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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The necessity of using modern educational methods in light of the rapid changes in the needs of communities is felt. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of three methods of lecture, virtual education and flipped classroom on learning, information retention and satisfaction of students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this quasi-experimental two-stage study, 60 nursing and midwifery students of Isfahan Nursing and Midwifery School in 1398, after obtaining consent in three flipped classroom groups (n= 20), virtual education (n = 20), and lectures (20 subjects). They were included in the study using the census method. After obtaining consent, They were randomly allocated ( through the sortation) assigned in three flipped classroom groups (n = 20), virtual education (n = 20), and lectures (n= 20). Data were collected using a researcher-made learning and satisfaction questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. Then, the data were analyzed using SPSS 16 software and descriptive and analytical tests with significance level P <0. 05. Results: Based on the results, the mean scores of first test learning in the flipped class group (18. 85 ±,0. 83) were significantly higher than the two groups of lecture (16. 21 ±,1. 9) and virtual education (16. 29 ±,2. 29) (P <0. 05), but there was no significant difference between lecture and virtual education groups (P> 0. 05). Secondary test learning average scores in the flipped classroom group (17. 47 ±,1. 42) were higher than the virtual education group and the virtual education group (14. 26 ±,2. 41) more than the lecture group (12. 90 ±,2. 64) (P <0. 05). In addition, the mean satisfaction of the students in the flipped classroom group (169/44 ±,17/82) was higher than the virtual education group (132/24 ±,17/92) and in the virtual education group more than the lecture group (115/56 ±,17/57) (P <0. 05). Conclusions: Comparison of the short-term and long-term educational outcomes of the three teaching methods showed that learning, content recall and satisfaction with the inverted classroom method were more than the other two methods,Students' content and satisfaction with virtual teaching was more than lecture.

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Introduction: Pediatric nursing care is different from adult nursing care because nurses are responsible for caring for children in a wide range of development and must also care for the sick child's family, so the occurrence of lost care in the department Children can have profound effects. The present study aims to determine the views of pediatric nurses about missed nursing care and factors related to it was conducted in Yazd hospitals in 1401. Methods: The present descriptive-cross-sectional study was carried out on 80 nurses by counting all method. Data were collected through demographic questionnaire and missed nursing care questionnaire(factors related and types of) Data analysis was done by descriptive statistics (mean-standard deviation-frequency) using SPSS software version 23. Results: The highest amount of missed care in terms of the three points above was respectively related to "oral care" with an average of 3. 44+ 1. 29, "change position every 2 hours or according to the order with an average of 3. 37 ±,1. 15 and evaluating the effectiveness of drugs with the average is 3. 28 ±,19/1. The investigation of the causes of missed care in three areas showed that in the area of work resources, "insufficient number of nurses" with an average of 3. 5±,0. 67, the area of communication "incomplete delivery of the previous shift or sent unit" with an average of 3. 77±, 0. 48 and the area of resources material "unavailability of drugs when needed" with an average of 3. 79 ±,0. 47were the three main reasons. Conclusions: It seems necessary that nursing managers plan interventions regarding the importance of paying attention to oral care, using standard shift delivery checklists and managing the supply and distribution of children's medicine to take a step towards reducing the missed nursing care.

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Introduction: The nursing education course faces challenges that can be solved with simple and low-cost measures if properly identified. Otherwise, the challenges will turn into a crisis and their solution will be difficult and costly. However, there is no tool available to examine the challenges of nursing education in Iran. Methods: This research is a combined study that was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the terms of the questionnaire were compiled using the qualitative interview of the study, as well as the review of authentic texts related to the topic of the research. In the next step, during a methodological study, the psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire were determined using face validity, content (CVR & CVI) and exploratory factor analysis, as well as reliability with internal consistency and stability methods. Results: The pool of items including 30 expressions was extracted. After determining face validity, qualitative and quantitative content validity, the number of questionnaire statements was reduced to 28 items. The result of the exploratory factor analysis of this questionnaire, three factors including "defective educational cycle", "educational structure challenge" and "overall neglect as a member of the education family", these three factors explained a total of 72. 01% of the variance of the entire test. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0. 865 and the stability through retest with intraclass correlation test was 0. 8. Conclusions: Considering the desired validity and reliability of the 27-item questionnaire of nursing education challenges, its use by researchers is recommended.

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Introduction: The nature of the nursing profession is such that the ability to be sensitive to ethical issues is very important. Whereas being in a clinical setting as a nurse and in an educational setting as a nursing student can each affect professional ethics in some way,Therefore, this study was conducted to compare the moral sensitivity of nurses and nursing students of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd in 1399. Methods: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study. 130 final year nursing students and 140 nurses working in hospitals affiliated to Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd were selected by using available sampling method. Data were collected using demographic and ethical sensitivity questionnaires of Lutzen by self-reporting method. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 18 and descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Results: Mean score and standard deviation of moral sensitivity score in nurses (50/01±, 11/64) and nursing students (57/42±, 13/60) were obtained from 100 which was statistically significant difference (P = 0. 01). Among students and nurses, the mean score of moral sensitivity in the field of "honesty and benevolence" had the highest score and the field of "use of professional knowledge" had the lowest score. The level of moral sensitivity was moderate in both groups of nursing students and nurses. Conclusions: Due to the importance of moral sensitivity and its effect on increasing the quality of care, it is necessary to provide the necessary training in this field among students and nurses to improve the level of moral sensitivity.

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Introduction: At the end of 2019, the coronavirus quickly turned into a global pandemic, which increased anxiety and panic among people. This disease caused a lot of damage to society and people. The aim of the current research is the effectiveness of reality therapy on stress and anxiety of Corona in patients with covid-19. Methods: The research method is semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test and follow-up design. The statistical population of this research includes all the patients with Covid-19 in Mazandaran province in the fall of 2021, from whom 30 (15 experimental group and 15 control group) people were selected as a sample by random sampling method. In this research, the Corona Stress Questionnaire (2019) and the Corona Anxiety Questionnaire (2018) were used, and reality therapy sessions were conducted in 8 sessions of 90 minutes and one session per week, and a follow-up test was conducted after three treatment sessions. The data were analyzed using variance analysis with repeated measurements and through SPSS-24 software program. Results: The difference in the average scores of the components and the total score of Corona stress, like the components and the total score of Corona anxiety in the pre-test-post-test and pre-test-followup stages, is statistically significant, but the average difference of those scores in the post-test-followup stages is The 0. 05 level is not significant. Conclusions: Reality therapy reduces the stress and anxiety of corona in patients with covid-19 in a stable manner. that reality therapy training has a favorable effect on reducing anxiety caused by Corona and Corona stress and ultimately mental health problems,Therefore, managers and officials of health and treatment systems can use these treatment methods.

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Introduction: Knowledge management is a continuous effort to maintain, direct and purposefully increase the knowledge capital of organizations. Today, in addition to human and economic capitals, other capitals called social capital have been taken into consideration. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge management and the social capital of nurses working in the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in the year 2021. Methods: This correlational study was conducted on two groups of 114 nurses with bachelor's degree and master's degree who were selected by stratified random method. The tools of data collection were knowledge management questionnaire and Nahapit and Ghoshal social capital questionnaire. They were analyzed in SPSS version 16 software with using the descriptive method (frequency distribution of variables, mean) and inferential statistics (independent t-tests, Pearson correlation, analysis of variance, chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests). Results: The results of the research showed that the average score of knowledge management and the range of scores for master's degree and bachelor's degree nurses are 78. 12 ±,16. 13 (43-115) and (111-27) 75. 96 ±,19. 47, respectively. In addition, the average score of social capital and the range of scores for master's degree and bachelor's degree nurses are 91. 64 ±,20. 06 (29-135) and 87. 90 ±,25. 17 (27-127), respectively. A positive and significant correlation has been observed between the variables of knowledge management and social capital in undergraduate and graduate nurses with scores (P-value ˂, 0. 001, r=0. 68) and (P-value ˂, 0. 001, r=0. 73), respectively. Conclusions: Considering the significant correlation between knowledge management and social capital in two groups of nurses, nursing managers can play a significant role in promoting knowledge management and increasing the spirit of team work and raising employees' trust in the organization by holding various programs and collaborative management. Have organizational behavior and excellence in the nursing profession among disciplines.

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Introduction: In the health service system, nurses with specialized skills and up-to-date knowledge in providing cost-effective and quality services are essential components of the care team. The knowledge and skills of clinical specialist nurses are influential in the quality of care that patients receive, and this makes them vital members of the health service system. In order to make optimal use of the funds available in the country, educational systems must have detailed plans in the field of training specialized human resources, which will provide the development, progress, prosperity and scientific and cultural authority of the society. The existence of evaluation in the educational program is one of the most important ways to improve the field. Conducting comparative studies by identifying the weak and strong points is an effective method. The present study was conducted with the aim of conducting a comparative study of the special care nursing master's program in Iran and the University of Wolverhampton, England. Methods: In this descriptive-comparative study in 1401, information related to the master's degree program in critical care nursing was searched using the keywords of comparative study, curriculum, master's degree, critical care nursing, Iran, University of Wolverhampton, England. The information was analyzed using the Bereday model in four stages: description, interpretation, juxtaposition and comparison. Results: The obtained results showed that the University of Wolverhampton, England offers a master's degree in intensive care nursing in 3 years and on a part-time basis. This course is offered full-time in Iran. Due to the important and significant role of evidence-based practice, 60 credits of the total course credits in the University of England are dedicated to the thesis, which is a significant difference compared to the country of Iran, where the thesis has 4 credits. In both universities, in order to enter the course, clinical work experience is important and is one of the requirements for admission to the course. In the University of Wolverhampton, the mission, vision and values of the course have not been addressed, which is one of its weak points, and it is contrary to the country of Iran, which is fully defined and documented. The job status of people after graduation is not clear in Iran, but it is defined and unambiguous in the University of Wolverhampton. Conclusions: The master's program in special care nursing in Iran is being successfully implemented by the universities. As a result of such things as determining the job status of graduates, changing the course to parttime, paying more attention to conducting research, producing knowledge and using the knowledge obtained in the clinical care environment can increase the motivation of applicants to study and provide services to critically ill patients by nurses.

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Introduction: The Covid-19 disease has affected almost all the important economic, political, social and even the educational system of the country. Discussing the psychological effects of this viral disease on the health and mental health of people at different levels of society, especially medical students, including nursing and medicine, is very important. In this regard, the present study was conducted in order to identify the level of psychological damage (fear and anxiety caused by covid-19) and its determining factors in participating students. Methods: In a cross-sectional web-based analytical study, 340 nursing and medical students studying at Gilan University of Medical Sciences were selected by Convenience sampling method and examined from November 2 to December 31, 2021. Fear and anxiety caused by covid-19 were measured using the covid-19 fear scale and covid-19 anxiety questionnaire, respectively. analytical statistical tests were used to analyze the data. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 software. Results: : The results showed that the level of fear and anxiety caused by the covid-19 pandemic in nursing and medical students in the first semester of 2021 during the epidemic was mild. The mean score of fear and anxiety of covid-19 in medical students was higher than in nursing students. There was a high correlation between fear score and anxiety score caused by covid-19 (r=0. 717, P=0. 001). There was a statistically significant relationship between the score of fear of covid-19 with the variables of female gender, student employment and history of covid-19. There was a statistically significant relationship between the total anxiety score of covid-19 and the variables of female gender, student employment and field of study. Conclusions: Considering the higher score of fear and anxiety in medical students compared to nursing in this university,These students are more at risk of mental health disorders and should be evaluated for mental health disorders. This assessment will provide valuable information for planning to deal with fear and anxiety during the critical conditions of epidemics to managers and trainers of nursing and medical schools in the future.

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مقدمه: ضرورت استفاده از روش های نوین آموزشی با توجه به تغییرات سریع نیازهای جوامع احساس می شود. مطالعه حاضر، با هدف مقایسه تأثیر سه روش سخنرانی، آموزش مجازی و کلاس وارونه بر میزان یادگیری، ماندگاری اطلاعات و رضایت دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان 1398 انجام گرفت. روش کار: در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی دو مرحله ای، 60 نفر از دانشجویان اتاق عمل و مامایی دانشکده پرستاری و مامایی اصفهان در سال 1398 که واحد بی هوشی را اخذ کردند، بعد از کسب رضایت در سه گروه کلاس وارونه(20 نفر)، آموزش مجازی(20 نفر) و سخنرانی(20 نفر) قرار گرفتند. داده ها با پرسشنامه های محقق ساخته ی یادگیری و رضایت که روایی و پایایی آنها تأیید شده بود، جمع آوری گردید. سپس، داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS 16 و آزمون های توصیفی و تحلیلی با سطح معنی دار 05/0P < مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج: بر اساس نتایج، میانگین نمرات یادگیری آزمون اول در گروه کلاس وارونه(83/0±, 85/18) به طور معناداری بیشتر از دو گروه سخنرانی(9/1±, 21/16) و آموزش مجازی(19/2±, 29/16) بود(05/0 P <)، اما بین گروه های سخنرانی و آموزش مجازی اختلاف معنادار وجود نداشت(05/0 P >). میانگین نمرات یادگیری آزمون دوم کلاس وارونه(42/1±, 47/17) بیشتر از گروه آموزش مجازی و گروه آموزش مجازی(41/2±, 26/14) بیشتر از گروه سخنرانی(64/2±, 90/12) بود(05/0 P <). بعلاوه، میانگین رضایت دانشجویان گروه کلاس وارونه(82/17±, 44/169) بیشتر از گروه آموزش مجازی(92/17±, 24/132) و در گروه آموزش مجازی بیشتر از گروه سخنرانی(57/17±, 56/115) بود(05/0 P <). نتیجه گیری: مقایسه نتایج آموزشی کوتاه مدت و بلندمدت سه روش آموزشی نشان داد که یادگیری، یادآوری مطالب و میزان رضایتمندی در روش کلاس وارونه نسبت به دو روش دیگر بیشتر بود؛ با این حال، نتایج آموزشی کوتاه مدت دو روش سخنرانی و آموزش مجازی یکسان بود، اما یادآوری مطالب و میزان رضایت فراگیران در روش آموزش مجازی بیشتر از سخنرانی بود.

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مقدمه: دوره آموزشی پرستاری، با چالش هایی روبرو است که با شناسائی صحیح ممکن است با تمهیداتی ساده و کم هزینه حل شوند. در غیر اینصورت، چالش ها به بحران تبدیل شده و حل آنها دشوار و هزینه آن بسیار خواهد بود. با این وجود، ابزاری برای بررسی چالش های آموزش پرستاری در ایران در دسترس نیست. روش: این پژوهش یک مطالعه ترکیبی است که در طی دو مرحله انجام گرفت. در مرحله اول، عبارات پرسش نامه با استفاده از مصاحبه کیفی مطالعه، همچنین بررسی متون معتبر و مرتبط با موضوع پژوهش، تدوین شد. در مرحله بعد طی یک مطالعه روش شناختی ویژگی های روانسنجی پرسش نامه با استفاده از روائی های صوری، محتوا (CVR & CVI) و تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی، همچنین پایایی با روش های همسانی درونی و ثبات تعیین شد. یافته ها: استخر گویه ها شامل 30 عبارت استخراج شد. پس از تعیین روایی صوری، روائی محتوا کیفی و کمی، تعداد عبارات پرسشنامه به 28 مورد کاهش یافت. نتیجه تحلیل عامل اکتشافی این پرسشنامه، سه عامل شامل "چرخه آموزشی معیوب"، "چالش ساختار آموزشی" و "نادیده گرفتن فراگیر به عنوان عضوی از خانواده آموزش" این سه عامل در مجموع 01/72 درصد از واریانس کل آزمون را تبیین کردند. ضریب آلفای کرونباخ، 865/0 و ثبات از طریق آزمون مجدد با آزمون همبستگی درون طبقه ای 8/0 بود. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به روایی و پایایی مطلوب پرسشنامه27 گویه ای چالش های آموزش پرستاری، بکارگیری آن توسط محققین، توصیه می گردد.

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مقدمه: مراقبت های پرستاری کودکان متفاوت از مراقبت های پرستاری بزرگسالان است زیرا پرستاران از یک سو مسئولیت مراقبت از کودکان در طیف گسترده ایی از تکامل را بر عهده دارند و از سوی دیگر بایستی از خانواده ی کودک بیمار نیز مراقبت کنند لذا وقوع مراقبت از دست رفته در بخش کودکان می تواند اثرات عمیقی را بر جا بگذارد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف تعیین دیدگاه پرستاران بخش کودکان درباره ی مراقبت پرستاری از دست رفته و عوامل مرتبط با آن در بیمارستان های شهر یزد در سال 1401 انجام شد. روش: مطالعه ی توصیفی-مقطعی حاضر به شیوه ی تمام شماری بر روی 80 پرستار انجام شد. ابزار جمع آوری داده ها شامل پرسشنامه های دموگرافیک و مراقبت پرستاری از دست رفته (علل وقوع و انواع ) بود. داده های جمع آوری شده در نرم افزاری آماری SPSS نسخه 23 با استفاده از آما توصیفی ( میانگین انحراف معیار-فراوانی)تحلیل شد. یافته ها: بیشترین میزان مراقبت از دست رفته بر حسب سه امتیاز بالا از لحاظ میانیگین و انحراف از معیار به ترتیب، "مراقبت از دهان" 29/1±,44/3، " تغیر وضعیت دادن کودک هر 2 ساعت یا طبق دستور" 15/1±,37/3و ارزیابی اثربخشی داروها"19/1 ±,28/3. بررسی علل مراقبت از دست رفته نشان داد که بر حسب سه امتیاز بالا از لحاظ میانیگین و انحراف از معیار به ترتیب درحیطه ی منابع کاری، "تعداد ناکافی پرستاران" 67/0±,5/3، حیطه ارتباطات " تحویل دادن ناکامل شیفت قبلی یا واحد ارسالی "48/0 ±,77/3 و حیطه منابع مادی" در دسترس نبودن داروها در صورت نیاز "47/0±,79/3 سه علت اصلی بودند. نتیجه گیری: ضروری است که مدیریت پرستاری در رابطه با اهمیت توجه به مراقبت دهان، استفاده از چک لیست های استاندارد تحویل شیفت و مدیریت نحوه تامین و توزیع داروهای بخش کودکان مداخلاتی را برنامه ریزی نمایند تا گامی در جهت کاهش مراقبت پرستاری از دست رفته برداشته شود.

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مقدمه: کرونا ویروس در اواخر سال 2019 به سرعت به یک همه گیری جهانی تبدیل شد که اضطراب و وحشت را در بین مردم افزایش داد. این بیماری آسیب های زیادی به جامعه و مردم وارد کرد. هدف پژوهش حاضر اثربخشی واقعیت درمانی بر استرس و اضطراب کرونا در بیماران مبتلا به کووید 19 می باشد. روش: روش پژوهش نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون-پس آزمون و پیگیری می باشد. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل تمامی بیماران مبتلا به کووید19 استان مازندران بودند که از میان آنان به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی 30نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. در این پژوهش از پرسشنامه استرس کرونا(1399)، پرسشنامه اضطراب کرونا(1398) استفاده شد. داده ها با استفاده از تحلیل واریانس با اندازه گیری مکرر و از طریق برنامه نرم افزار SPSS-24تحلیل شدند. یافته ها: تفاوت میانگین نمرات مؤلفه ها و نمره کل استرس کرونا به مانند مؤلفه ها و نمره کل اضطراب کرونا در مراحل پیش آزمون-پس آزمون و پیش آزمون –,پیگیری به لحاظ آماری معنادار، اما تفاوت میانگین آن نمرات در مراحل پس آزمون –,پیگیری در سطح 05/0 غیر معنادار است. نتیجه گیری: واقعیت درمانی استرس و اضطراب کرونا را در بیماران مبتلا به کووید 19 به صورت پایدارکاهش می دهد. به اینکه آموزش روش واقعیت درمانی تاثیر مطلوبی بر کاهش اضطراب ناشی از کرونا و استرس کرونا و در نهایت مشکلات سلامت روان دارد؛ بنابراین مدیران و مسئولان سیستم های بهداشتی و درمانی می توانند نسبت به استفاده از این روش های درمانی استفاده نمایند.

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مقدمه: ماهیت حرفه ی پرستاری به گونه ای است که توانایی حساسیت نسبت به مسائل اخلاقی بسیار حائز اهمیت می-باشد. حساسیت اخلاقی به معنای توانایی تشخیص تعارضات اخلاقی، درک صحیح موقعیت های اخلاقی و آگاهی از عواقب اخلاقی تصمیمات اتخاذ شده می باشد. [r1] از [r2] آنجاییکه قرار گرفتن در محیط بالین به عنوان یک پرستار و در محیط آموزشی به عنوان یک دانشجوی پرستاری، هر کدام به نحوی می توانند بر حساسیت اخلاقی حرفه ای تأثیر بگذارند؛ لذا این مطالعه با هدف مقایسه میزان حساسیت اخلاقی [r3] حرفه ای پرستاران شاغل با دانشجویان پرستاری در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید صدوقی یزد در سال 1399 در آذر ماه انجام گرفت. روش: در این مطالعه ی توصیفی مقطعی 130 دانشجوی سال آخر پرستاری و 140 پرستار شاغل در بیمارستان های وابسته به دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید صدوقی یزد به روش در دسترس وارد مطالعه شدند. جمع آوری داده ها با پرسشنامه های جمعیت شناختی و حساسیت اخلاقی لوتزن (Lutzen) انجام شد. داده ها توسط نرم افزار SPSS نسخه ی 16 با شاخص های آمار توصیفی (میانگین، انحراف معیار، درصد) و آمار تحلیلی (تی مستقل، آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه و پیرسون) مورد تجزیه تحلیل قرار گرفت. یافته ها: میانگین نمره و انحراف معیار حساسیت اخلاقی در پرستاران شاغل (50/11±, 01/64) و دانشجویان پرستاری (57/13±, 42/60) از 100 بدست آمد که از نظر آماری تفاوت معنی دار بود (01/0P=). در هر دو گروه میانگین نمره ی حساسیت اخلاقی در حیطه ی «صداقت و خیر خواهی» بالاترین نمره و حیطه ی «استفاده از دانش حرفه ای» کمترین نمره را داشت. نتیجه گیری: براساس یافته ها[r4]، سطح حساسیت اخلاقی در هر دو گروه دانشجویان پرستاری و پرستاران شاغل متوسط بدست آمد. با توجه به اهمیت حساسیت اخلاقی و تأثیر آن بر روی افزایش کیفیت مراقبتی، لازم است آموزش و نظارت های لازم در جهت رعایت کدهای اخلاقی پرستاری برای دانشجویان و پرستاران شاغل جهت ارتقاء سطح حساسیت اخلاقی آنان صورت پذیرد[r5].

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