The present research was carried out in International Sturgeon Research Institute in eight weeks, in order to invest the effect of different concentrate diets of Skretting Franc and living food (gamarus and chironomus) on growth factors and esterlet juvenile nourishment. The number of go esterlet juvenile with average weight of 8.23±0.21 were transported to six 160 L aquariums with three replications. During the experiment, the juveniles were fed by 2 percent of body weight and one time daily. At the end of the cultural period, statistically, in all parameters, There was significant difference (p<0.05). Final weight, final length, fat factor, final, biomass, proudoction rate, the amount of gain rate (GR), special growth (SGR), body weight index (BWI), percent body weight index, food Eficiency food (FE), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and survival hindrance in Skretting treatment were better than the living foor treatment. Also the FCR in Skretting treatment was lower than living food treatment, and statistically had significant difference (p<0.05). With regard to integrity in culture condition, it can be said that the variation of growth trend is the result of chemical composition quality, so the fish fed by Skretting formulated diet had better performance than living diet.