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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research was conducted to investigate the relationships between grain yield and some morpho-phenological characteristics in Dryland Agricultural Research Institute (DARI), Maragheh, in 1998-99. The experiment was arranged as observational nursery in entire dryland condition using 652 landraces, selected from winter wheat lines of gene bank. Analysis of data showed, that there was a lot of variability for all the traits studied including yield. The difference of heading time between earliest and latest lines was 25 and for maturity time was 15 days. Factor analysis with extraction of eigen values by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed five  factors explaining 66.57% of total variation. The second factor included grain filling period, heading time, 1000 kernel weight and 3th factor consisted of grain yield, plant height, cold tolerance. In general, It was found that plant height, heading time, earliness and cold tolerance are the most effective selection indiese for improving grain yield of wheat varieties in these conditions.      

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A faunistic study of oribatid mites was carried out during 2000-2001 in Tabriz University campus which resulted in collecting and identifying 12 species, 12 genera and 10 families. The following families, genera and species are new records for Iran's mite fauna: Phyllhermannia, P. tuberculata, p. dentate., (Hermanniidae); Ramusella clavipectinata, Medioppia, M subpectinata (Oppiidae);  Nothrus palustris (Nothridae); Poecilochthonius, P. italicus (Brachychthonidae). Families, genera and species of Brachychthonidae, Brachychthonius sp.; Epilohmania cylindrica cylindrical (Epilohmanidae); Rhysotritia ardua penicillata (Euphthiracaridae); Nothrus anauniensis (Nothridae); Sphaerochthonius splendidus (Sphaerochthonidae); Galumna sp., (Galumnidae); Zygoribatula connexa (Oribatulidae); Passalozetes africanus (passalozetidae), are new records for Tabriz region. The species belonging to Hermanniidae, Nothridae and Oribatulidae had the highest population densities in the studied area respectively.        

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Useful life of agricultural machines is one of the important factors for machine operation. In industrialized countries with developed agriculture, this factor has been estimated for all types of agricultural machines. But this sort of studies has rarely been done in our country. In this study the useful life of combines used at Pars Abad Moghan country has been investigated and calculated. Useful life for John Deere combines is shown to be 9500 to 10000 hours during 19 to 20 years work and for the class combines 9000 to 9500 hours within 18 to 19years which in comparison are more than three times of that of ASAE data for year 1994. Higher useful life of combines in Iran can be attributed to cheap labor force, higher initial list price of combines and also to social factors and economical limitations on spare-part imports which lead the operators in careful using of machine.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the common ways to increase efficiency in surface irrigation is the application of cutback systems in furrows. Volume balance model was applied to study and design cutback furrow irrigation, using information obtained from evaluation of green bean- cultivated furrows (in Karkaj Agricultural Research Station-Tabriz). Performance of the irrigation system was considered for three different designs: a-constant inflow system, b- cutback system in sets of two (time of advancing and soaking phases are equal), and c-reducing inflow after completion of advancing phase. The obtained results showed that the volume balance model had a very good adaptation with field data. It was shown that design b (cutback system in sets of two) was suitable only for light irrigation while desirable efficiencies for wide range of irrigation depths were obtained for design c. Since the control of the latter system in the field was difficult, so by accepting furrows' outflow increase to some extent a modification was adopted for design b. The obtained results showed a good capability of the modified system in surface irrigation design.      

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The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemiusla tabaei (genn.) (Hom.: Aleyrodidae) is a pest of field crops, vegetables and omamentals in Iran. Economic losses from this pest may be caused through viral transmission, the excretion of honeydew or by direct damage to the plants. In this study, the infested leaves of cotton with whitet1y nymphs and pupae were collected from ten locations including Darab, Qom, Saveh, Gonbad, Gorgan, Garmsar, Varamin, Colege of Agriculture Campus, Tarbiat Modarres University (T.M.U.), Orsoiieh (Kerman) and Shooshtar, and they were transferred to the laboratory. The newly emerged males and females of each population were released separately into a large cage (40×50×70 cm diameters) set on cotton plants. Experiments were carried out in a growth chamber on cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. (variety Varamin 76) at 24±2°C, 55±3% RH and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) hours. The preimaginal developmental time and reproductive parameters of 40 mated females were calculated for each population. The results indicated that net fecundity rates for B. tabaci populations of Darab, Qom, Saveh, Gonbad, Gorgan, Garmsar, Varamin, T.M.U, Orsoiieh (Kerman) and Shooshtar (Khuzestan), were 27.11, 21.7, 25.6, 17.7, 15.8,34.5,23.3,39.7, 23.4 and 42.4, respectively, Net fertility rates for the above mentioned populations were 18.6, 15.6, 17.8, 12.6, 11.4, 23.8, 14.2, 28.8. 13.4 and 21.9 respectively. Other reproductive parameters such as:, gross hatch rate, gross fecundity rate, gross fertility rate, mean age gross fecundity and fertility, mean age net fecundity and fertility, mean age hatch, number of eggs/female/day and daily reproductive rate were also calculated. The results revealed significant differences between different populations and there are different biotypes of cotton whiteflies in different cotton fields of Iran.      

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One of the harvesting machines that, in spite of its vast capabilities, has been left abandoned, is cotton picker. This machine is available in research centers and some of the big farms throughout the country. Considering the importance of cotton product in recent years mechanization is necessary for all production steps, specially in harvesting cotton. In this concern, the major reason for cotton pickers not being used, which was declared by stage of agricultural research? organizations and farmers in Varamin and Gorgan, is contamination of lint with trash and other plant green parts. In order to further clarify the matter, this research was carried out on two -row cotton picker (John deer 9900) in Varamin. For studying the effects of two parameters of forward speeds and cutting height on lint contamination, yield, lint loss, fiber length and fiber strength, a split plot design was used with cutting height as a main factor and forward speed as a sub factor. The results showed, cutting height didn't significantly affect on amount of bolls left on the plant but forward speed significantly affected on yield and loss (remaining and falling off to ground bolls) in 1% probability level. The greatest yield and the least loss were observed at speeds of 3.29(1st gear), 4.24 (2stgear) and 4.99 (3stgear) Km/h respectively. Therefore the best operational condition of cotton picker for Varamin cultivar with considering fiber length, yield and loss can be suggested at a field speed of 3.29 km/h in first gear.      

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In this research it was tried to regionalize Iran's climate using multivariate techniques, like to define special characteristic of each climate. To do this we first collected datasets consists of 123 climatic and geographic variables from 77 weather stations all over of the country. After complete the missing data, ten variables were selected out of 123 using Procrustes method. These selected variables used to grouping stations using factor analysis and cluster analysis with Ward's method. Results show that the first two factors contain over 88% of variation in the datasets. So these two factors considered as dominant factors. Factor scores after rotation calculated for 77 stations. These scores then used to as an input matrix (77*2) for cluster analysis. All of sites classified into seven groups with respect to obtained dendrogram. In addition discriminate function analysis used to assessing the performed climate regionalization of the country. Results show that over 92% of sites classified by correct manner. So it can be said that results of regionalization performed by mentioned method, can then be used to following various studies like agriculture (especially dry farming), irrigation and so on.        

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In order to study the life cycle of the onion thrips (Thrips tabaeci Lind.) an investigation was conducted in insectarium under constant conditions (27±1°C, 57% ±5 R.H, L:D 12:12). To estimate the duration of different periods of life cycle and its biological characteristics, individual cages were clipped on the leaves of onion plants. No males were observed during the course of this study and it seems that the thrips under study has a thelytokous type parthenogenesis reproduction. Eggs were laid inside the plant tissue (endophytic) individually or in masses of 2-3. Duration of developmental stages for egg, 1st and 2nd instar larvae, prepupa, pupa and adult at the above mentioned conditions were 4.18±0.53, 2.08±0.56, 2.11±0.80, 1.25±0.80, 1.25±0.47 AND 2.23±0.95 day respectively. The preovipositon period was 3.60±1.28 days. The mean life time of the adults was 16.15±7.58 days. The mean number of eggs laid per female was 31.63±18.86 and the mean number of eggs per female per day was 2.04±0.84.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This experiment carried out in order to determine the ruminal disappearance rate of ten feedstuffs used in ruminant diet and to determine the best ruminal digestive model using mobile nylon bag technique. Feedstuffs were corn grain, barley grain, corn silage, alfalfa hay, whole barley hay, cotton seed meal, soybean meal, meat meal, fish meal and wheat bran. The nylon bags containing each feedstuff were in duplicate for 0,2,4,8,12,24,48 and 96 h in three steers fitted with rumen fistula. In order to determine the disappearance rates in 0 h , samples were washed by cold water. Disappearance rates of dry matter and crude protein determined by calculating of rate of their weight loss. Using completely randomized design the statistical comparing of disappearance rates of dry matter and crude protein of feedstuffs in three studied groups (energy, protein and forage sources) carried out. Disappearance rates of dry matter and crude protein in 0 h in each of the three sources had significantly differences(p<0.05) and disappearance rate of dry matter and crude protein of feedstuffs in 96 h in each of protein and forage sources had significantly differences but in energy sources had not significantly differences. The best ruminal model for determining disappearance rate constants of dry matter and crudeprotein of feedstuffs was: IR (t) =Di. exp(-kd.t)+ I0 which IR (t),Di, kd,t and I0 were insoluble residue at any time t ,potentially digestible fraction at any time disappearance rate constant, time and indigestible residue respectively. Dry matter fractional rate constant of digestion (kd) in ruminal digestive models for corn grain, barley grain, corn silage, alfalfa hay, barley hay, cottonseed meal, meat meal, fish meal, wheat bran and soybean meal were :4, 15,6,9,15,26,32, 10,4 and 5.9 % / h respectively, and indigestible fraction (residue) of dry matter were: 25, 183, 364, 401, 6/341, 633, 608, 208.3, 450 and 133 respectively. Crude protein fractional rate constants of digestion (kd) in ruminal digestive models for corn grain, barley grain, corn silage, alfalfa hay, barley hay, cottonseed meal, meat meal, fish meal , wheat bran and soybean meal were: 0.2, 17,0.4, 14, 18,24,35, 14,69 and 2.8 % / h respectively, and indigestible fraction (residue) of crude protein were: 0,30.02,0,69.6, 13.2,266.5, 435,37.92, 103.15 and 69.72 mg, respectively.    

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