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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Syntetic drugs has emerged recently as a new form of drugs of abuse. Modeling drug use spread from drug users to other persons, as in communicable diseases, has been utilized in drug abuse researches for more than three decades, and using this model can be very useful for study on drug in their nascence in a community. Methods: This is a historical cohort study on diffusion of ecstasy use in the peer group of an ecstasy user. The study participants consist of persons acknowledged their ecstasy use, in treatment facilities or other ways. As index cases, we asked them to mention the first time of ecstasy use in their peers and define the ecstasy use status of them by the time of interview. Results: Thirty index cases named 156 peers, among them 43 (27.6%) have started ecstasy use after  them, and 25 (16.0%) have not tried it yet, also 43 friends (27.6%) had tried this substance before the index cases and another 43 ones (27.6%) have tried ecstasy for the first time simultaneously with the index cases. Since there were 68 peers who had not used ecstasy after the time that index cases had tried this drug, and therefore, they were at risk of first ecstasy use; the secondary attack rate of this disease was 0.63 (95% Cl:0.43-0.93) and the basic reproductive rate was 1.59 (95% Cl: 0.98-2.58). The median ecstasy-free survival was 15 months (95% Cl: 8-22 months) and the highest risk of transmission was in the first 10 months after an index case used first ecstasy. Factors that affect the survival time were index case age, peer age, absolute age difference between index and his/her peer, and using alcohol by the index case. Discussion: This is the first study on diffusion of ecstasy use in the peer group of a user, mode ling it as a communicable disease and using survival models. It shows that ecstasy use is a moderately highly infectious disease and we can say, with some caution, that its use is increasing.

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Estimating amount of the blood supply needed in hospitals is one of the fundamental planning issues in all blood transfusion centers so that based on this data the relevant centers would be able to ensure the required blood through appropriate planning and allocation of the necessary facilities. The goal of the present study was to estimate the required blood collections in the country, based on the calculations of the blood use in the previous year and the number of active hospital beds in Mashad and Kerman cities as a model, so that it would be possible to estimate needs more precisely and ensure the availability of blood and blood components for the use of hospitals throughout Iran. Method: In this study, different methods currently used to estimate the needed blood supply according to population, active hospital beds, the condition of special patients in the region, the study of blood requests by medical centers of Mashad and Kerman were analyzed Then, a suitable model to estimate the need blood supply in the country was recommended. Results: The results show that in the cities of Mashad and Kerman 11.15 and 6.77 blood units were ordered per active hospital bed, respectively. These data combined with the rate of blood use in the previous year indicate that in Mashad and Kerman 25.3 and 17.5 blood units were ordered per 1000 habitants of the total regional population from blood transfusion centers. Discussion: It can be concluded that none of the above methods alone is an exact and correct estimate for the required blood of the country and Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization (IBTO) should embark on this estimation by considering the population of any region, the available active hospital beds, the program for the increase of the number of beds, the number of special patients, and the activity of Plasma Research and Fractionation Center. Hence, due to the results of this study, it is recommended that the volume of blood collections increase from approximately 1,400,000 at present to approximately 1, 781,500.

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View 760

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Lead is one of the most toxic heavy metals in acute and chronic human toxicity. Due to immense side effects of long- term exposure of people to contamination, lead contamination is one of the serious problems in different communities especially in developing countries. In our pervious study, we evaluated the amount of lead in the bread used in six districts of Shiraz city. The results revealed high lead contamination in the bread used in the fifth district. In this study we are going to find the source of contamination in the view of bread ingredients. Methods: Samples of salt, flour and water were collected from 83 backeries in the fifth district of Shiraz city. The salt samples were dissolved in distilled water and the flour samples were dissolved in nitric and perchloric acid. Distilled water was used as blank for salt and water samples whereas nitric and perchloric acid solution was used as blank for flour samples. Lead content of all the samples was detected by atomic absorption with natrium lamp at 283.3 nm. Results: Lead level in salt and water applied by all 83 bakeries was below the standard level (0.05ppm). But this level in flour samples of 9 bakeries was higher than standard level. Discussion: These findings showed that in order to find out the correct reason, there is a need to monitor the internal and external conditions of the bakeries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1493

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is the most common form of retinal detachment (RD), and of the simplest methods of treatment is non-drainage (minimized) surgery without drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF). We aimed to investigate the results of non-drainage retinal reattachment surgery in the patient with RRD, and to assess the anatomical and functional results of this technique. Method: Thirty cases (aged 9-70 years) with RRD were operated and followed for six months. The method of surgery was segmental buckling with or without encircling band, but SRF was not drained and allowed to be absorbed spontaneousiy. Chorioretinal adhesion was induced by cryotherapy around the breaks. Results: In 28 eyes (93%), SRF was absorbed during the first postoperative week. Two cases remained detach due to technical failure (inadequate buckle or hole out of the buckle). Subretinal hemorrhage and retinal incarceration was not seen in any of the cases. Five cases (16.6%) developed redetachment 1-3 month after operation. The reason was new hole formation in 3 cases (9.9%) and PVR in 2 cases (6.6%). Overall, 7 cases underwent reoperation (2 cases simple RD surgery and 5 cases deep vitrectomy) and finally, only in two cases retina remained detached (due to severe vitreous traction and multiple holes or tears). Conclusion: In cases with no or mild vitreous traction and definite accessible hole, this method is preferred, and the same anatomical and functional results can be achieved. A long term large series study is required to evaluate the superiority of this technique over conventional method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Hemodynamic changes are of the intratracheal intubation complications, which anesthesiologists always tend to avoid. In this study, we evaluated hemodynamic changes like HR, BP, post thracheal intubation using Macintosh laryngoscope versus fiberoptic bronchoscope. Methods: Ninety-seven ASA class I, II elective surgery candidates were selected and were divided into two groups of 45 and 52 patients, randomly. Those with excessive obesity, difficult intubations, and systemic disorders like hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders and Cesarean candidates were excluded. After using standard monitoring, premeditation and anesthesia induction were done with same methods for all the patients. Intubations period was recorded in seconds. Hemo-dynamic changes like HR, BP, SaO2 in 4 different times were recorded either. All the information was analyzed using SPSS program and using t-test and Chi-square test. Results: There was no significant difference between the operational period and age and sex of subjects. Intubational period in fiberoptic group was significantly longer than the Macintosh group. There were significant differences between the two groups in mean SaO2 and mean arterial pressure 30 seconds after intubations. Heart rate after intubations did not show any significant different between the groups. Conclusion: Considering all the above results, it seems that intubations using fiberoptic bronchoscopes causes more hemodynamic changes compared with Macintosh laryngoscope. Considering the proportional equal conditions like anesthesia type and method, premedication, age, sex, etc, this difference is likely arised due to the effects of fiberoptic bronchoscope on lower part of trachea.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 856

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Several reports have indicated that chlorophenols are toxic chemicals and recalcitrant to biodegradation. Advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) are one of the most effective processes for degradation of persistent compounds. Since the mineralization of recalcitrant compounds by AOPs often requires long reaction time and strong dose of oxidant, combination of this process with biological one is considered as one efficient and economic method. Methods: In this work treatment of 2,4,6 TCP wastewater by Fenton's is oxidation in batch reactor and combination of Fenton reaction with activated sludge for removal of TCP in continues mode were studied. Results: Initial concentration of 2,4,6 TCP was 0.6 mM and in pH = 3, [H2O2] =1.8 mM [Fe2+] = 0.6 mM 99% of TCP was degraded in first minute after the reaction was started COD analysis indicated that TCP did not mineralize because COD reduction was only < 37%. Chloride ion increasing from 0 mg/L to 40mg/L, PH decreasing from 3 to 2.74 and UV215 absorbance decreasing from 3.2 to 0.6 indicated that generated intermediates toxicity reduced and biodegradability enhanced. Pilot study of Fenton's oxidation / activated sludge integration for treatment of 2,4,6 TCP wastewater showed that intermediates in effluent from Fenton reactor (operating at [H2O2] / [Fe2+] =3, [H2O2] / [TCP]=3, pH=3, reaction Time = 1hr [TCP]0 = 120 mg/L aqu COD @ 150 mg/L). Degraded by Activated sludge process and COD reduction were ~ 75%. Increasing of aeration Time from 6 hr to 18 hr has no significant effect on removal efficiency (p=0.005). Increasing of concentration of TCP has no significant effect on removal efficiency (p=0.005). Increasing of glucose into the aeration tank caused that COD removal efficiency increased from 75% to 92%. Conclusion: Results from this study indicated that Fenton’s oxidation process is an effective method for biodegradability Enhancement of 2,4,6 TCP and generated intermediates from Fenton’s oxidation of 2,4,6 TCP are easily Biodegradable compounds.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1410

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Contamination of indoor air by microbial pollutants such as fungi, bacteria and viruses has been increasingly recognized as a public health problem and may be responsible for building-related illness (BRl) and sick building syndrome (SBS). Up to now, the different methods have been applied for killing/inactivation microbial pollutants in indoor air. One of the new methods is UVGI system. This study presents the feasibility of UVGI system in inactivation of air born pathogens. Methods: For this purpose a stand-alone UVGI unit has been used. The characteristics of the studied system are as fallows: radiation 11.2 W, contact time 0.6 S, airflow rate 30 m3/h. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC), ozone, air flow rate and temperature were selected as the most decisive healthy and technological parameters for a practical application. All of the parameters were examined in accordance with the standard methods. Results: This study showed that, this system can inactivate/kill 92.5 percent of microorganisms in passing air flow through the system. Average air temperature in outlet of system was 10 centigrade degree warmer than inlet air. Also, Ozone concentration in samples taken from inlet and outlet of reactor was under detection limit. Conclusion: Based on observed results, the use of tested system in practice seems to be a potential technology for indoor air disinfection without ozone production as a bye-product.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Hereditary hearing loss is the most prevalent form of hearing impairment which affects more than 1 out of 2000 newborns. Non-syndromic hearing loss constitutes more than 70% of hereditary deafness and 80% of which is in autosomal recessive form. Many genes are involved but the most important is amutation in connexin 26 (GJB2) gene which is present in different populations. This mutation causes ARNSHL. The aim of this project was to determine the prevalence of the most common connexin 26 gene mutations i.e. 35delG in our non-syndromic deaf population. Methods: Patients were selected from those who referred for ear-trumpet, cochlear implant, genetic consultation, and etc. These patients meet the criteria of autosomal recessive inheritance. The procedure was mainly using ARMS/PCR method to identify the mutation. Results: Totally 295 patients were studied but only 12% showed 35delG mutation in their analysis. Conclusion: The intra-population differences observed in this research, indicates that different factors might be involved in the seen pattern. This result is not in accordance with some other worldwide studies and shows other probable dominant mutations or loci to be involved in our population.

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Hakim Journal

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Introduction: Although long-term effects of malnutrition on growth and metabolic indices have been investigated in several case-control studies but the effects of long-term marginal vitamin A deficiency have not been studied yet. In this regard a dietary study on growth and metabolic indices was conducted in a rat model during gestation and for two generations. Methods: First, seventeen pregnant rats were fed randomly a vitamin A sufficient (VAS) or vitamin A marginal (VAM) diet, from the first day of gestation until last day of lactating their pups. In the next stage from female offspring in VAM group, 14 pups were fed randomly VAS (Recovery group) or VAM diet. Seven female pups in VAS group (Control) were fed with the same diet. After mating and confirmation of pregnancy, feeding adult animals with the same diet continued in each group till termination of lactation. This procedure continued until the puberty of second-generation pups. Weight and height of all animals were recorded at puberty. Furthermore, hematological parameters were studied in all animals after termination of lactating period. Obtained data were analyzed using SPSS (version 10) software. Results: This study showed that marginal vitamin A deficiency can affect height of rats in the second generation significantly. Meanwhile, this vitamin A deficiency was accompanied with significant reduction in serum retinal and increased levels of serum TG, cholesterol, glucose and insulin. Conclusion: These data suggest that chronic marginal vitamin A deficiency during gestation and two generations compromises growth and metabolic indices in rat and these detrimental effects can be transferred to the next generations.

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