This descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the function of referral, system in Kashan Health care delivery network in 1997. 1783 subjects were questioned at 23 health care centers including, health houses, rural and urban health centers in order to determine the referral rates to hospitals. Also measurement of feedback and follow up rates was done at those centers.
The referral rates to second level were 21 %, in health houses, 11.9% in rural health center and 9.1% in urban health centers. The 95% confidence interval for the above rates was found to be 15.8 -26.2%, 8 -15.8% and 6.7 -11.5%, respectively. The indings indicated that 38.4% of the clients were referred to the paraclinical laboratories. In general, with a 95% confidence interval, patients referral to paraclinics was between 36.1% and 40.7%. In hospital centers 46.3% of clients were direct self-referral, 34.8% from specialists, 7% from emergency room, 4.1% from primary health centers, 2.4% from general practitioner, and 5.4% from other sources. The feedback rate was 71.4% for the patients referred from health houses,
50% from rural health centers and 49% from urban health centers. Overall the feedback and follow up rates were 66%, 73.3%, respectively. According to the findings and in the regard to lack of referral from general practitioner, it is necessary to reform construction of the health care delivery system.
We recommend that detailed clinical Criteria of referrals be made for objective justification of referrals.