This research is aimed to design and validate a measurement scale for academic textbooks using technical text mining process and organizing software algorithms. Using word co-occurrence (dependency) and text clustering methods, a checklist is provided for evaluation of academic textbooks. Word co-occurrence and text clustering analysis methods create the possibility to understand the structure of thematic relations in one single area and its visualization would help us understand the general schema of the area. The research was an applied research and used content analysis approach. For gathering data, it used documentary-library method, and a checklist as data gathering tool. The research uses analytical processing level, specifically vocabulary content analysis (word co-occurrence method) and hierarchical clustering method. Sample in this research is equal to the statistical society and includes English research articles published in Scopus, EBSCO and Science Direct in the subject area of compilation of Academic Books. Total amount of 10000 articles were investigated and a co-occurrence network of their words is drawn using VOS Viewer, SPSS, and Pajak softwares. Four indicators were set to design the model of validation software system for academic books based on text mining using word co-occurrence and text analysis: scientific discourse, evaluation of compilation, academic writing, and academic writing principles. Fourteen components are identified using word co-occurrence and text clustering: academic literacy, written phrases in discourse, written phrases instructions in scientific discourse, elements of the instruction of written phrases in the scientific discourse, academic writing assessment tools, learning writing skills, assessment of writing skills, review, academic writing skills, demographic features of academic writing, physical features of writing assessment, principles of academic writing, assessment of academic writing principles, the result of the evaluation of academic writing principles, the impact of academic writing principles assessment. Based on scientific map drawing, the relationship between concepts of a text can be discovered and new basis can be extracted. By drawing the scientific map of the papers in the field of academic writing, this research determined indicators and components of this area.