Onion cultivation through the common methods in East Azarbayjan, leads to low soil fertility, due to the use of fine sands to help germination of onion seeds. One way to solve this problem and reduce the production cost is onion transplanting. In addition, Onion with short and superficial root must be grown in soil which is rich in nutrients, organic matters and consisted of a soft structure, with no clod consisted. The present study was conducted to determine the suitable tillage method in preparing fine seed-bed and increasing the organic matters in topsoil under semi arid climate and loamy soil conditions.A split plot experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was used. The main plots concerning the primary fall-tillage were as following:1- Mold board plow in 25 Cm depth.2- Chisel plow in 15 cm depth3- Disk harrow in 10cm depth.Sub plots concerning the secondary tillage before transplanting were harrowing by disk and rotary tiller in 8-10 cm depth.During the experiment, some physical and chemical properties of soil, such as bulk density, penetration resistance (Con Index), organic matter, percentage of plant residues in various stages of operation and in different depth of soil, plant establishment, bulbs weight and diameter average and yield were measured and analyzed.The following results were obtained:1- The moldboard plow had the most effect on inversion of residues. When a soil-horrowing by disk or rotary tiller carried out after plowing, the residues spread in top and subsoil more evenly. Chisel plow had the least effect of burial of residues in soil.2- Plowing by moldboard and chisel plow had the most effect on reduction of bulk density, penetration resistance and consequently increasing the soil porosity. Therefore, these implements with preparing of suitable conditions for plant establishment and growth resulted in the highest yield.3- In all treatments of secondary operation, the rotary tiller was more effective in soil pulverization than disk.