occupational embeddedness, subjective occupational success and proactive personality are mediatizing for explain the impact on openness experience with job performance.Conclusion: Based on the to the results organizations must improve the conditions for job performance by providing a suitable environment for the more professional and contribute to a better understanding of career success and provide an environment for the growing of personality traits.

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Introduction: Job stress in health care workers, including nurses, reduces productivity, mental and physical harm, and dissatisfaction with the service. Therefore, recognizing the severity and extent of its destructive effects in different parts of the hospital, especially in the emergency department, due to its high importance, will be effective in improving mental health and quality of service provided.Aim: This study aimed to compare nurses' stress with the rest of the hospitals emergency department nurses were Gonabad and Birjand.Material & Method: This CRoss-sectional study was conducted on 160 nurses in Gonabad (Khorasan Razavi and Birjand) South Khorasan. Data from the questionnaire of demographic data and questionnaire ENSS (Expanded Nursing Stress Scale) distributed randomly among nurses in the emergency department, internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, dialysis, ENT, ICU, CCU, NICU were collected. Its reliability was 0.96 by α- Chronbach. Data analysis using by SPSS 16 software using statistical method, and for analyzing data Chi-square tests, Anova and T test were used.Results: The mean job stress nursing was in emergency department (2.14±0.52) and in non-emergency departments (0.651 ± 1.84). The results show that the mean score of occupational stress are generally higher than in other parts of the emergency department nurses (p=0.002). And independent t-test showed that difference between the two groups in the subscales of emotional lack of preparation, problems with co-workers, workload, patients and their families was Significant (p=0.001).Conclusion: It is recommended to nurse managers and policy makers to paying more attention to factors such as emotional lack of preparation, problems with co-workers, workload, patients and their families and that reducing these factors for staff nurses in emergency departments.

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Introduction: Due to the stress caused by the hard work of nurses, improving their psychological characteristics, such as life expectancy, seems essential.Aim: The aim of this research was predicting the life expectancy in nurses based on happiness, acting to religious beliefs and psychological hardiness.Material & Method: This study was a cross-sectional from type of correlational. The population were nurses in Govermentalal hospital of Ahvazin 2017 year that from them 220 person were selected by cluster sampling method. All participants completed the questionnaires of life expectancy (Snyder & et al, 1991), Oxford happiness (Argyle & Lu, 1990), acting to religious beliefs (Golzari, 2000) and psychological hardiness (Kobasa, 1979). Data was analyzed with using SPSS-19 and by Pearson correlation and multiple regression with enter model methods.Results: The results showed there was a positive and significant relationship between happiness (r=0.483), acting to religious beliefs (r=0.345) and psychological hardiness (r=0.291) with life expectancy of nurses. Also the mentioned variables Significantly were able to predict 41.1 percent of variance of life expectancy of nurses that the share of happiness was higher than other variables (p≤0.01).Conclusion: Regarded to findings planners, counselors and therapists must consider the effect and consequences of happiness, acting to religious beliefs and psychological hardiness and design and implementation appropriate programs to improve the life expectancy of nurses.

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Introduction: Continuing control of mental health would be helper in decreasing health problems. So, each health system need to data for mental health promotion that WHO present the special instrument WHO-AIMS.Aim: This study was done for knowing with WHO-AIMS tool, health problems diagnosis in different countries and assessing mental health in Iran by WHO-AIMS.Material & Method: This study was done by systematic review. The key words were Mental Health Systems, and World Health Organization Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems in Iran and abroad. In Iran there was not article in introducing WHO-AIMS. But in the world 93 WHO reports and 10 research articles were found that introduced the WHO-AIMS, its usage problems and its applied for assessing mental health systems in different countries.Results: The findings showed that WHO-AIMS have consisted in 6 domains (policymaking, country program, law and budget for mental health, mental health services, mental health in PHC, manpower, health education and other section in mental health for example control and research), 28 sub-scale with 156 items. Also, the main and majority of mental health problems in different countries were no mental health law, low mental health budget, high costs for psychosocial intervention, unsuitable distribution of psychiatric hospitals, no collecting data, staff shortage, not enough educated personnel in mental health, lack of association for patients and their families, not enough mental health services and etc.Conclusion: WHO-AIMS instrument shows a clear picture of threats and opportunities of mental health systems in countries, so they would be improved their mental health systems and implemented their policy in mental health. This study resulted to knowing mental health managers and staff with this instrument and also, researchers drive to develop new tools for assessing mental health system.

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Introduction: Nurses working in different parts of the hospital are more exposed to mental health because of more severe working conditions, so it is imperative to identify the variables that contribute to psychological well-being.Aim: The purpose of this study was to predict psychological well-being based on empathy and self-compassion in Boukan city (2016) nurses.Material & Method: This study was descriptive correlational. The statistical population included all nurses working at Boukan hospitals (N=318). The sample size was 200 nurses (110 female & 90 male) selected by available sampling method. The research tools were Davis's empathy questionnaire (1983), self-compassion of Neff (2003) and psychological well-being of Ryff (1980). By Alpha- Cronbach the reliability was (0.75, 0.81 and 0.71) respectively. The data analysis methods were Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Stepwise Regression. Data analyzed by SPSS21 software.Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between empathy and self-compassion with psychological well-being (P ≤ 0.01). Regression results showed that empathy with beta coefficient (0.56) was more than self-compassion with beta coefficient (0.49) on nurses' psychological well-being. Also among empathic components, the empathic concern was the highest with beta coefficient (0.40) and among self-compassion components the common feeling of isolation versus beta coefficient (0.42) had the greatest impact on psychological well-being.Conclusion: It is necessary to increase empathy and selfcompassion in nurses during education and work by head nurses will positive effect on their psychological well-being.

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