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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Although anxiety and depressive symptoms have negative effects on prognosis following myocardial infarction (MI), the studies about prevalence of these symptoms in the months after MI are limited. The aim of this study was to determine prevalence of anxiety, depressive symptoms at three months after MI among post-MI patients.Method: In a cross sectional study 176 consecutive patients following MI admitted to the CCU wards of hospitals in Isfahan were selected during the first five months of 2012. At three months after MI Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were completed by the MI patients. Then the patients were divided into with and without depressive symptoms and with and without anxiety symptoms regarding the cutoff point in both subscales.Results: The means and standard division of anxiety and depression subscales were 5.7 (4.27) and 6.04 (4.57) respectively. The means and standard division depression scores among patients with and without depressive symptoms were 10.88 (2.77) and 3 (2.26) respectively, and among patients with and without anxiety symptoms were 10.34 (3.45) and 4.08 (3.57) respectively. Also the means and standard division of anxiety symptoms among patients with and without depressive symptoms were 9.13 (4.05) and 3.55 (2.71) respectively, and among patients with and without anxiety symptoms were 11.02 (2.6) and 3.29 (2.17) respectively. 31.3% and 38.6% of patients were with anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms, respectively.Conclusion: Generally, the findings showed that symptoms of anxiety and depression are many common among the post MI patients.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was comparison between emotion regulation strategies and life styles of couples with or without marital satisfaction in Sardasht, Iran.Methods: The population of study was couples of Sardasht in 2014. Number of households in Sardasht 10,491 is in Sardasht, Iran. Number of samples 370 was obtained by Morgan table. Thus, the number of 370 questionnaires was distributed among the people. 185 questionnaires were distributed in among marital satisfaction and 185 questionnaires among non-marital satisfaction were distributed. Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire and life style questionnaire were used as the outcome measures. To test the hypothesis of the t test and analysis of variance multivariate (MANOVA) and Pearson correlation coefficient were used.Results: The results showed that a Life style and emotion regulation strategy among couples with and without marital satisfaction is the same and there was no significant difference. Also, results showed that there is the relationship between positive and negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies and life style among couples with and without marital satisfaction.Conclusion: Results indicated that emotion regulation strategy have a significant correlation with marital dissatisfaction.

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Introduction: This study has been done with the aim of evaluating function of people who involve asthma in autobiographical memory.Method: The present study is done in a therapeutic center (Baghiatallah Hospital); samples include 30 persons with asthma and 26 healthy persons were selected as control group. Responding research hypotheses test, statistical tests, Pearson Correlation and dependant t-test were used.Results: Results demonstrate that there is significant relationship between the involved group with asthma and the healthy group, about anxiety and depression. The involved group show less function in remembering details towards the control group, and the difference between the two groups is significant. Function of the involved group is significantly lower than the control group in episodic autobiographical memory. The involved group has used fewer words in describing them-selves. In episodic aspect of autobiographical memory there is significant difference between the groups' function and the involved group with asthma showed lower function and were able to remember more negative memories.Conclusion: Considering the results, function of the memory in the involved group, in comparison with the healthy people, have remarkable decrease. This result emphasize on more concentration on spirit of the involved group with asthma.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among the soldiers referring to the medical commission.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive retrospective study was conducted on the patients referring to the psychiatric commission in a military center in during 2007-2013. For data collection a researcher-made questionnaire was used. It was completed by using archives and records. The final diagnosis was according to at least three psychiatric viewpoints and DSM IV-TR diagnostic criteria. Data was analyzed by SPSS 18 software via descriptive statistics.Results: In investigating the variable of psychiatric causes, in all exemption cases respectively: personality disorders (51.4%), neurosis (21%), mood disorders (15.2%), psychosis (4.2%), mental retardation (5.4%) and other causes (2.8%) were reported. In outpatient group: personality disorders (52.8 %), neurosis (21.8%), mood disorders (14.3%), psychosis (3.5%), mental retardation (5.4%) and other causes (2.2%) were reported. On the other hand, in inpatient group: mood disorders (50.2%), personality disorders (20.4%), neurosis (16.3%), psychosis (6.1%), mental retardation (5.4%) and other causes (1.6%) were reported.Conclusion: Due to the high prevalence of mental disorders and their disability in the society, appropriate screening before starting the service and periodical mental health monitoring during the military service should be considered.

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Introduction: Beside parental attachment, attachment, including people’s relationship with God, as an evolutionary construct influencing the development process, has been recently taken into consideration. The present study aimed to examine the role of attachment to God in hardiness and social self-esteem of military personnel.Method: 600 personnel of a military unit across the country were selected using stratified random sampling method. They filled out the questionnaires of Attachment to God, Psychological Hardiness and Social Self-Esteem.Results: The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that components of attachment to God, i.e., secure (61%), ambivalent (3% increase) and avoidance (18% increase), altogether explained 82% of hardiness variables. Moreover, regression coefficients demonstrated that there was a significant negative relationship between anxious-avoidant attachment to God and hardiness (p<0.05) and there was a significant positive correlation between secure attachment to God and hardiness (p<0.05). In addition, anxious-ambivalent attachment to God explained 72% of social self-esteem variables altogether. Moreover, regression coefficients showed that there was a significant negative correlation between anxious-ambivalent attachment to God and hardiness (p<0.001).Conclusion: Secure attachment to God plays an effective role in forming of hardiness and high social self-esteem in personnel.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was an investigation of the relation between post traumatic growth with attachment & coping styles, quality of life and demographic variables and its prediction in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.Method: Thus, in a correlation design, 100 veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder in city of Shiraz selected randomly and assess with Post Traumatic Growth Inventory, stress coping styles questionnaire (parker & andler), Hazan & Shaver Adult Attachment Styles questionnaire and Brief WHO- QOL.Results: Results of Pearson correlation showed that post traumatic growth had significant relation with education (r= 0.177), percentage of veteran (r= 0.352), avoidance attachment style (r= -0.309), problem solving coping style (r= 0.248) and psychological quality of life (0.218). also, results of stepwise regression showed that percentage of veteran, avoidance attachment style, age and psychological quality of life can predict 30.7% of post traumatic growth (p<0.05).Conclusion: these results explained that some interventions for enhance problem solving coping style and psychological quality of life and reduce avoidance attachment can develop post traumatic growth in veterans with PTSD.

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Background: The purpose of this study was the investigation of correlation met cognitive sub-scales, meta worry and thoughts–fusion with body dysmorphic disorder.Methods: Design of this study was method of the correlation. Sample of this study included 155 high school students of Isfahan. The subjects selected basis of malt- stage cluster sampling. The tools that used in this study including: Yale- Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for BDD (YBOCS-BDD), Meta Cognitive Questionnaire (MCQ), Meta Worry Questionnaire (MWQ) and Thoughts Fusion Inventory (TFI).Results: Result indicated that body dysmorphic disorder have a significant correlation with metacognitive subscales, meta worry and thoughts–fusion. Also, the results of analysis regression showed that metacognitive total score, meta worry and thoughts–fusion explained 24 percent variances of body dysmorphic disorder.Conclusion: Results indicated that body dysmorphic disorder have a significant correlation with metacognitive subscales, meta worry and thoughts–fusion in high school students of Isfahan.

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Introduction: Now, mental disorders have high amount of global burden of disease and predictions show a considerable increasing in number of patients in future. So we must choose new interventions. Recently new technologies help current treating psychological disorders and consequently new instructions have been made such as professional standards and ethical principles of biofeedback the international society for neurofeedback and research. In last few years biofeedback has been performed in Iran but there isn’t any compiled and legally ethics and treatment standards. So in order to respect the rights of clients and practitioner, we have to collect ethic principles.Methods: Therefore by using review survey, we investigated many articles and books and for obtaining literature review an investigation have been done in date bases, psychologists and counselors professional ethical codes and also some books by using key words in ethical codes, biofeedback, neurofeedback and neurotherapy and then the information and articles have been extracted.Results: Ethical code related to responsibility, competence, ethical standards, public statements, confidentiality, consent information, protection of client rights and welfare, professional relationships and research with humans and animals explanations, have been obtained. Then explanations and related psychologists and counselors professional ethical codes have been explained.Conclusion: Training ethical standards and using and fidelity to these standards make a professional person to reach highest rate of ethics and social position and at the end make them more efficient in the society.

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