Following of recent mortality and observation of lethargy, abdominal distention, emaciation and abnormal swimming in (Liza auratus), about 86 fish samples (56 with clinical signs and 30 apparently health) were captured during March 2009 in Mazandaran province. After biometry R.B.C., W.B.C., P.C.V., Hb, M.C.V, M.C.H, M.C.H.C and differential count were evaluated. Also ALT, AST, C3, C4, IgM, Albumin and total protein were measured. Average weight, length and age of samples with clinical signs and apparently health were 193.1±10.2 cm, 30.6±0.4 g, 32.5±0.5 cm, 233±11.3 g, and 3.7±0.1 and 3.9±0.1 years, respectively. Findings revealed significant decrease (p<0.05) in W.B.C, R.B.C, Hb, P.C.V. and (MCHC, g/dl) in affected fishes comparison with apparently health fishes. In opposite, (MCV, fl) were more significant increase in affected fish but (MCH, pg) was no significant difference between two mentioned groups. Also, in W.B.C differential count, significant decrease (p<0.05) was observed in Lymphocyte and Neutrophil cells but Myelocyte cells revealed significant increase in affected fishes (p<0.05). Total IgM, protein and Albumin have significant decrease (p<0.05) in affected fishes comparison with apparently health fishes. Also, C3 and C4 revealed numerical decrement but have no significant difference between two groups. AST and ALT enzymes were more significant increase (p<0.05) in affected fish. Meanwhile, weight of affected fishes have decrease significant difference than apparently health fishes (p>0.05). So, it would be concluded that affected fishes have been revealed macrocytic hypochromic anaemia. Also, findings revealed a kind of prolonged starvation and dystrophy chronic disease in affected Golden grey mullet in Caspian Sea.