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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: Happiness is one of the types of positive emotions that have many functions in human life in different dimensions. Spiritual happiness is one of the types of happiness that has been the focus of researchers in recent decades due to the increasing attention to the dimension of spirituality in life. Materials and Methods: The current research was conducted with the aim of predicting spiritual happiness based on spiritual health, life project reflexivity and career development in students. The research method was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the research consisted of all male and female undergraduate students in the University of Isfahan at 2022 year. From this community, 360 students were selected using the cluster sampling method. Data collection tools include demographic characteristics questionnaire, spiritual happiness scale (Chirian & Afroz, 2015), spiritual health questionnaire (Delman & Frey, 2004), life project reflexivity questionnaire (Di Fabio & et al., 2019) and career development questionnaire (Patton & Creed, 2004). The data were analyzed by calculating descriptive and inferential statistics indices (Pearson correlation coefficient and step-by-step regression analysis). Findings: The results of this research showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between spiritual happiness, spiritual health, life project reflexivity and career development. Also, the results of regression analysis in a stepby-step showed that spiritual health, life project reflexivity and career development explain a total of 40% of the variance of spiritual vitality (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this research showed that spiritual health, life project reflexivity and career development are predictors of spiritual happiness.

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Purpose: Cancer is an incurable disease that causes deep anxiety in patients and affects their life expectancy. Given that the dominant culture in Iran originate from Islam, the purpose of this research is study of life expectancy in the shadow of Islamic lifestyle. Materials and Methods: This is a qualitative study and was done by Phenomenology method. Data were collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews with 18 cancer patients in Tehran. This study was conducted by using the targeted sampling and then data analysis was performed by content analysis method. Findings: The data show the common themes such as positive attitude, faith in God, family and social relationships are common themes for life expectancy in two groups, that these commonalities can be considered due to their presence in the same community and under the influence of the same teachings. Conclusion: The results indicate the fundamental and effective role of beliefs, family and positive thinking in increasing life expectancy of cancer patients.

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Purpose: The spread of technology has caused new issues and problems in the current time, one of which is the increasing access of sexual content to people in society, including pornography. The aim of this study was to obtain a differential prediction of pornography addiction based on the variables of religiousness and moral incompatibility of men in Tehran. Materials and Methods: The study was descriptive and correlational, and the study population included 18 years or older men in Tehran in 2020-2021. The samples were 200 individuals selected by voluntary sampling method. In order to collect data, the scales of problematic consumption of pornography, empirical religiousness of Muslims, and moral inconsistency with pornography were used. For data analysis, discriminant analysis method and SPSS were used. Finding: The results showed that religiousness and moral incompatibility can predict group membership of boys and men with pornography addiction and without pornography addiction (P <0. 01). Conclusion: The less religiousness and moral incompatibility become, the more use of erotic content, including pornography, will increase. As a result, these two variables have an excellent ability to predict pornography addiction.

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Khani Moghadam MAHYAR

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Purpose: One of the most important social challenges is to maintain family cohesion and in this, the role of sexual relations between spouses is fundamental. Given the many harms that have arisen with the change of lifestyle in this area, the present study seeks to answer the questions that what are the most prominent pillars of the sexual morality system in Islam? Based on that, what are the most prominent ways to increase spouses' sexual satisfaction? Materials and Methods: The research was conducted by librarycitation method and descriptive-analytical analysis. Findings: The three pillars of "wisdom", "guidance" and "satisfaction" can be mentioned as the pillars of the Islamic sexual ethics system, which have principles such as "observance of privacy", "tendency to complementary sex" and "continuity" The human race. By observing the frequency of religious teachings emphasizing the needs of spouses' sexual satisfaction and taking into account the challenges of society, the four strategies of "keeping the hijab", "keeping the look", "impudence" and "reciprocal attention to the spouse's instincts" are more prominent. Conclusion: The three strategies of "keeping the hijab", "keeping the look" and "ungratefulness" as necessary and obligatory for each other and arising from the pillar of "divine satisfaction", can protect spouses from mental and physical dangers and illegitimate tendencies. It is safe. The strategy of "spouses' mutual attention to each other's emotional and physical needs" also originates from the pillar of "divine guidance",Given the difference between men and women in arousing and satisfying sexual instinct, each of them must consider the sexual desires of the other person to increase sexual satisfaction. In further promoting these strategies at the community level and preventing related harms, the three factors of "knowledge", "observance" and "supervision" and the participation of related institutions and tools are noteworthy.

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Purpose: Lifestyle is a multifaceted model and health plays a central role in it. There is a kind of aspect of health-oriented lifestyle that refers to the sports model, which emphasizes the aspect of healthoriented aspect more. A health-oriented lifestyle includes various aspects of people's lives and not only affects individual health, but also affects public health. The main goal of this research is to investigate the sociological factors that determine the healthoriented lifestyle among young people aged 18-35 in Hamadan city. The sub-goals are: 1-Investigating the status of the health-oriented lifestyle of the youth of Hamedan city 2-Investigating the determining factors of the health-oriented lifestyle of the youth of Hamedan city. In this research, various theories were examined from the point of view of theorists in relation to the explanation of the subject. Material and Method: This research was done by survey method and using questionnaire technique. Based on Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as the sample size. A multi-stage cluster sampling method was used. After data collection, the obtained information was analyzed by spss software. Correlation coefficient, regression and path analysis were used to analyze the data. Finding: The descriptive findings of the research show that about half of the respondents' health-oriented lifestyle status is at an average level. The findings of explanatory results show that the correlation between independent and dependent variables is 0. 54 and the exercise pattern variable has a greater effect on healthoriented lifestyle with 0. 67. According to the analytical findings of multivariable regression, the independent variables of social capital 0. 44, cultural consumption 0. 41, social and economic base 0. 32 influence the health-oriented lifestyle, respectively. Conclusion: A health-oriented lifestyle with an emphasis on the role of exercise in the physical and mental health of people is very important. Because the importance of physical and mental health puts lifestyle goals and social relations under its radius and these factors affect the environment of behaviors based on a healthy life.

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Purpose: Adolescents' experiences, foresight, life style and selfcontrol play an important role in how they face with life challenges. So, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between Foresight, Islamic lifestyle and self-control with adolescents' religious identity. Materials and Methods: The design of the present study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of all secondary high school students (females and males) in Rudan City, who were studying in the academic year of 2019-2020. From the statistical population, 200 students (100 females and 100 males) were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling and studied. Questionnaires of Foresight, Islamic life Style, Selfcontrol and Religious Identity were used to collect data. After collecting and extracting data, participants' scores were analyzed used Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Findings: Data analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between, foresight, islamic lifestyle and self-control with adolescents' religious identity (R = 0/62). The results also showed that futurism, Islamic lifestyle and self-control, significantly have the power to predict religious identity in adolescents (p ≤,0. 01). Based on the results, self-control (β,=0/56), Islamic lifestyle (β,=0/15) and Foresight (β,=0/54) could predict religious identity in adolescents. Conclusion: According to the result, Foresight, self-control and islamic life style have a constructive and effective role in determining religious identity, positive confrontation with challenges, positive self-image and improving the quality of life in adolescence.

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Purpose: the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of personal structure change training on perfectionism and Alexithymia with Flip-Flop of Triple Words approach in students of the Faculty of Engineering, Azad University South Tehran Branch. Materials and Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection and analysis method, semi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design with control group and in terms of location, field. The statistical population of this study included all students of the Faculty of Technical Azad University, South Tehran Branch. The number of whom was equal to 20145, of which 30 were selected as the sample available as a sample. Data collection tools in this study included two standard questionnaires: Identity Perfection and Felt (1991) and the Toronto Emotional Questionnaire (1994). Metacognitive therapy sessions are based on the protocol of changing cognitive structures with a three-word slang approach in eight sessions. Findings: The results showed that teaching the change of personal structures has had an effect on perfectionism and emotional distraction in students. The results also showed that teaching the change of personal structures had an effect on the components of perfectionism in students. Conclusion: In addition, the results showed that teaching the change of personal structures has also affected the components of emotional inadequacy in students. Accordingly, educational, counseling and training centers can use this method.

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Purpose: In the teachings of Islam, prayer is one of the most important obligations and there is no alternative. since the rapid development of the concept of spirituality in the university environment is necessary, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the attendance and factors affecting the participation of students in congregational prayer to explain the current situation and the factors affecting it, to remove the obstacles and to plan to this divine duty for more prosperity. Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive-analytical study that was performed on 168 students in Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in 2021. Data were collected using a 28-item researcher-made questionnaire, including: demographic characteristics and factors affecting participation in congregational prayers. After completing the questionnaires, the data were analyzed using SPSS software. Findings: According to the findings of the present study, among the motivational components of attending congregational prayers, the component of Imam Jamaat and his behavior in the university have the highest and the class of Islamic education and the emphasis of professors of education have the lowest mean and their relationship was significant (P<0. 05). Moreover, among the components that prevent “, the prolongation of congregational prayers”, , the highest mean score and “, the space for congregational prayers do not have the having no necessary attractive space”,had the lowest average score and their relationship were significant (P<0. 05). In addition, based on the findings of the present study, no statistically significant relationship was observed between demographic variables and attending congregational prayers (P>0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, teaching and assigning the education curculum for prayer rules and expressing the virtues, advantages and blessings of congregational prayer in the form of Islamic education course, avoiding prolonged congregational prayers and creating a lively and as well attractive atmosphere in the place of prayer is effective in encouraging to participate and perform this divine duty, and the cultural officials of the university can provide the ground for the maximum presence of students in congregational prayers with better planning.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of spiritual well-being in the relationship between health-promoting lifestyle and psychological distress in during the COVID-19 prevalence. Materials and Methods: The research method was correlation of the type structural equation modeling. The population of this study included all Undergraduate students Poldokhtar Higher Education Center who were studying in the academic year 2020-2021. The statistical sample size was determined based on the rules of thumb Kline equal to 230 people, which was done by available sampling method and online questionnaire. The instruments used in this study were Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP), Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (KPDS-10), and Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS). Data analysis was performed using Path analysis statistical method and by the SPSS-22, and AMOS-24 software. Bootstrapping method was used to examine the mediating role of the variables in Amos software. Findings: The results showed that health-promoting lifestyle and spiritual health have a direct negative effect on students' psychological distress. The results of structural equation modeling also showed that spiritual health has a mediating role in the relationship between health-promoting lifestyle and psychological distress. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that spiritual health can act as a mediating factor in the relationship between health-promoting lifestyle and psychological distress, so it should be used as a cornerstone to maintain good health.

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Purpose: Telerehabilitation is one of the new applications of technology in rehabilitation services. This method reduces the need to visit in person and saves the time and money of the clients. Knowing the ethical principles is very important in this type of rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to examine the essential ethical principles in Telerehabilitation. Materials and Methods: We searched through Science Direct, PubMed, Cochrane Library, and SID databases. Keywords included Telerehabilitation, Telemedicine, Telehealth, eHealth, and Ethics. Findings: The most essential ethical principles that should be considered in Telerehabilitation include privacy and security, professional commitment, and responsibility for compensation of possible losses from the therapist/treatment center. Conclusion: Providing Telerehabilitation services should meet all the expectations of face-to-face rehabilitation. The lack of international standards of ethics in Telerehabilitation is one of the main obstacles to the widespread use of this method. To use this method effectively and correctly, the ethical principles in this field must be clearly defined, and Telerehabilitation systems must have specific characteristics under the ethical principles.

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Purpose: The purpose of the current research was to design and validate the Iranian Islamic lifestyle curriculum model of the secondary education system of the country. Materials and Methods: The type of research method was hybrid,In the qualitative part, interviews and document review were used, and in the quantitative part, a descriptive survey method was used. In the qualitative part, the participants in the research included 12 experts and experts in the field of education and university professors, and in the quantitative part, 140 secondary school students participated. The method of data analysis in the qualitative part was based on the analysis of themes in "Max Kyoda" software and in the quantitative part based on the model of structural equations of SmartPLS software and SPSS software. Findings: In connection with the analysis of Iranian Islamic lifestyle components, 110 themes in the form of 10 components including thinking and creativity (4 concepts), health and hygiene issues (5 concepts), economic issues (4 concepts), defense and security issues (4 concepts) ), social and sociological issues (7 concepts), belief and religious issues (10 concepts), cultural and artistic issues (6 concepts), scientific and educational issues (7 concepts), psychological issues (4 concepts) were introduced. Finally, in order to validate this model, the results of the Stone-Geisser index showed that the index for financial and economic components, morals, family and Iranian Islamic lifestyle has a stronger estimate than other components, which have positive values. This index shows the appropriate quality of the reflective measurement model. Conclusion: By comparing the results with the fit indices of the model, we come to the conclusion that all the models obtained from the components of the Iranian Islamic lifestyle variables are acceptable.

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Purpose: From the point of view of Islam, the family has a special position and sanctity that cannot be compared with any other institution. The importance of providing and improving the mental and physical health of family members, spiritual valuing of the family bond, laying the groundwork for strengthening and strengthening this bond and preventing its vulnerability and collapse, through the establishment of recommendations-based and restraining propositions. The basis of wisdom is the sanctity that is given to the family in the monotheistic worldview of Islam and includes a wide field of study. Materials and Methods: The present library research aims to analyze the problem of positive correlation between good faith and Follow the teachings of Quran and Hadith to improve health. The method of collecting information is based on library expression and available interpretive and narrative sources. Findings: The findings of the research show the correlation and positive effect of good faith on improving the health of the family institution from the perspective of Islam. Conclusion: Suspicion is a wide concept in the literature of Islamic religion, and the only type of it that disrupts the proper and stable social interaction and is known as "suspicion" is condemned. The other side of this concept is "good faith". The same purity of mind and good thinking, which is the factor of flourishing human relationships and is considered a social capital. As mentioned, in all social institutions and especially in the family institution, it becomes the basis for improving the health of the members and their growth.

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Purpose: The current research was conducted with the aim of developing a growth-oriented educational package for adults aged 35 to 45 years. Materials and Methods: The present research was conducted using a qualitative method of qualitative analysis of the text using a conventional method. The research community includes Persian and English specialized books and articles available in the field of adult development and education in the last 20 years. In order to collect information in the first stage of the research, articles were searched in the databases of Magiran, Noormags Eric, Scopos, Elsevier, Jihad Academic Information Database, Iran Doc, Alam Net. The sampling unit in the current research includes all words and themes that were in the field of adult education, cognitive-emotional and social education, growth-oriented education, adult educational needs, etc. The collected texts were coded by thematic analysis method. The main themes obtained include: self-discovery and its realization in life, adopting a new worldview, rebuilding life, giving meaning to life, managing problems, the role of the group in adult learning, and maintaining adult agency in learning. Findings: The themes obtained from the analysis of the texts show that two general categories are significant: 1. Themes that can determine the content of the educational package, such as: self-discovery and its realization in life, adoption of a new worldview, Rebuilding life, giving meaning to life, managing problems. And the second category of articles that includes the method of implementing the package, which includes the role of the group in adult learning and maintaining adult agency in learning. Conclusion: According to the findings, education in adulthood requires considering the developmental characteristics of adults and the self-determining role of adults should be considered.

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Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of predicting life satisfaction based on attitude towards illness and feeling lonely with the mediation of emotional balance and mental satisfaction in the elderly. Materials and Methods: The research method was correlational, and the statistical population was made up of elderly people living in nursing homes in 1401. According to the modeling method, the sample size was 340 people who were selected by random quota method. Data collection tools include: Wally and Shifur's Life Satisfaction Scale (1969), Kellner's Disease Attitude (1985), Russell's Feeling of Loneliness (1978), Bradburn's Emotional Balance (1969), Peter Klug's Mental Endurance (1982). In the data analysis method, descriptive statistics indicators as well as structural equation test and path analysis were used. Findings: The research findings indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between life satisfaction and attitude towards illness. There has been a positive and significant relationship between life satisfaction and loneliness. There has been a positive and significant relationship between life satisfaction and mental endurance. There has been a positive and significant relationship between life satisfaction and each of the variables of emotional balance and mental endurance. Conclusion: Therefore, the attitude towards illness and the feeling of loneliness with the mediation of emotional balance and mental endurance have been predictors of life satisfaction.

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Purpose: The purpose of the present research is to investigate the effectiveness of emotion-oriented training on early maladaptive schemas during marriage and marital satisfaction in joint life. The research design is semi-experimental and of pre-test-post-test type with a control group Materials and Methods: . The statistical population of the research includes all couples with problems referring to counseling centers in Tehran since 2017, at least 6 months have passed since the date of their marriage to the beginning of their cohabitation under one roof and the implementation of a post-test 6 months after the beginning, data collection It lasted until the spring of. 2021 couples (80 people) were selected from the statistical population of the study and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Both groups completed the early maladaptive schemas questionnaire in the pre-test phase. Then the subjects of the experimental group were subjected to intervention (emotional training), but the subjects of the control group did not receive any intervention. Findings: Finally, both groups were subjected to a post-test after 6 months of cohabitation and completed the questionnaires of early maladaptive schemas and marital satisfaction. Cocnclusion: The results showed that emotion-oriented training has an effect on early maladaptive schemas and marital satisfaction. Also, the results showed that there is no significant difference between the effectiveness of emotionoriented training on the early maladaptive schemas and marital satisfaction of men and women.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of mutual behavior analysis and self-compassion therapy on self-respect and differentiation in students with emotional failure. Materials and Methods: The current research was semiexperimental with a pre-test and post-test design. The statistical population of this study was the students who experienced emotional failure in Azad University of Rasht in 2019, 45 students were randomly selected in three groups: self-compassion (15 people), mutual behavior analysis (15 people) and the control group (15 people) was replaced. The research tools were the short-form differentiation questionnaire (Drake, 2011) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1965),Students of Gilbert's (2010) self-compassion therapy group and Conner et al. 's (2016) interactional behavior analysis therapy group received eight 90-minute sessions. The data were analyzed by variance analysis and covariance analysis. Findings: The results showed that the intervention based on self-compassion and self-behavior analysis was effective on self-respect and differentiation of students with emotional failure,No difference was found between the effectiveness of self-compassion over the treatment of mutual behavior analysis in self-esteem and differentiation. Conclusion: According to the results obtained between the two methods of self-compassion and mutual behavior analysis, there was no difference in terms of the level of influence, and both methods are suitable methods for improving the level of self-esteem and distinguishing students who have experienced emotional failure. They are going.

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Purpose: The present research was conducted in order to design a family economics curriculum model for Iran's second secondary school. Materials and Methods: The approach of this research is mixed exploratory (qualitative-quantitative). The research method in the qualitative part is based on the foundational data theory and in the quantitative part, it is a descriptive survey type. The participants of this research include all experts in this field (professors, specialists and experts in the field of educational planning, educational management, educational research, economics). The selection of participants in the qualitative section was done by non-random sampling method and using the snowball technique. The semistructured interview continued until the theoretical data saturation level and 30 people were interviewed. Strauss and Corbin method and three-stage coding (open, central and selective) were used to analyze the data in the qualitative part. In the quantitative part of the research, a researcher-made questionnaire was used to examine the current and desirable state of the family economics curriculum model. Sampling was done in the quantitative part by a simple random method among specialists and experts (field of educational planning, educational management, educational research, economics, psychology, sociology and accounting) and 118 people were selected as a sample. Findings: Based on the model obtained, the components of family economics education for students include: family education, explanation of individual factors, economic approach of society, explanation of social factors, suitable educational content for better understanding of economic concepts, suitable educational environment, life skills and teaching concepts. They are economical. The findings of the quantitative part of the research using the chisquare test also showed that the components and items extracted in the qualitative part were of medium to high importance and all the sample people had a positive opinion about the model. Conclusion: They confirmed its coherence and strength and evaluated it as completely consistent with the literature of activities in the education environment.

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In order to establish an advanced society, first the importance of progress and its essential role in all political, moral, social, cultural, etc. dimensions must be recognized and a complete model that can cover the aforementioned dimensions must be designed and this model is May it be able to provide the background for the flourishing of various talents of the members of the society. There are many indicators to achieve the progress of the Islamic society, the most important indicator for the progress of the Islamic society is the rulers and agents of that society. If the rulers and officials in the society behave like justice, avoiding tyranny, beneficence, praying, trustworthiness, paying zakat, physical ability, righteous deeds, etc., based on the opinions of the Qur'an and the traditions of the infallible, then they are doing the right thing. The works will make significant progress and then the people under supervision and the people of that society will choose the right behavior and be guided to the right path by following their example, and these right behaviors have a great impact on the progress of the society. In this study, the authors have tried to explain the concept of progress and the influence of the behavioral characteristics of rulers and officials on the progress of the society by analyzing the verses of the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balaghe and the traditions of the innocents, using the analytical-descriptive method, because by examining these characteristics in We find that if the agents of the society are decorated with the behavioral characteristics desired by the Qur'an and the traditions of the innocents, they have a great impact on the progress of the society.

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Purpose: This research, with an analytical-descriptive approach, examines the position of the family in religious propositions and Quranic-narrative teachings in order to discover and extract the spiritual dimensions governing social groupings, focusing on the family unit. Materials and methods: To collect the required information, the materials and data of the library and the reliable and firsthand sources and books of the religion of Islam with emphasis on the verses and traditions have been used. The present article seeks to analyze religious texts (Qur'anic and narrative statements) with a semantic approach and text mining, and to study the concept of family in the context of Islamic life and sociology of Islam. Findings: The family has a specific definition, function and application in sociology. In a religious approach to this concept, Islam finds a spiritual-unseen use in accordance with the mission of the Prophet and a new and different identity is formed for the family. So, the Quranic keyword "ummah" finds a sociological representation and the concept of "faithful family" dominates other relations of religious society,The rule that before in the Jahili society was in the hands of blood, lineage, relatives and tribe, and in the emerging prophetic society (Madinah al-Nabi) faith-hereafter relations become the focus of the formation of the concept of family and other social interactions of Islam. Therefore, in the family identified in Islamic propositions, at different levels of society, the bond between members of the society is formed in the form of religious brotherhood and inter-family faith relations,Relationships that go beyond this world and find spiritual and afterlife reflection. Conclusion: Therefore, family finds a spiritual-unseen function in Quranic teachings and Islamic lifestyle,a function that is less visible in today's family studies.

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Purpose: Psychological well-being is one of the important concepts in positive psychology, which means optimal human performance. This issue has caused researchers around the world to pay attention to the underlying factors of well-being, especially in childhood. The present research was conducted with the aim of designing an integrated model of the underlying factors of psychological wellbeing in children. Materials and methods: This research is descriptive in terms of its purpose and is considered a survey study in terms of data collection. To conduct the research, all the factors related to the issue of psychological well-being in children were identified in the literature by relying on the theoretical foundations and the literature, and further, the validation of the factors was done based on the CVR and CVI tests. The statistical population of the research was the experts in the field of psychology, who especially had studies in the field of children. Purposeful sampling and snowball method were used to select the participants and finally 20 people were considered as a statistical sample. Data analysis was done using fuzzy Delphi method (AHP) and interpretive structural model. Findings: The findings of the research showed that the factors underlying well-being are divided into three dimensions: personal, educational and external, which respectively include factors such as emotional intelligence, personality traits, self-regulation, responsibility, self-efficacy, emotion regulation, perceived social support, mindfulness, and communication patterns., social stress and anxiety for the individual dimension, parent management training, academic performance, positive intelligence training, life skills training and family performance for the educational dimension and finally, parent-child relationship, family cohesion and flexibility, socio-economic status, social networks, parental employment, internet addiction and computer games can be considered as external factors affecting children's psychological well-being. Conclusion: Without a doubt, paying attention to the strengthening aspects of some factors along with the inhibiting aspects of other factors can be effective in improving the psychological well-being of children.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide a model for recruiting and retaining human resources of medical sciences universities in Mazandaran province under the conditions of the epidemic of the disease of covid-19. Materials and Methods: The current research was a mixed type of research. The statistical population of the qualitative section included 25 human resources experts from Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, who were selected by a purposeful random method using a snowball sampling method. The statistical community of the quantitative department included 600 senior expert managers in the field of human resources at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 148 of whom were selected as the statistical sample of the quantitative department from a random sampling. To collect information, a semi-structured interview tool and a questionnaire obtained from the interview were used. Findings: According to the research results, 2 general dimensions of attracting and maintaining human resources were identified. Also, 11 components were identified, out of a total of 62 identified indicators, 17 indicators were assigned to recruitment and 45 indicators were assigned to human resources maintenance, and the value of the GOF index equal to 0. 669 was obtained, which is suitable. Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that the senior management of medical sciences universities must pay attention to the categories that are effective in maintaining human resources so as not to face a shortage of human resources.

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The family is the first and most important structure of society, if it is healthy and organized, the society will be orderly and stable, and if it is threatened by damage and pollution, social disorder will appear, and if the family is not treated, disorder will arise. Collective values will remain stable. As the Holy Quran connects the story of the creation of man with the formation of the family center, it has created a new plan for the happiness and stability of the family life, and for the health and happiness of this long-standing and dynamic center, paying attention to the possible harm to this institution. cause destruction and inversion, while respecting and paying attention to traditional and rational mechanisms for medicine and treatment of injuries, he emphasized the role of purity and piety in avoiding and avoiding the challenges of the family's foundation and wants that Muslims along with other Mechanisms use piety and piety as a controlling lever to prevent family harm. Even though there are many verses regarding the family, in some of the verses, with the conditional clause "I am sorry", some of the family's harms are predicted, which can be prevented from the harms of the family by using the adornment of piety. . The current research, which was compiled by descriptive-analytical method and relying on library data, aims to treat family traumas and solve social crises caused by it, in search of an answer to the main question, what is the role of piety in The prevention of family damage is based on the verses of An Khaftam in the Qur'an, and the most important result of the research is that referring to the inner and pious structure and grooming of the soul, reduces the scope of family damage and its damage. reduces and restores

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Purpose: Humans need essential skills to carry out their affairs in life. Human education alone is not the answer to real needs, but Islam has addressed both material and spiritual needs so that people can achieve mental, physical, social and moral health. This study was conducted with the aim of rethinking the objectives of teaching the Islamic life skills curriculum for sixth grade students. Materials and Methods: This research is of a mixed type due to the use of a qualitative approach as well as a quantitative approach. The first statistical population was all specialists in Islamic education, the sample size was reached by snowball method with the participation of 17 people with the theoretical saturation of information. The second statistical population was 33 curriculum specialists from various universities in the western provinces of the country, 30 of whom were selected through Cochran. The opinion of the first group was collected through a deep, semi-structured interview, in the second group, the information was collected and validated with a researcher-made questionnaire. The quantitative validity of this research in the form of face validity and reliability coefficient using Cronbach's method is. 702 is. Qualitative validity of the trinity method and reliability was done with the techniques of verifiability, reliability and self-review. In the first part, after the interview, the data were summarized and analyzed in three stages of coding, and in the second part, the validation of the information was done with the single-sample t method. Findings: A desirable model of Islamic life skills curriculum objectives was obtained with 3 main categories and 17 core categories. Conclusion: By acquiring skills,Self-knowledge, empathy with others, knowledge of nature can achieve the skill of knowing God, and with the Islamic religious style, one can finally reach divine nearness and eternal happiness.

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Purpose: Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder characterized by frequent and spontaneous seizures that are not well controlled with current medications. The aim of the present study is to investigate the mediator role of alexithymia in explaining the effect of perceived social support and childhood trauma on the psychological distress of patients with epilepsy. Materials and Methods: This study is descriptive in terms of its practical purpose and data collection method, correlation method. The statistical population of the current research is Iranian epilepsy patients in Iran in 2019-2021. According to the number of variables and paths, a total of 260 subjects are required to perform the structural equations test. A simple random sampling method was used. Data collection tools were Toronto TAS-20, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Scale, Perceived Social Support Scale. The data were analyzed in Amus24 and SPSS24 statistical software and structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings: Alexithymia mediates the effect of childhood trauma on psychological distress in a positive way and the effect of perceived social support on psychological distress in patients with epilepsy in a negative and significant manner. Conclusion: Researchers and therapists in the field of clinical and health psychology, doctors, nurses, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, social workers and counselors should consider these components in their epilepsy patients based on the results of this research.

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REZAEI HAMID | Hosseininia Seyyed Mohammad reza | Akbarnejad Mehdi | HOSSEINI SEYED BASHIR

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Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to examine the components of media appeals in relation to how the content of the Quran is presented, which is rooted in its media miracle. Materials and Methods: The current research is trying to discover new dimensions of the media presentation of the content. The general research strategy is qualitative and the data collection method is library. In order to obtain data, Quranic examples of media appeal were searched with the keywords of media, appeal and content, and the method of description, analysis and interpretation was used in data analysis. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the extracted themes, the view of the media miracle of the content of the Quran is understandable. The miracle of the media presentation of the Qur'an's content prevails over the way it is presented to the audience. Findings: Based on the results of analysis and interpretation of media themes and views, attractiveness components,"Similar to the current social media in the configuration of media presentation", "complex and wonderful method in content presentation", "solid and geometric semantic structure", "attention to the element of sound and sound", "considering different aspects related to the audience", "Using the power of imagination and mental imagery" and "telling stories" are inferred. Conclusion: The media charms of the Quran, which are rooted in its media miracles, can be used to gain a better understanding of the various aspects of this divine medium that have not been discovered so far.

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In today's society, one of the growing problems that has disrupted life in urban communities is related to traffic problems and the behavior of citizens in this field. In fact, living in an urban society, due to the emergence of various centers such as administrative, commercial, and residential, has led to the increase of countless intracity trips for each member of the society and has brought with it a problem called traffic. In general, traffic can be considered a phenomenon that is the result of interaction between human actions, nature (natural environment) and machine (technology). Among the factors affecting traffic, human actions, which are known as traffic behavior, is an issue that refers to the individual skills, perceptual and cognitive abilities of the driver, and shows how the driver reacts to traffic laws and warnings. Is. Therefore, traffic behaviors play an important role in traffic accidents. So that unpleasant traffic behaviors cause more accidents, and on the other hand, positive traffic behaviors promote the creation of a safe traffic environment. Therefore, the education of any country, considering that it covers a significant level of society and citizens, can be successful in teaching traffic behavior in various aspects, and through training desirable traffic behavior in the form of training The theory in the content of the books and practical training can be effective in projects such as: police assistant, etc. at different educational levels and to some extent guarantee the health of the citizens. The research method of this article is the descriptive method of analysis with library technique.

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Purpose: This research was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of motivational psychotherapy and reality therapy on the mental health of female students. Materials and Methods: The research method was a semi-experimental method with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the present study included female students studying in the second secondary level of Kashmir city in the academic year of 1402-1401. Using the purposeful sampling method, a number of 45 students from among the students studying in the second secondary level of Kashmir city who meet the conditions for entering the study, were selected and randomly divided into three groups, experiment (reality therapy = 15 people and psychotherapy motivation group = 15 people) and the control group (15 people) was assigned. The package of motivational psychotherapy and reality therapy was implemented on the experimental groups as a group. The data collection tool was the GHQ general health questionnaire. Analysis of covariance analysis and SPSS25 software were used to analyze the data. Findings: The findings showed that there is a significant difference between the effectiveness of reality therapy and motivational psychotherapy on mental health in the post-test stage. Conclusion: The post-test adjusted averages show the better performance of the motivational psychotherapy approach as a native approach on students' mental health.

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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to identify the lived experiences of procrastination employees of Islamic Azad University in order to identify the components of procrastination. Materials and methods: which was carried out with qualitative phenomenological method, the statistical sample of procrastination employees by implementing Takman's procrastination questionnaire (1991) and using multi-stage cluster random sampling method and based on the size of the statistical population of 35, 000 employees per year (98-99) according to the table of Karjesi and Morgan (1970), 384 people were estimated, and based on the data analysis, 25 qualified people were identified as the unit of analysis in the qualitative section, based on the principle of theoretical saturation, with 15 people who had a structured interview. It was not found half deep. To measure the validity of the data, two methods of review of participants and review of nonparticipating experts were used in the research. The method of data analysis in the qualitative part was the 7-step Claysey method. In order to confirm the reliability of the qualitative findings, a scale with a 3-option spectrum was used to measure the content validity ratio (Lavache coefficient estimation) and in order to ensure the reliability of the qualitative findings, the Holstein reliability coefficient was estimated at 0. 97. The revealed findings were 179 key terms. 292 secondary concepts (first category), 32 secondary concepts (second category) and 3 main concepts (dimensions) were extracted (primary concepts). Findings: The findings showed that the factors of employee procrastination consist of 3 main dimensions including the organizational dimension (with 14 components), the individual dimension (with 15 components) and the social dimension (with 3 components). Conclusion: The reason for the problem of procrastination should be widely investigated and rooted in order to identify its effective factors.

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Purpose: One of the main concerns of progressive families at different levels is how to create suitable platforms for family members at all levels so that they can work with a sense of responsibility, complete commitment and loyalty to the issues in their society and family. Work and observe the principles of morality governing their society and family. Based on this, the present study was written with the aim of investigating the effect of Islamic moral philosophy on family relationships from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai. Materials and Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. The method of collecting information was in the form of a document library. The subject area of the research is Islamic ethics and its time area is the first half of 1402. Findings: Allameh Tabatbai, in explaining the hidden angles related to Islamic education and ethics, believes that the deviations that occur in the course of human beings towards their goals are only due to errors in its implementation and application, and not because of falsehood. The innateness of the decree and the purpose of creation must be realized sooner or later. In relation to mental preparation in the family, he states that for the mental development of people, they should follow public guidance and human guidance as a general rule,The characteristics and privileges of humans in crossing the paths of life,distinguishing human from other creatures,The application of reason in guiding man to the divine law, he noticed that walking in this path leads to human perfection and this is the goal of real moral and Islamic education. In terms of physical fitness, he places the greatest emphasis on childhood as the cornerstone of man, and by emphasizing the impact of social fitness on human education, he believes that God refers to social cooperation in order to be self-interested. slow He considers the most important reason for deviation to be the weakening of the relationship between man and God, and he considers the first manifestation of deviation from Islamic moral philosophy to be deviation in belief. Conclusion: Deviation in thought is the first cause of denial caused by negligent upbringing of teenagers. Allameh Tabatabai considers the causes of deviation to be caused by two general factors, the influence of different beliefs of other religions and civilizations (social communication) and the influence of distorting actions by individuals, specific goals and methods. If worship is viewed as merely performing religious rites such as prayer, fasting, etc., if other behaviors and ethics are not included, then worship becomes a distorted concept and there is a gap between the life of a Muslim in the mosque and outside it. And it leads to deviation in its application and implementation that even religious rituals are deviated from the truth and purpose. He considers deviation, especially belief, to be the most dangerous type for the Muslim faith. Therefore, for the preparation of the family, Islamic ethics and ultimately the upbringing of children and teenagers, it is necessary to have a thought far from denial and deviation.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of emotional self-regulation training on self-control and selfcompassion. Materials and Methods: The statistical population of this research included all the students of the first secondary level of Rasht city in the academic year of 2001-2001. Among the statistical population using the purposeful sampling method and based on the score of the questionnaire, the self-control questionnaire (Tanji et al., 2004), and the self-compassion questionnaire (Naf, 2003) in the pre-test, 45 students who met the entry and exit criteria were the statistical sample. formed These 45 people were randomly selected into 3 groups of 15 people (2 experimental groups and one control group) who received self-compassion training for the experimental group (A) and emotional self-regulation training for the second group (experimental group B). and the control group (C) was placed on the waiting list. In order to analyze the research data, multivariate covariance analysis was used. The data were analyzed using spss-22 software. Findings: The results showed that emotional self-regulation training has a significant positive effect on self-control and self-compassion. Conclusion: Therefore, learning and applying the techniques used in this treatment protocol will make people potentially able to communicate with the present time and change their behavior in such a way as to maintain a valuable life for themselves.

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Ghazavi Seyed Morteza | Hosseini Mirsafi Sayedeh Fatemeh | Taghdisi Mohammad Mehdi

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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the role and importance of social institutions in the formation of the correct moral structure in humans from the perspective of the Qur'an and traditions, which means social institutions, family, educational, cultural institutions, and government institutions. Materials and methods: This research used the descriptive analysis method for data analysis and the library method for data collection. Findings: The Quranic concept of Shakleh is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in individual and social growth and development from the perspective of Islam, and for its desired realization, the role of important and influential social institutions such as family, educational, cultural institutions, and government institutions is very important. Conclusion: These institutions, relying on important foundations such as God-centeredness and belief in the resurrection, which are the main roots of the call of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the innocents (peace be upon them), as well as their special functions, can form the correct human and moral structure and promise a healthy society. and be moral, a society in which moral and human virtues are crystallized and moral vices will be faint in it.

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Purpose: The aim of this study was the effectiveness of emotion regulation therapy on emotional-behavioral symptoms, sleep problems and problem solving in 14-16 year old girls. Materials and Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design with a control and follow-up group of 3 months. The statistical population of this study included all 14 to 16 year old female students studying in high school in Kermanshah in 2021-2022. By available sampling method, 60 female students were selected and randomly assigned to three equal groups of 20 people. Data were collected using the Ability and Problems Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997), the Problem Solving Questionnaire (Hepner and Patterson, 1988) and the Sleep Assessment Questionnaire (Boyce et al., 1989). Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 25 using descriptive statistics, statistical assumptions and analysis of variance with repeated measures and Bonferroni test. Findings: The results showed that emotional-behavioral symptoms and their dimensions in the experimental groups significantly improved compared to the control group and this improvement remained stable in the follow-up stage. Conclusion: The results showed that acceptance and commitment therapy and emotion regulation treatment compared to the control group were significantly effective in improving problem solving skills and its dimensions.

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Lifestyle is the combination of internal and external affairs of a person's life. Internal matters such as: insights and tendencies and external matters such as: behaviors, situations and assets,Lifestyle includes all areas of human life, not one or more specific areas,Lifestyle refers to the totality of a person's life, not individual behaviors, tendencies, or insights. Imamate, as the first controversial issue of Islamic history and thought, has a basic and central meaning: the succession of the Prophet in the matter of guidance, guardianship of the Islamic society and resolution of differences and crises in the society. "Imamate" was the Shiite vision of the crisis and its solution, while "Khilafah" is the Sunni vision of the crisis of leadership after the Prophet. The present study examines the perspective of the leadership of the Islamic society and the succession of the Prophet of Islam from the perspective of one of the thinkers and theologians of the middle ages of Shiism, namely Abul Fatah Karajeki, with a descriptive and analytical method. According to the Shia belief, imamate is the continuity of prophecy and written texts from Almighty God, and true faith cannot be realized except by accepting it. This belief was doubted and denied among Sunnis. Since the issue has historical roots, it is necessary to refer to the advanced sources of the parties. Karajeki is one of the advanced thinkers who has a clear, precise and scientific theoretical approach to the problem of Imamate. However, this perspective and his views are still unknown. Based on this, the present research aims to investigate and analyze the methodology and necessity of the issue of Imamate from Karajeki's point of view, as well as the analysis of his seventeen principles regarding Sunni assumptions about the issue of Imamate, to explain and analyze the issue of the necessity of Imamate. The result obtained is that he considers the origin of Imam's need to preserve Sharia and continue the Prophet's mission. As a result, Imamate is seen as a completely theological issue.

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Ghare Moshk Gharravi Bibi Fateme | Rejaee Litkohi Abdollah | SEYGHAL RAMAZAN

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Purpose: Although the Seljuk period in Iran had many political and social ups and downs, due to the inclination of most of the kings of this dynasty to science, the scientific situation of Iran flourished during this period. So that according to researchers, this period is considered a unique era in the history of Islamic civilization and culture. In this article, the situation of translation sciences during the Seljuk period has been investigated. Materials and methods: The library research method and its type is analytical-descriptive. Findings: The results of the research show that the education of many elders and officials with sufficient grace and courtesy in the field of transferable sciences, as a result of the encouragement and support of Seljuk sultans and ministers, and the neglect of rational sciences and the stagnation of these sciences are the reasons for paying attention to sciences. It was copied during the rule of the Seljuks. Conclusion: One of the reasons for the growth of translational sciences in the Seljuk period was the multiplicity of religions, sects, and the conflicting opinions of these differences and their differences and conflicts have created valuable works in the field of translational sciences. The number of scholars and scholars of transliteration, which was the result of attention to transliteration in this period, led to the creation of precious works in various fields of transliteration, including tazkira, interpretation, mysticism, literary sciences, etc.

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Purpose: This research has been investigated with the aim of presenting the success model of women's entrepreneurship with a social justice approach in the state banking industry. Materials and methods: The purpose of this research is in the field of applied research, and considering that library study methods and field methods such as questionnaires were used in this research, it can be stated that based on The nature is a descriptive-survey research and the type of method is qualitative-quantitative (mixed). At first, by using textual content analysis method, the factors related to each of the influencing variables in the success of women's entrepreneurship were identified, then they were screened using the Delphi technique. In addition to the components of psychological characteristics of entrepreneurship, behavioral characteristics, organizational factors, background factors were identified as independent variables and social justice variable as intervening variables, each of which has subindices. Then, in order to investigate the objectives of the research, structural equation model tests were used. The research sample in the statistical section using Cochran's formula is 226 female employees of state banks in Mazandaran province, and the questionnaire was distributed among them. Also, in the Delphi section, the opinions of 20 banking industry experts who had experience in the field of entrepreneurship were used to screen the items. SPSS and SMART PLS statistical software were used in this research. Findings: The findings showed that among the factors influencing the success of women in the field of entrepreneurship, the most influential are the contextual factors with the sub-indices of economic factors, geographical location and entrepreneurial culture. Conclusion: Also, the influence of social justice on the indicators affecting the success of women's entrepreneurship has been significant. According to the results obtained from the upcoming research project,It is necessary to pay more attention to the identified factors for the development of women's entrepreneurship and prepare the ground for the increasing development of businesses created by women entrepreneurs.

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Purpose: The physical and mental health of employees is one of the important and at the same time somewhat neglected issues in today's organizations, so it seems that managers of organizations can move in this direction by guiding their leadership style. The purpose of this research was to identify, explain and design a model for evaluating the effectiveness of health education courses in the management of professional and Islamic growth of Farhangian University. Materials and methods: This research was practical and in terms of how to collect information, it was a mixed method of exploratory type and qualitative content analysis data analysis method. were selected and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. The interview continued until the saturation point was reached. Findings: In this research, the data resulting from the interview was first coded to identify the categories or hidden codes in the obtained data. Then, based on the initial coding, the data and categories were defined and the components were determined. At the end, the final model was drawn. Conclusion: According to the codings obtained from scientific texts and interviews of participants, 108 indicators consist of strategy components with three sub-components of goal setting, monitoring and implementation, skill component with three sub-components of individual, organizational and social skills. And the process component was obtained with three components of management, education and financialadministrative as the components of the above model.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of hypnotherapy on the anxiety dimensions of 3 to 10-year-old children with autism during dental interventions. Materials and Methods: The research method used was descriptive correlation and structural equation modeling through path analysis. The statistical population of this study included children with autism spectrum disorder who were referred to a private dental office located in Dana Complex, Busar Bridge, Rasht, Iran. A sample of 32 children with autism spectrum disorder, categorized as having mild to moderate levels based on the Wechsler-Hosh-Behr questionnaire recorded in their medical records, was selected using purposive sampling. They were then randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups, each comprising 16 participants. The sample size of 32 was chosen to account for potential dropouts. The experimental group received 8 sessions of hypnosis based on mindfulness, which was conducted by the first partner of the project, who had completed hypnotherapy courses. Data were collected using the Social Support Appraisals Scale (SSAS), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), and Relapse Prediction Scale (RPS) questionnaires. Data analysis was performed using stepwise regression and structural equation modeling with SPSS-23 and Smart-PLS software. Findings: The results showed significant correlations between the research variables, and all research hypotheses were confirmed. Conclusion: Dental clinics are common places that induce fear and anxiety in dental patients, especially in children with autism spectrum disorder. This leads to negative emotions in the patients. Therefore, hypnotherapy is potentially a powerful method to control and reduce these negative factors, helping to better prepare their minds for optimal dental services.

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Lifestyle includes a set of behaviors, values, perceptions, moods and tastes in everything. Lifestyle is the way that a person chooses during his life and its foundation is formed in the family, which is influenced by culture, race, religion, economic and social status, beliefs and beliefs. The general purpose of the current research is to explain the role of the propaganda method of Aswah and Algol in promoting the Islamic lifestyle. Because one of the most important methods and requirements for realizing the Islamic lifestyle in the society is the formation of the lifestyle through the presentation and promotion of patterns and models that conform to Islamic standards. In terms of purpose, the research is developmental and applied, and in terms of qualitative and inferential method, which was done in the way of documentary analysis. This article aims to evaluate the main method and solution of realizing the Quranic lifestyle with a library method and a descriptive-analytical approach and relying on the verses of the Holy Quran. The results of this research showed that the model method in propagating religion and presenting religious teachings in Islamic teachings, especially the Holy Quran, is very effective and path-breaking, and shows the special attention of the religion of Islam to all aspects of human life and educational and religious fields., moral, religious, etc., of human beings and in all personal and social aspects, which can be a desirable standard system with valuable capability and in a word, a desirable model for shaping the lifestyle of the society. Therefore, one of the most important functions of the propaganda method is a model of promoting and propagating the Islamic lifestyle.

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Purpose: Teaching the components of moral intelligence is one of the important components of child and adolescent education that can help the personal and social development of children and adolescents, so the present study aims the effect of moral intelligence on psychological hardiness and social adaptation of students. Materials and Methods: The research method was a semiexperimental pre-test-post-test type with a control group. From the research population, which included all seventhgrade female students of the first secondary school in Do Baharestan district in the academic year 2022-2023, 30 people were randomly selected in two experimental groups (15 people) and the control group (15 people) ) were placed. The research tools were psychological toughness questionnaire by Kiyamrie et al. (1998) and Sinha and Singh social adjustment (1993). The experimental group received training on the components of moral intelligence, in eleven 60-minute sessions twice a week, but the control group did not receive any intervention. To analyze the data, mean and standard deviation and multivariate and univariate covariance analysis methods were used with the help of SPSS version 24 software. Results: The results showed that by controlling the effect of the pre-test in the variables of psychological toughness and social adjustment, there is a significant difference between the post-test average in the experimental group and the control group (P<0. 05). Conclusion: Teaching the components of moral intelligence improved psychological hardiness and promoted social adaptation of students. Based on the results of teaching the components of moral intelligence to students, it is an effective intervention method to promote psychological hardiness and social adaptation of students.

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Purpose: High quality of married life has a supportive role for people, on the other hand, low quality of married life plays the role of a high-risk factor, so the present study was conducted with the aim of determining the role of alexithymia and spiritual intelligence in predicting the quality of married life. Materials and Methods: The current study was descriptivecorrelational, the research population was all married female educators of the elementary school of one vineyard district in the academic year 202-2023 (260 people), according to the table of Kejarsi and Morgan (1971), 150 people qualified according to the method Available sampling was selected,And they answered the alexithymia questionnaires of Bagbi et al. (1994), the spiritual intelligence of Farhoush et al. (2014) and the quality of marital life of Busby et al. Data analysis was done using Pearson's correlation coefficient test and stepwise regression using SPSS version 18 software. Result: The results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between alexithymia and quality of life (r =-0. 467) and a positive and significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and quality of life (r = 0. 572) (P < 0. 01). Spirituality and alexithymia could significantly predict 36. 2% of changes in quality of life. Conclusion: The findings of the present study indicated the importance of alexithymia and spiritual intelligence in explaining the quality of women's married life.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to measure the level of entrepreneurship and the effect of factors affecting it from the point of view of the students of Payam Noor University in Tehran province. Method: The research method used is correlation and data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics (F, T, exploratory factor analysis). Findings: The output of the research, in order of emphasis on strengthening four variables including individual and personal abilities and qualifications of graduates, strengthening educational elements related to the development of entrepreneurship in the university, strengthening the conditions of government support, facilitation, support and encouragement) and finally intervention It has an effect on academic entrepreneurship in six environments. Conclusion: The individual and personal capabilities and qualifications of the graduates, strengthening the educational elements related to the development of entrepreneurship in the university, strengthening the conditions of government support, facilitation, support and encouragement) have an effective intervention on university entrepreneurship.

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Purpose: Spiritual vitality is also one of the most essential natural desires and psychological needs of humans and marital adjustment is considered as one of the most important influencing factors in married life. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of the solution-oriented approach on marital adjustment and spiritual vitality of couples in Tehran. Materials and Methods: The research method was a semi-experimental pre-test-post-test type with a control group and a follow-up period. The statistical population included all the couples in Tehran in 2022 that had referred to counseling centers in Tehran due to marital in adjustment. Among them, 30 people were selected by available sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. And they responded to Chirian and Afroz's spiritual vitality questionnaire (2015) and Spanir's marital adjustment (1976). The experimental group participated in seven 90-minute sessions of the solution-oriented approach, but the group did not receive a training certificate. To analyze the data, repeated measurement analysis of variance was used with the help of SPSS version 24 software. Results: The results showed that by controlling the effect of the pre-test in the variables of marital adjustment and spiritual vitality, there is a significant difference between the average of the post-test in the experimental group and the control group, and the results were stable during the follow-up period (p<0. 001). Conclusion: The results showed that the solutionoriented approach was effective in increasing marital adjustment and spiritual vitality of couples in Tehran.

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Purpose: Short selling is one of the obstacles of Islamic economy, which is condemned by Islam and is included in major sins and is an example of violating the rights of others. In short selling, the balance in mutual rights is lost and serious damage is caused to the society. Materials and methods: Selling less leads to distance from God's mercy and causes destruction and corruption in the society. Therefore, considering the importance of the subject, this research investigates the concept of underselling and its factors and consequences from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadiths with a descriptiveanalytical approach. Findings: The results show that underselling means putting less in the measure or weight and reducing the rights of others. Under-selling is formed under the influence of factors such as lack of faith in resurrection, greed, disbelief and lack of faith, impiety, imitation, lack of prayer, and consequences such as oppression, drought, social corruption, deprivation of goodness, deprivation of divine mercy, curse, Threats, hellfire, inclination to falsehood, deprivation of trust, economic corruption, descent of divine punishment, destruction, decline of social values follow. Conclusion: These damages destroy religion and human life,And it turns the economy from a state of growth and prosperity to a sick economy and causes it to collapse.

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Mohammad Alinejad Omran Ruhollah

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Purpose: In the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the innocents (peace be upon them), it is mentioned about Masoud and the desolation of certain days and nights. Determinism in knowing auspicious or inauspicious days has destructive effects on human psyche and lifestyle. Considering the effects of mental pressures arising from this thought for the society, in this study, the application of the concept of Saad and Nahs in verses and narrations was investigated. Materials and methods: This descriptive-analytical study was carried out from the examination of verses 16 of Surah Mubarakah, 19 of Qamar, 3 of Dukhan and 35 of Rahman in authentic Shia interpretations, especially the interpretation of Al-Mizan by Allameh Tabatabai, as well as referring to narrative sources and philosophical and theological texts. Findings: There is a significant relationship between the concept of predestination and free will with mental health and lifestyle. Also, there is an inverse relationship between the correct meaning derived from the verses of the Qur'an and the traditions of the infallibles (peace be upon them) in the matter of Saudah and the correctness of days with despair and depression. Conclusion: After examining the use of Saad and Nahs in verses and traditions, it can be said that being Saad and Nahs is not related to the era itself. Rather, two ways can be expressed for Masoud or the evilness of the times: First, it is a sign of actions and events that happened in a particular time and caused it to be blessed and unblessed. This means that on every day and night that disobedience to the divine orders is done, that day or night will be sad, and if obedience to the divine order is done, that day or night will be blessed and happy. Second, each person is happy or sad according to what happens to him on a particular day or night. This means that if divine punishment descends on him, he will be sad and if divine mercy descends on him, he will be happy. Therefore, some references to the happiness or sadness of the times have an educational aspect and are meant to make people pay attention and learn from past events.

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Purpose: As an unknown disease with a high epidemic rate, Covid-19 has drawn the attention of many medical researchers to the health category in the past few years. The present study was conducted with the aim of providing a structural model of anxiety disorders based on mental health and with the mediating role of coping strategies in pregnant women. Materials and Methods: This study is a description of correlation and structural equations in terms of practical purpose and in terms of implementation method. In the field of research data collection, two library and field methods were used. In the field part, to collect the information required for the research, Spitzer et al. 's (2006) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Goldberg's mental health (1972) and Lazarus and Folkman's (1988) coping strategies were used. Findings: The results of the study showed that anxiety disorders are predicted based on mental health. Also, the results showed that coping strategies play a mediating role in the relationship between anxiety disorders and mental health. Conclusion: Other results showed that there is a relationship between anxiety disorders or mental health with the mediating role of coping strategies in pregnant women.

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Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of validating organizational health and its relationship with the quality of work life of first year secondary school teachers in Tehran. Materials and Methods: the present research method according to the objective, fundamental-applied, according to the type of data, mixed (qualitative-quantitative) from the inductive type to the sequential exploratory method, According to the data collection method, in the quantitative part, it was descriptive-survey, and in the qualitative part, it was theme analysis with the theme network approach. The statistical population of the research was all the teachers of the first year of middle school in Tehran in 1401 according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion in the research. Theoretical saturation was used to determine the sample size in the qualitative section and 20 people were selected. In the quantitative part, Cochran's formula was used and 300 people were selected as the sample size in a multi-stage method. Two methods were used to collect information. Documentary (library) method: In this method, information was collected through reading books, publications, internet sources and databases, and after selecting the sources, preparation, scanning and translation of the desired texts were done, and the field method included semi-structured interviews and A researcher-made questionnaire and a standard questionnaire were used. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire, face, content and construct validity were used, all of which were approved. In the quantitative part of the research, reliability was calculated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. In the quantitative part, according to the research questions, descriptive and inferential statistical methods (Pearson correlation, structural equation modeling (confirmatory factor analysis), exploratory factor analysis and sample t-test) using SPSS-v21 software and Lisrelv8 was used. Findings: The results showed that organizational health is related to the quality of work life of teachers. Conclusion: By creating and maintaining the organizational health of teachers, the quality of their work life is also improved. In fact, organizational health, in physical and mental dimensions, helps teachers to feel more pleasure and full satisfaction from being in the school environment.

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