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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The main objective of the present study is to apply multiple-choice model (MCM) for analyzing multiple choice items and comparing its fit and information with the three parametric model (3PM). To this end, among all the participants in biology test (contained 50 four-choice items) of University’s entrance exam in the field of Natural Sciences in 2012 (1391), 5000 participants were randomly selected as the sample by SPSS software. In order to analyze the test and its items based on the multiple choice model, the assumptions of unidimensionality were firstly investigated by NOHARM software. Then, the test items were analyzed by MULTILOG program. Three-parameter model, which is the closest one to multiple-choice model in terms of parametric structure, was selected as the most appropriate binary model for comparing its information and fitting with multiple-choice model. The results indicated the efficacy of multiple-choice model for analyzing distractors. In comparing the fit of 3PM with MCM, the results showed better fitness of 3PM to the whole test than multiple-choice model. In addition, results indicated the appropriateness of multiple-choice model in accuracy of estimating the ability of subjects with lower-than-average ability, while 3PM estimates the ability of higher than average subjects more accurately. Accordingly, it is recommended that MCM model can be applied for farther knowledge about items’ distractors performance along with other methods.

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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy of research and academic achievement motivation with the mediating role of emotional intelligence. The research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population consisted of all Bu Ali Sina University graduate students with the size of 3340 people. Using stratified sampling method, 246 students (182 graduate students and 64 PhD students) were randomly selected for the study. Data collection tools were questionnaires and the content reliability was tested by the educational sciences experts and the reliability obtained based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.76 for self-efficacy questionnaire,0.92 for the emotional intelligence questionnaire and 0.81 for the academic achievement questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical software, SPSS and Lisrel. The results showed that the direct and indirect effect of self-efficacy of research with the mediating role of emotional intelligence on academic achievement motivation is positive and significant. To increase the academic achievement motivation of students, the self-efficacy of research and emotional intelligence of students should be taken into consideration much more.

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The purpose of the present study is to design and codify the performance evaluation indexes in the Institute of Ministry of Education studies. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach using content analysis. The population of the study included all professors and experts of the institute and also all the published documents in the research field of Education system. Using smart sampling method to achieve theoretical saturation, 8 people were chosen and interviewed. Moreover, all the identified related documents (40 documents), were studied as research samples. Data collection was performed through semi-structured interviews and content analysis forms of documents and interviews.According to the extracted codes from the content of the documents and interviews, 111 indexes were compiled. The indexes were studied in a meeting with the presence of 5 interviewees and 32 indexes were eliminated. The selected indexes were classified in different categories.Outputs and achievements with 19 indexes, outcomes with 10 indexes, resources and facilities with 6 indexes and instruction and empowerment with 5 indexes are examples of categories of performance evaluation.

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The present research aimed to investigate the impact of “the assessment approach to learning” on the academic performance of 8th-grade students in mathematics in district 1, Hamadan. And the research method was quasi-experimental with the experimental and control groups in the statistical population of the 8th-grade students in the academic year 2014-2015; 150 students were selected as the statistical population by using multi-stage cluster sampling. The research tools included two teachermade and three formative tests. One-sample t test, independent t groups, paired t, (ANOVA) – analysis and Kuder-Richardson 21 were used for analyzing the data. Final coefficient for pre-test and past- test were obtained 0.88 and 0.85, respectively. Analyzing the first question showed that there is no significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test in both groups and the mean scores of two groups were higher than the average. Analyzing the second question showed that using the five stages of the assessment approach to learning and the feedbacks on academic performance of students in mathematics had a positive impact and the mean scores in experimental group were higher, and in describing the third question, it can be said this approach is consistent with the conditions of the schools in this province.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of organizational intelligence on the empowerment of faculty members. The survey population consists of 140 faculty members of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical and Science University.103 of the members have been selected randomly based on Morgan Table. In order to collect the organizational intelligence data, Albrecht organizational intelligence questionnaire was applied and to measure the empowerment variable, a self-made questionnaire was used.Collected Data was analyzed through the correlation and regression tests.The result showed that organizational intelligence affect the empowerment of faculty members and, among different dimensions of organizational intelligence, strategic vision, common fate, spirit, alliance, and consensus are the most influencing factors on the empowerment of faculty members.In addition, Friedman test indicated that strategic perspective is ranked as the first.

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The evaluation of higher education systems is regarded as one major requisite for the growth and development of such systems; hence, the continuous improvement of the quality of higher education needs the establishment of a quality assurance sub-system and the use of scientific methods in this field. According to the global experiences, the way higher education institutes participate in quality assurance activities is in a voluntary-mandatory scale. The major difference among quality assurance systems is whether their participation is voluntary or mandatory. The present research studies 70 evaluation and quality assurance agencies in 60 countries, in terms of the compulsory and voluntary essence of their quality assurance processes. It employs the qualitative methodology based on a documentary analysis. To this end, the documents, data and information obtained from scientific-research articles, books, and research reports have been analyzed together with the experiences of those agencies in charge of accreditation and quality assurance in higher education. The results show that quality assurance processes are mandatory in 64 % of the agencies and 27% of them follow a voluntary approach. Moreover, in 9% of agencies, both the voluntary and mandatory processes are implemented.Accordingly, considering the significance of the performance and role of higher education and its impacts on sustainable development, it seems that quality improvement requires a comprehensive quality evaluation system, involving both voluntary and mandatory approaches, based on the participation of higher education institutions.

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This study aimed to investigate the comparability of ability parameter estimation in computerized adaptive with paper-pencil testing and finding the algorithm for optimal computerized adaptive testing based on different kinds of ability estimation (maximum likelihood and expected a posteriori) and test termination criterion (fixed standard error and fixed length of test) in high stakes tests. The target population consisted of mathematics and engineering subgroup examinees of the Iranian university entrance exam in 2013. One thousand examinees were selected using random sampling method and mathematics questions were analyzed using 3-parameter logistic model. Equal to real numbers, 40 data sets were simulated and post hoc simulation of computerized adaptive testing was applied. The results indicated a strong correlation between ability estimation using computerized adaptive and paper-pencil testing of mathematics subscale.Furthermore, bias values, average absolute difference between ability estimation in computerized adaptive and paper-pencil testing and the mean squared root of the difference showed that the ability estimation in computerized adaptive testing using expected a posteriori is consistent with the ability estimation using the whole exam. The results suggested that computerized adaptive testing is capable of recovering the ability in mathematics subscale. It was concluded that expected a posteriori and test stopping rule of fixed 0.3 standard error was the optimal algorithm for suitable reliability, appropriate test length and the recovery of the ability estimation in computerized adaptive testing of mathematics subscale.

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ایزانلو بلال

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در روان سنجی واژه های بعد، سازه، عامل (مولفه) و توانایی پنهان همگی برای اشاره به صفات مشاهده ناپذیری که یک آزمون اندازه گیری می کند، به کار می روند (برای مثال به نانداکمار و اکرمن، 2004 مراجعه کنید). هر یک از این واژه ها با توجه به نظریه های مختلف در زمان های گوناگون ظاهر شده اند. واژه عامل با کارهای اسپیرمن (1904) بر روی هوش و شکل گیری شیوه تحلیل عاملی در روان شناسی و روان سنجی رایج شد. واژه سازه که در نظریه های روان شناسی هوش و به خصوص شخصیت ریشه دارد، برای اولین بار توسط کرانباخ و میل (1955) در بحث روایی سازه وارد حوزه روان سنجی شد. توانایی پنهان نیز به ویژگی مشاهده ناپذیر افراد اشاره دارد که با شروع نظریه صفت پنهان در دهه 1950 وارد حوزه روان سنجی شد. امروز در روان سنجی و روان شناسی برای اشاره به متغیرهای مشاهده ناپذیر از هر یک از این اصطلاحات به جای دیگری استفاده می شود (برای مثال به اکرمن، جیرل و والکر، 2003 مراجعه کنید). در بین این واژه ها، بعد تنها واژه ای است که در بافت نظریه صفت پنهان بر اساس اصل استقلال موضعی برای آن تعریف ریاضی دقیقی ارائه شده است و منظور از آن معمولا تعداد صفات مشاهده ناپذیری است که یک آزمون اندازه گیری می کند. موضوع بعدیت از جوانب مختلف مثل الف) ابعاد روان شناسی در برابر آماری ب) معنا و بعد و ج) روش های تعیین تعداد ابعاد قابل بررسی است (ایزانلو، 1393). اگرچه معمولا واژه های عامل و بعد به جای هم به کار می روند ولی در حوزه آمار روان سنجی تفاوت ظریفی بین آنها وجود دارد. هدف این متن مشخص کردن تفاوت واژه های عامل و بعد از نظر آماری است.عامل و بعد دو روی یک سکه اند. نسبت بعد به عامل مثل نسبت انتگرال گیری به مشتق گیری است. وقتی از تابعی مشتق بگیریم به تابع مشتق می رسیم، در حالی که در انتگرال گیری از تابع مشتق به تابع اولیه باز می گردیم. در تحلیل عاملی داده های خام (یا ماتریس همبستگی، مجاورت، شباهت و نزدیکی) تحلیل می شوند، عوامل مشخص می شوند، سپس نمره های عاملی به دست می آیند و در نهایت تفاوت یا فاصله بین موردها بر اساس نمره های عاملی مشخص می شود، در صورتی که در تحلیل ابعاد، چرخه برعکس است. در اینجا تفاوت یا فاصله بین افراد مشخص است و قصد داریم با تحلیل این تفاوت ها به ابعاد زیربنایی بردارهای تفاوت دارای طول مشخص برسیم. به همین دلیل این موضوع که وقتی عامل ها از داده ها استخراج شدند، آیا تحلیل تفاوت های فردی در نمره های عاملی ما را به ابعاد اولیه باز می گرداند یا نه، جالب توجه است. در پیشینه تحلیل ابعاد با عناوین، مقیاس بندی چندبعدی، تحلیل چندبعدی، تحلیل شباهت، تحلیل تفاوت (فاصله) و آشکارسازی چندبعدی مورد اشاره قرار گرفته و بسته به مقیاس داده ها، متریک (فاصله ای) یا نامتریک (رتبه ای)، از روش های مختلفی برای این موضوع استفاده می شود (رمل ، 1988).

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