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Alvandi Pedram | Khaniki Hadi | Akbarzadeh Jahromi Seyed Jamal


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Over the past decade, the pattern of news consumption has changed dramatically, and audiences receiving news more and more through social media and mobile messengers. This trend began with the digitalization and convergence phenomenon, continued with the advent of networked journalism, and with the centralization of platforms led to fundamental changes in the news media ecosystem.The main mechanisms of the platforms, namely "datafication", "commodification" and "selection" have been influential in this transformational process. The platform algorithms also pursue three activities: "attraction", "facilitation" and "adaptation" to attract users/audiences, facilitate their movement on the platform and provide services based on their needs. Behavior of platforms has had various consequences, including the decline of traditional revenue models for the media and the migration of audiences and advertisers to platforms. Overall, the processes resulting from "platformization" have led to redefining processes and the relationship between actors in the news media ecosystem. . .

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Alikhani Zohre


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چکیدهبا توجه به پیوستگی دین و رسانه در ایران و نیز توجهات گسترده نظری به مبحث رسانه دینی در سال های اخیر و نیز با در نظر گرفتن اهمیت فهم و ایضاح مفهومی«رسانه دینی» در این پژوهش به تحلیل مقالات ایرانی درباره رسانه دینی پرداخته شده است.در این مرور نظام-مند دلالت های ضمنی و بعضا صریح نویسندگان درباره رسانه دینی مورد نظر بوده و چگونگی فضای مفهومی و فکری این مقالات و نویسندگان شانرمورد توجه قرار گرفته است.بنابر این سوال اساسی این تحقیق آن است که به لحاظ مفهومی چه تلقی از مفهوم رسانه دینی در میان تحقیقات ایرانی و میان صاحبنظران عرصه دین و رسانه وجود دارد؟ به همین منظور پس از مروری بر نظریه های سه گانه دین و رسانه با استفاده از نگاهی فراتحلیلی،همه مقالات ایرانی مرتبط با موضوع و در حیطه جستجوی نویسنده مبنای کار قرار گرفته است.یافته های تحقیق در چهار محور شامل مسایل و موضوعات پژوهش ها،وجود/امکان رسانه دینی،تعریف رسانه دینی،نوع رسانه مورد نظر پژوهش ها،و نوع دین مورد توجه پژوهش ها ارایه شده است.نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که نگاه کلی حاکم بر تحقیقات ایرانی در حیطه رسانه دینی،نگاهی هنجاری با رویکرد و مبنای نظری ابزارگرایانه است.این نگاه در همه حیطه های مسایل و موضوعات،وجود و امکان رسانه دینی،تعریف رسانه دینی،مصداق و مفهوم رسانه و نیز دین،و همچنین در مبناها و رویکردهای نظری پژوهش ها خود را نشان می دهد.

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Although the beginning of the press in Iran was state-owned and after that it was formed under the supervision of the government of the time, after that there was a kind of security control over the press, in such a way that the Iranian press went through many ups and downs in These years passed. After the Islamic revolution, the media have experienced many ups and downs in terms of freedom and independence. The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the independence of editorial offices and to provide solutions to improve it. This research is qualitative and practical. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview was conducted in a theoretical saturation method with 10 responsible managers and directors of non-governmental news agencies and media experts using thematic analysis method. The findings of the research show the economic weakness of the media and the insufficient livelihood of journalists, the lack of job security and the unstable continuity of work, the method of distributing government subsidies and the governmentization of advertising, the lack of a strong journalist trade union, the fear of having a security record for journalists, self-censorship, controls Direct and indirect government and the impossibility of creativity are the factors that have the greatest impact on the independence process of news agencies.

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New technologies such as virtual social networks are changing the existing structures of society and creating new structures. In Iran, this issue has penetrated into the lives of social groups by making changes in the relations and relationships, and has removed their relations from the traditional situation and entered the world of technology. One of these elements that has undergone a good transformation is the social capital of users in this field, which according to the functions of social networks in the social capital of users, is the purpose of this study. This research is of quantitative and survey type. Telegram users in Tehran are considered as the statistical population of this research, considering that the number of Telegram users in Tehran is unknown, so the research population is unlimited and the sample is equal to 384 people.The results of the research hypotheses according to the path analysis test showed; The economic function of social networks has a significant effect on the social capital of Telegram users; The political function of social networks has a significant negative effect on the social capital of Telegram users; The function of social networking has a significant effect on the social capital of Telegram users and the self-declared function of social networks has a significant effect on the social capital of Telegram users.

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New social networks are effective tools in expanding knowledge and political awareness. Therefore, in the new age when these networks have found an important role in communication and virtual space has become the arena of various personal and social exchanges, it is necessary to pay more attention to their role. Therefore, the current research, taking into account the importance of these networks in today's Iranian society, considers four modern social networks, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram and Twitter, and deals with the issue of how the usage of these networks is related to It has the category of political awareness and social anomie. For this purpose, the views of the citizens of Ilam province were investigated with a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of this research is the residents of Ilam province aged 18 and above and the sample size is 440 people. Data analysis was done with tools used in social science research (SPSS 23). The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between the use of new social networks and political awareness with a coefficient of 0.197. Also, there is a significant relationship between the use of new social networks and social anomie with a coefficient of 0.264. In separating the impact of each of these networks, only the WhatsApp social network does not have a significant impact on political awareness and social anomie.

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Social media has become a public space that various messages are spread. Here, political propagandists spread messages for their own purposes to influence public opinion.The situation that has arisen for social media, especially in Iran, has made the future of this space ambiguous in terms of political propaganda exploits. In this study, which was conducted using the Swat method, an attempt was made to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the social media environment for political propaganda purposes, and the opportunities and threats that this new media platform has for political propaganda purposes in an interview with media elites. Identify social media, journalism and public relations.The focus of this research is social media space in Iran. Accordingly, after analyzing the results and using inferential methods with the SPSS program, it was determined that in the future, social media will be the main platform for political advertising, and therefore creating dependence for users on advertising messages will be seriously relevant. Research has shown that facilitating public mobilization is one of the main strengths of social media. The use of deception techniques in both social media and contexts is one of the weaknesses, but it has less effect against many strengths.The results of evaluating the matrix of internal and external factors of the research showed that the best strategy for political propaganda on social media is the Diversity Strategy (WO), so by reducing the weaknesses of the social media platform for political propaganda, the existing opportunities can be maximized.

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Shabani Minaabad Malahat


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Linguistic expressions are, at least in part, collaborative efforts in which each participant in the conversation identifies a goal or set of goals or recognizes the agreed-upon direction in the conversation. This goal, or direction, can be fixed from the beginning; Or change during word exchange. Paul Grace (1975) proposed the principle of cooperation with its four general rules as a guide to the ideal relationship in semantics and communication. The purpose of this study was to investigate the information messages related to Covid 19 or New Coronavirus 2019 in radio, television, and newspapers using the principles of Grace (1975) collaboration through pragmatics. One of the important aspects of language pragmatics is the study of implicit meanings of parts of speech and contextual meanings. For this reason, this study has examined the information messages related to Covid 19 disease or the new 2019 coronavirus using the four principles of Grace (1975) collaboration. This research has been done by analytical-descriptive method. After collecting the data from the information messages related to Covid 19 or the new Coronavirus 2019, the researcher has separated the newspapers, radio and television, using the four principles of Grace cooperation and analyzed them using Spss software. . The findings of this study show that there is a significant relationship between information messages related to Covid 19 or New Coronavirus 2019 radio, newspapers and principles of Grace cooperation.

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Rasoulof Ramin | Rasekh Keramatollah | Biyabannavard Sarvestani Alireza


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Revolutionary newspapers played a decisive role during the Constitutional Revolution. The two newspapers Ruh al-Quds and Surasrafil are prominent among these newspapers. The Ruh al-Quds newspaper published a total of 73 editorials, articles, and letters, of which 59 editorials and articles were critical; In other words, 80% of the newspaper content was critical. The publication of Surasrafil newspaper started with the victory of the Constitutional Revolution and lasted until the coup d'etat of Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar. During this period, 32 issues of this newspaper were published. The present study, by looking at the role of the press in the constitutional revolution, seeks to examine and express the role of this two newspapers in raising public awareness. The research method of this research is content analysis. The content of these two newspapers is analyzed according to the goals of the them. The findings of this study show that these two newspapers acted during the constitutional revolution by promoting libertarian ideas and criticizing the authoritarian system.

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The power of social media in today's world can be likened to a communication explosion that has created a wide connection between people. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of social networks on the development of sports culture and interest in public and championship sports. The statistical population of the study included all male high school students in Kermanshah province. The sample size of the study was determined based on Cochran's formula of 155 people who were selected using simple random sampling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information. The validity of the questionnaires in terms of form and content was confirmed by professors of sports management and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient test. Smart pls 2 software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the diversity and breadth of virtual communication networks, easy access to virtual communication networks and trust in cyberspace, security of virtual communication networks, cost-effectiveness of virtual communication networks have a significant effect on the interest of high school male students in sports. Appropriate operational planning to interact with various virtual social networks and use their capacities to develop sports, especially among adolescents, to create more interest in sports through media such as radio, television, newspapers And websites can be effective by diversifying virtual applications.

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In recent years, some media and social networks have created new issues and problems regarding the state of citizens' political participation in elections. Among these, the role of online and virtual social networks has a special prominence. These networks have played a serious role in the field of political and social power by taking hold of public opinion and stimulating its control and direction. This influence is to such an extent that it has even affected the process of various elections, until even the presidential elections of the United States of America in 2016 and 2020 were not immune from them. Therefore, the present study was written with the aim of understanding the pattern of social networks in the management of the 2016 and 2020 American election behavior from the perspective of experts, and to achieve this goal, the grounded theory method was used.. The result of the basic theory is a new approach that consists of the characteristics of the above categories. This approach is based on the "irrationality of the rationality of social networks" approach. This approach has features such as: making policies and people more democratic, the colorful role of the content production sector by users, avoiding directing public opinion, providing quick information, using the funds of the elite sector. And experts, the flow is from the bottom to the top, avoiding the use of behavior identification algorithms, being responsive and active participation of the people.Keywords: US presidential elections, social networks, virtual space.

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Relationships are very important in social life; because they represent many social realities. In the proverbs of the Lak people, kinship relations are seen. This reflects the long-standing culture of this people and the experience gained in these proverbs. In this research, the aim is to investigate the kinship relations in Laki triangles by descriptive-analytical method. The most important questions that are raised in this regard are what are the issues about relatives in Laki's proverbs? How is the importance of relatives in Laki's proverbs? What is the reason for the conflicting opinions about some relatives in Laki's parables? Topics such as patriarchy, matriarchy, betrayal and disloyalty, expecting too much, preferring strangers over relatives, raising children, equality between boys and girls, jealousy, own superiority over strangers, the importance of relatives, etc are in proverbs of Laki. Lakians care their relatives more than others. The reason for the opposition of proverbs in the field of male and female gender is that each of these proverbs was made in the era of dominance of patriarchy and matriarchy.

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