Introduction: The phrase "spiritual health" is one of the phrases that is considered and retrieved in religious teachings. The Holy Quran and Islamic traditions are the most important sources and introduce examples of spiritual health and deficiency, among which, the hadith of intellect and ignorance is of high importance, by using and introducing a large number of examples of spiritual health and deficiency (up to 150 topics and propositions),Although spiritual health and some of its propositions have been discussed in scientific forums, no good research has been done on religious sources, their examples and spiritual health test. Method: The present article has studied the semantics of spiritual health and hadith sources in a descriptive-analytical manner with a library study approach. It has compared and introduced its examples and explained some aligned words. Results: It can be said spiritual health with all its dimensions in various personal, social, family, political and devotional fields can be proved in the hadith of intellect and ignorance, and according to the scope of the hadith, it has a source validity and comprehensiveness in compiling questionnaires and testing spiritual health. Also, in addition to the conceptology of the words "intellect" and "ignorance", they are considered as the source of spiritual health and deficiency, and the words "good" and "evil", in addition to their conceptology, overlap with spiritual health and deficiency. Therefore, they can be referred to as general concepts. On the other hand, according to the creation of the intellect and ignorance, all human beings, based on the rule of goodness and ugliness of reason and religion, enjoy spiritual health and deficiency to the extent of learning these examples. They are spiritually healthy and their appetites are relatively healthy and spiritually deficient in relation to proximity and dimension. Divine prophets, infallible Imams (as) and their real and practical followers have the highest level of spiritual health. Others enjoy spiritual health and deficiency according to proximity and dimension in examples.