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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks of aerobic, training on changes Rate, omentine-1, Insulin resistance, CRP and Lipid profile in overweight and obese Elderly Women. A total number of 30 elderly women were randomly allocated to two groups of aerobictraining (n=15), and control (n=15). Blood sample were taken in before, immediately after and 48 hours after Aerobic Training for assessment of omentine-1, Insulin resistance, CRP and Lipid profile. Data were analyzed using by mean and standard deviation for statistical description, and analysis of variance with repeated measures test and Ancova test for inferential analysis of data (P≤0.05). In case of significant results of bonferroni post hoc test were used to compare mean variables in each group separately in three stages. Statistical significant was set at P≤0.05. The results showed that 8 weeks of regular exercise significantly increased levels of, omentine-1and HDL (P≤0.05). Also, results showed in a significant reduction in CRP, LDL and insulin resistance (P≤0.05). Overall, study findings showed that Aerobic Training Increased omentine-1, improvement Lipid profile and it was reduction CRP. This result may reflect improvements in insulin sensitivity after exercise and Is anomentine -1 anti-inflammatory role.

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The aim of the present reserch is to review combined exercise effect in companion with consumption of magnesium on endurance, fatigue and quality of life of women who are suffering from MS. fifteen women who were members of Ms association in hamadan voluntarily participated in the study and their scor were 1-5 (EDSS). the participants randomly were divided into three experimental group. At the beiginning of the research the general endurance with (6 min. walking test), tiredness with (tiredness questionnaire MIFS21), quality of life by (quality of life questionnaire 54) were measure. Then one of the experimental groups started compound exercise like aerobic resistance and edurance exercise and continued for eight weeks. Another experimental group just had mg (magnesium) consumption durin the research period and finally the third experimental group both did the combined exercise and had the magnesium consumption. After eight week tests tests were taken from the four groups. Data were analayzed and results of the four groups were compared. covariance test at the probability level of p≤.05 were done with SPSS softwar. the results show that combined exercise along with mg consumption significant effect on fatigue and quality of life there for it is suggested to women who are suffering from MS with in capability level pof (5-1) to have combined exercise along with consumption of mg complementary.

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The risk of injury in basketball is considerable. The purpose of this study was to evaluate The Influence of positional role of basketball players in Iranian premier league on the sport injuries rate. Videotapes for 100 out matches of Iranian basketball Premier league over the period 1386-1387 season have been selected and were analyzed, using video analysis system and injuries information and positional role of injured player were recorded. Forwards were the most frequently injured players (x2=35.4, P=0.05).; other positional roles. Most of the injuries were contact (72.72%). There were statistical differences between teams in incidence of injury (x2=3.84, P=0.05). This study shows that injury frequency rates, mechanism of injury and anatomical location of injury are varies between different basketball player positions. This injury pattern could give coaches, athletic trainers, and team physician's better working knowledge to help planning for prevention and treatment of injuries.

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برای بررسی اثر مصرف کافئین پس از بارگیری کراتینی بر استقامت عضلانی و سطوح کورتیزول و کاتکولامین مردان ورزشکار، 12 دانشجوی داوطلب ورزشکار، ابتدا در آزمون های ارزیابی عملکرد استقامت عضلانی بالاتنه (پرس سینه) و پایین تنه (اکستنشن ساق پا) به صورت وزنه زنی با وزنه 70 درصد یک تکرار بیشینه تا واماندگی شرکت کردند و بعد از آزمون، برای ارزیابی سطوح کورتیزول، اپی نفرین و نوراپی نفرین 5 سی سی نمونه خونی از ورید بازویی آنان گرفته شد. سپس در 3 موقعیت دارونما، تجربی 1) مصرف 0.3 گرم کراتین در هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن در روز به مدت 5 روز و به دنبال آن مصرف 6 میلی گرم دارونما در هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن، و تجربی 2) مصرف 0.3 گرم کراتین در هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن در روز به مدت 5 روز و به دنبال آن مصرف 6 میلی گرم در هر کیلوگرم وزن بدن کافئین، با فاصله یک ماه، عملکرد استقامت عضلانی بالاتنه و پایین تنه آنان دوباره ارزیابی شد. مقایسه نتایج نشان داد که در گروه تجربی 2، بهبود معنی داری در استقامت بالاتنه و پایین تنه، و میزان کورتیزول و کاتکولامین ها مشاهده شد، اما در گروه دارونما چنین تغییراتی وجود نداشت. در گروه آزمایشی 1 نیز فقط در استقامت بالاتنه و پایین تنه بهبود معنی داری مشاهده شد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of whole body vibration (WBV) on anaerobic performance indexes and flexibility on active men. The participants were 12 trained healthy male with the average age of 23.41±2.1 years old, body mass of 71.16±5.06 Kg, height 178.16±2.94 cm, and body fat percentage 15.55±5.15. The study was conducted in two days with time interval of one week In the first day, 10 min active warm up was carried out including jogging, stretching movements, and cycling on ergometer, Then, several tests was carried out; sit and reach, vertical jump and Wingate Test of 30s, for assessing anaerobic peak power, average power, minimum power and fatigue index percentage. In the second day, participants use the vibration with frequency 30 HZ and amplitude 10 mm was conducted 4 times including 3 min vibration along with 1 min rest lasting for 15 min, then the tests of sit and reach, vertical jump and Wingate Test of 30s was implemented. The results were analyzed by T-test. The results indicated that WBV leads to a significant increase in the amount of vertical jump (P=0.044), anaerobic peak power (P=0.045) and anaerobic average power (P=0.021) in compared with active warm up. In other indexes no significant change was found.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The purpose of this study was effect of 8 weeks interval training with eating apple vinegar on blood lipid profile and hematologic profile in non-athletic young men.Methodology: Samples studied 30 male non-athletes who were randomly divided into a control group and an experimental group (training with eating apple vinegar) (age 66.0± 93.16; weight 05.9±0.71; Height 61.5±57.174 and BMI 06.4±50.23). The subjects were asked to participate in interval training program (4 sets with 4 minutes interval training, 4 minutes rest between sets with the intensity 70 to 95 percent of maximum heart rate, increasingly with increasing 5 percent each week, then rest for 5 minutes, 30 minutes game Soccer). Blood samples were collected from brachial vein them two days before and after exercise to measure RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, WBC and blood lipid (cholesterol, HDL, VLDL, LDL, TG). Experimental group received during training three meals per day in about 50 cc apple vinegar. Data were evaluated using T test. Significance level of 0.05≥ P was accepted.Results: Number of RBC and hemoglobin increased significantly after 8 week interval training. But reducing the number of WBC and hematocrit were unchanged. Amount of cholesterol, TG, LDL and VLDL were significantly reduced. After 8 weeks the amount of HDL than the control group showed a significant increase. But reducing the number of WBC and hematocrit were unchanged. Amount of cholesterol, TG, LDL and VLDL were significantly reduced. After 8 weeks the amount of HDL than the control group showed a significant increase.Conclusion: The present findings suggest the effectiveness of interval training with eating apple vinegar on hematological and lipid profile. So it seems that exercise with apple vinegar can be having beneficial effects in preventing atherosclerosis

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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