Along with the development of science and technology quality skills training in prisons has been extended. The prison which could cause serious injury problems and deviant behaviors are suffering. Skills training to increase self-confidence and awareness of their potential and improve the status of women in the family has had a great impact. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the status of deviant behaviors skill Tasyramvzshhay women's penitentiary Gorgan. Deviant behaviors, including six aspects: anomalies of theft, fraud, public, drugs, alcohol and sex are women as half of the population have a significant impact on reducing distortions and community development. Field survey methods and data have been collected. Statistical. jamh Gorgan prison inmates are women whose number is 180.The sample included all members of the target population census, so instead of sampling is used. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Credit instruments by face validity and reliability using Cronbachs alpha (0.725)has been approved. To test the hypothesis advanced research techniques and statistical methods were used to fit the measured variables. The results showed that the effect of training on the skills of deviant behaviors between trained and untrained women in prison, there is no significant difference. Other results showed that the female sex, marital status, education, ethnicity, length of sentence and the motive of the crime, employment status, media consumption, and there was no significant difference in age with deviant behaviors. So that more women, married, more than singles, and younger than older workers unemployed for more than six have tended to deviant behaviors And the dimensions of deviant behaviors only Significant differences between the two groups abnormalities alcohol trained and untrained indicated. The sentence increases deviant behaviors also increase.