

2023 - 2014


Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The current research aimed at studying the challenges of training outsourcing to companies providing training from the viewpoints of managers and experts. This is an applied research in which descriptive survey was used as the data collecting method. Population included all managers and training experts in charge of organizations in the top100 companies in Tehran, among which 83 persons were randomly selected. A researcher-made questionnaire with 55 multiple-choice tests was used for data collection. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were confirmed by academicians and the Cronbach’s Alpha, respectively. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings illustrate that experts and managers supported the quality of training services in selected companies. In addition, they had a positive view about the outsourcing of training and there was no significant relationship between their views on outsourcing of training in regard to demographic variables. The most salient strengths in outsourcing of training in companies can be named as enhancing facilities, improving performance, reducing expenses and concentrating on main purposes whereas the most important weaknesses can be listed as follow: not accessing to appropriate information about companies, missing competitive advantages, facing the difficulties in working with new contractors and increasing required resources for communication management. Finally, the major solutions have been presented in order to improve outsourcing in the companies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study intends to investigate the role of individual and environmental characteristics of teachers in transfer of learning in the sixth grade. A correlation method was performed to identify the relationships between variables that affect transfer of learning. The population was the sixth grade teachers in the district one and two of Ardabil City, who participated in summer training programs in school 1392-1393. Regarding the questionnaire items, 205 questionnaires were distributed randomly among the participants. Instruments including Teacher Professionalism Questionnaires, teacher self- efficacy, principal support, peer support and transfer of learning were used for data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis used to prove construct validity of the instruments. Path analysis results showed as follows: Peer support has- directly and indirectly- a positive effect on the transfer of learning as one of the school environmental factors through teacher professionalism (as a mediating variable), but the effect of this variable on teachers' self-efficacy was not significant. Also, principal support has an indirect positive effect on the transfer of learning, but the direct effect of principal support and self-efficacy on the transfer of learning was not significant. The results also shows that the transfer of learning to the workplace largely depends on teachers’ professionalism and peer support from the transferring process and the use of leanings in the classroom. The results can improve the schools’ environment and the management of personal and environmental factors, and finally can facilitate the transfer of learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The fundamental aim of this study is investigating level of managers’ support from employees training and development in the municipality of Tehran. The study employed a mixed method research in which qualitative and quantitative data were collected using interview and questionnaire. In this study, interview was conducted, by using purposive sampling, 8 training managers and questionnaires conducted by using stratified random sampling, 61 managers and 315 employees were selected. The qualitative data were analyzed using the descriptive, analytical and interpretive method. To analyze quantitative data, one-sample T test, independent T test and MANOVA was used. The research findings show that the most areas of supporting are: the resource allocation (time and proper equipment) for using learning content in workplace. The most important supporting level from the perspectives views of employees and managers are: to help to increasing the level of interest and motivation of employees to training and the opportunity use of training benefits (financial benefits, certification. Also the research findings showed that from the perspective of managers and employees, the most important barriers of managers’ support were high workload .For motivating employees to attend in training courses and sufficient support of training by managers also suggested that senior manager play as a template and attending and engaging in employees training and development activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The current research aimed to offer a conceptual framework for utilization of social software in e-learning process management. In this research, after reviewing the relevant literature, social software were identified based on their relevancy with subject and frequency of usage and an initial conceptual framework was offered based on the application of social software in each stage of e-learning process management and the validity of proposed framework was surveyed by polling experts. This is an applied research in which descriptive survey was used as the data collecting method. Eight Web 2.0 applications including Blog, Wiki, Social Networks, RSS, Podcast, Mesh-up, Social Bookmarking and IM were identified, with reviewing the literature. The findings resulted from the analysis of the data collected from experts showed that in e-learning process planning, three Web 2.0 applications including Wiki, Social Networks and Social Bookmarking, in e-learning process control, four Web 2.0 applications including Social Networks, RSS, Social Bookmarking and IM, and in e-learning process organizing and improvement, all identified Web 2.0 applications were respectively verified from the application viewpoint.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study intends to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the faculty development (FD) in the University of Tehran. An exploratory mixed method study was conducted in two phases: qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative phase, the factors affecting the development of faculty members were identified and categorized through semi-structured interviews with 15 experts who were selected by purposive sampling. In the quantitative phase, the viewpoints of 282 persons of faculty members of Tehran University who were selected by stratified relative sampling procedure were collected in the form of descriptive research method and the measurement tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. Two general categories of factors were identified as a result of qualitative phase, through open and axial coding method: 1. Personal factors and 2. Organizational factors. Then, in quantitative phase, data were analyzed by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, and also factors affecting the FD were prioritized. The results indicate that among personal factors, the personality characteristics of faculty members with the relative weight of 0.302 has the greatest impact on FD and then motivation, academic background, professional commitments, and responsibility are respectively with the relative weight of 0.251, 0.194, 0.135, and 0.118. The highest priority among organizational factors is organizational culture and climate with the relative weight of 0.277 and then factors such as career promotion system, management, development opportunities, and also structural factors and economic factors are in the relative ratios of 0.216, 0.18, 0.138, 0.104, and 0.85.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present article aims to study the feasibility of implementing knowledge management as well as investigating the difference in views of scientific board members and personnel of Islamshahr Azad University. For this purpose, Pawlowsky model has been used to measure the dimensions and components of knowledge management, due to cultural consistency and identifiable evident dimensions with structures of Iran’s organizations. Measurement tool is a researcher-made questionnaire approved by 5 persons of scholars in field of management. Its validity was determined 95% through Cronbach’s alpha test, and it was implemented among scientific board members and personnel. Single sample T test was used for studying the feasibility of knowledge management implementation. According to the obtained results of subjects: there is not the possibility to implement the components of knowledge identification, knowledge generation, knowledge publication, knowledge integration, and knowledge transmission in 3 dimensions of organizational structure, information and communication technology, and human resources in Islamshahr Azad University. 2 groups average comparison test has been used for investigating the difference between views of scientific board members and personnel on necessary preparations to implement knowledge management system. The results show that there is not a significant difference between the views of scientific board members and personnel in any of dimensions and components. It was found by Freedman degree test with regarding to the goals of the research that there is difference between indexes in terms of preparation degree, and knowledge generation is more prepared rather than other indexes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was conducted to determine the impact of trainee characteristics, training design and working environment on the transfer of learning in banking industry. The research method was descriptive, non-experimental causal study. The population was included 74 employees who have participated in the Banking 1 training courses for 80 hours in 1391 at Fereshtegan Finance & Credit Institute. To this aim, a random sample of 55 employees who participated in the course, were selected. To measure trainee characteristics, training design and work environment, a researcher-made questionnaire was applied. The Validity of the questionnaire was approved by scholars in the field of Management and also Educational Sciences. Its reliability was found to be 0.85. To measure the transfer of learning a researcher-made questionnaire used and its validity was verified by organization’s experts and was finally confirmed by academicians of educational sciences and its reliability was 0.75. Analyzing data was performed by using singlesample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and simple and multiple regressions. Results showed that behavior change in Fereshtegan Finance & Credit Institute is undesirable and has a gap with the ideal mean. Main findings showed that there is not a significant relationship between the transfer of learning and trainee characteristics with components such as individual conditions, motivation, self-efficacy and the perception of training productivity and so cannot predict the transfer of learning. Regarding sub-hypotheses, there is a significant relationship between training design and the transfer of learning and as a result it can be predicted. No significant relationship was found between the transfer of learning and working environment with components of “supports for working environment” and “environmental incentives” and so cannot predict the transfer of learning.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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