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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aim: the efficacy and safety of combined therapy with anticholinergics and alpha blockers in comparison with alpha blockers monotherapy among patients with BPH.Methods: We conducted a single blinded RCT and 80 patients with BPH who referred to Ali-ebn-abitaleb, Zahedan were included. One group received 0.4 mg/d Tamsulosin in addition to Tolterodine and the other group received the same doses of Tamsulosin in addition to placebo. Both groups were evaluated before and 6 months after treatment with special attention to clinical symptoms, life quality improvement and treatment satisfaction. SPSS was applied for data analysis.Results: There is no significant difference between these two groups of patients’ demographics and basic indices such as PVR, PSA and the volume of prostate. IPSS was significantly improved among patients who received Toltrodine (p=0.0008) whereas both groups showed same score before treatment.Conclusion: It seems that combined therapy with anticholinergics and alpha blockers is a safe and efficient regimen among patients with BPH, either as primary or alternative treatment after the failure of conventional treatments.

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Introduction: Cervical cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer and the second common cancer of women in Worldwide. Pap smear is the most cost-effective way to reduce deaths from cervical cancer screening. The purpose of this study was to identify some of effective factors that predict self-care pup behavior based on Women's health beliefs Coverage health centers in the city Karaj.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed with a total of 300 women 35 years and older that were referred to the research community health centers of Karaj. Data were collected by means of an interview form with the Health Belief Model Scale for Cervical Cancer and Pap smear. Content validity was determined by a poll of 10 experts the relevant fields and reliability was conducted on methods Cronbach's alpha and test-retest. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics test by SPSS software.Results: The results of the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference in, perceived benefits and barriers, and self-efficacy between women who had (67.3% of subjects) And who had not Pap smear also Regression analysis revealed Perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy are factors that predictor self-care behavior of pap smear.Conclusion: The results of our study showed that perceived Benefits, perceived barriers and self-efficacy are predictors the Pap smear in women. Every time that woman have a greater understanding of the benefits of Pap and in parallel have Lower perceived barriers and higher self-efficacy will attempt to do a Pap smear.

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Background: In jobs where human contact is like nursing, more tension there. This destructive and multidimensional phenomenon can be increased absenteeism, reduced work efficiency and create energy and physical and mental illnesses lead to a decline in the quality of patient care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between stress and general health and help reduce the stress they are.Methods: This cross-sectional study on 78 public health nurses and Grft. prsshOsipow questionnaire included demographic information, job stress indicators (6 Stress workload involved, incompetence of duality role, scope, roles, responsibilities and physical environment) and public health have been classified.Results: The findings show different aspects of occupational stress on 2/49% of the variation in the role and functions of stress, mild confusion, the burden of duties (45%), responsibility and physical environment (62%), stress higher. The aspects of public health, 48% of nurses in the physical symptoms (moderate) and (63%) of anxiety in the top 40 percent in the social dysfunction in Hdpayyn and 40% of the depression at the bottom were evaluated.Conclusion: The results of this study were determined and compared with previous studies in the same field Create occupational stress can adversely affect the performance of nurses and public health they have. Implementing ways to reduce stress and burnout can promote mental health nurses to help improve the quality of nursing care. The results will help health systems to create a quiet working conditions largely reduce occupational stress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Urinary tract infection is the second most common complication of pregnancy, maternal and fetal complications and serious consequences will follow. So, the purpose of this study is comparison of education effect between attend and non-attend methods on promotion prevailing behavior from urinary tract infection in pregnant women based on the health belief model.Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial, 140 pregnant women coming to Bushehr medical center, in two group (70 people each) were studied. In attend group, two education meetings, including 1.5 hour were hold based on the health belief model with an interval of a week. Non-attend education group, just received a booklet arranged based on health belief model. The information about awareness, structures model and function were collected before, one week and three months later via questionnaire. The urinary test results were collected before and three months after the intervention. After getting information, data were analyzed by software SPSS version 20 via perfect tests.Results: Before educational intervention, knowledge, preventive behaviors of urinary infection and all structures model were same in both groups. After the intervention, average of perceived susceptibility, severity, benefit and self-efficacy increased and average of perceived barrier decreased significantly in attend education group (P≤0.001), and in non-attend education group, awareness score and perceived susceptibility, benefit and self-efficacy increased and average of perceived barrier decreased significantly. Average of perceived susceptibility, barrier, self-efficacy, awareness, and mean of preventive behaviors of urinary infection between two groups were different significantly (P≤0.001).Conclusion: Regarding to changes in health belief model constructs, knowledge and function in two groups after education, using booklets based on health belief model for pregnant women can be useful due to their problems of coming to the medical centers.

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Introduction: The prevalence mental disorders and its burden in the world is one of the most important challenges for health system and service delivery to people with mental disorders need enough and trained manpower. Stigma of mental disorders not only influence patients and their families but also is a barrier for delivering mental health services to the patients, hence beyond the knowledge and expertise, health care providers must have an appropriate attitude especially toward the stigma of mental disorder. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mental health related courses of nursing curriculum on the nursing student’s attitude about mental disorders in Alborz University of Medical Sciences.Methods: A quasi-experimental study with before and after design was used. All 197 nursing students who had one of the related courses of mental health, were studied for attitudes about mental disorder stigma before and after the semester. Farsi version of OMSHC questionnaire was used to measure nursing student’s attitude. One way ANOVAs, Pearson Correlation and Paired T-Test used for Data analysis.Results: Student’s attitude about mental health stigma didn’t improve after the course lessons. Mental health attitude score was different based on gender (P<0.035) and marital status (P<0.006). There was a weak negative correlation between age and attitude score (r=-0.22, P<0.003).Conclusion: The current educational course and lessons can’t improve the nursing student’s attitudes about the stigma of mental disorders. To get desired outcomes, changing lesson plans and the presentation styles must be considered.

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Background: Type 2 diabetes is associated with reduced lung function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise training on indicators of lung function in type 2 diabetic men.Materials and Methods: The population of the research was all men with diabetes type II in District 2 of Ahwaz. Twenty four patients with diabetes type II, aged 40-55 years and fasting blood glucose lower than 200 mg /dl were selected by purposive sampling. First, the anthropometric variables and indices of lung function were measured, then subjects were randomly divided into two groups (experimental, n=12 and control, n=12). Combined exercise training was done for 8 weeks (5 days/week, 30 to 50 minutes) for experimental group. To analyze the changes in the parameters, one-way ANOVA was applied. P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Result: After eight-week combined exercise training, pulmonary indicators FVC FEV1, PEF, FEV/FVC and VO2max significantly increased. Blood glucose and HBA1c significantly reduced. Also, the inverse relationship between blood glucose and pulmonary indicators was observed (P≤0.05).Conclusion: It seems that regular combined exercise training can lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients, are effective therapeutic interventions for improving lung function and VO2max in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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Background: Coagulation process has a important place in water treatment. Currently, poly aluminum chloride is used in Kian-abad water treatment plant. The purpose of this study is to compare and investigate the efficiency of coagulants of poly ferric sulfate (PFS) against poly aluminum chloride (PAL) in removing turbidity and coliform bacteria in Ahwaz water treatment plant.Methods: This study, was performed in lab scale and using of jartest apparatus in Ahwaz water treatment. Experiments was conducted in 35NTU turbidity in Ahwaz water treatment plant. The studied parameters included concentrations of coagulants, pH, turbidity, total coliform, fecal coliform and heterotrophic bacteria.Results: The most optimal efficiency conditions of poly aluminum chloride were pH=8, rapid mixing of 120rpm and optimal dose of 5ppm which was 93.14% in pH=8 and 93.80% for optimal dose of 5ppm. The most optimal condition for poly ferric sulfate included pH=8, rapid mixing of 120 rpm and optimal dose of 8ppm.In optimal condition of performance for poly aluminum chloride, efficiency of removing total coliform, fecal coliform and heterotrophic bacteria were 90.12, 83.70, 84.08% respectively. In optimal condition of poly ferric sulfate in dose of 8ppm efficiency removing total coliform, fecal coliform, and heterotrophic bacteria were 90.48, 84.83, and 84.69.Conclusion: Finally, there was small difference between both PFS and PAC group about turbidity removal efficiency that was not significant statistically.

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Bullosa Haemorrhagica (ABH) is a rare oral blood blisters disorder. This recurrent disorder is restricted to oral mucosa and its difference with other oral vesiculobullos disorders is that blood vesicles are formed after minor trauma and in the absence of any blood dyscrasia, vesiculobullos disease and systemic disorder. This blood blisters are without pain, with color of dark red and full of bloods that rapidly enlarge and rapidly burst. The incidence of Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagica is unknown. Diagnosis of this disorder and differentiation from vesiculobullos disease like pemphigus and pemphiguid is important for patient's health. In this report we introduce a 55 years old woman with a 4 years history of oral blood blisters. These vesicles were in lateral border and ventral surface of tongue and on the ferenum. In medical history the patient had churg strauss syndrome and using inhalation corticosteroid for control of asthmatic attacks (An etiologic factor for appearing or aggravation of the disease).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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